記事タイトル(原文):Japanese Media Censor Statement about Human Rights Abuses of Religious Minorities
日本語訳: Yoshi
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WASHINGTON, Nov. 15, 2010 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- A press release announcing that human rights advocates are calling on Japan to stop persecution and imprisonment of religious minorities was refused for distribution in Japan by K.K. Kyodo News Agency on November 11, 2010. The press release provides details about coordinated protests taking place in several major cities throughout the United States on November 16th to pressure Japanese officials to stop the abuse and discrimination of minority religious believers in that country.
ワシントン 2010年11月15日 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- 人権活動家が日本の宗教少数者に対する迫害、拉致監禁をやめるようにとのプレスリリースを発表したが、11月11日、共同通信社は、そのプレスリリースの日本での配信を拒否した。そのプレスリリースには、日本での宗教少数者への虐待と差別をやめさせるよう日本政府に圧力をかけるため、11月16日に全米のいくつかの都市で行われる抗議行動の詳細が記されている。
Since 1966, more than 4,000 members of the Unification Church of Japan have been confined by their families and "deprogrammers"Â in an attempt to force them leave the religion which they, as adults, freely chose to join.
Currently, 10 to 20 Unificationists in Japan are abducted each year. Victims who escape their captors report the use of force, prison-like conditions, and intense pressure to change his or her faith. There have been reports of beatings, starvation, and rape.
"By refusing to report human rights abuses in their own country, the Japanese media are complicit in the cover-up being perpetrated by the Japanese government," said Dan Fefferman, President of the International Coalition for Religious Freedom. "This cover-up calls into question Japan's commitment to freedom of the press. It also calls into question other human rights abuses the Japanese media may be covering up in order to protect Japanese officials."
2010-11-16 朝:原文と簡単な要約のみアップ
2010-11-19 夜:完了
posted by 管理人:Yoshi at 07:27|
メディア 米国
