
Yahoo News:日本で21000名のデモ

記事タイトル(原文):More Than 21,000 Rally to Protest Japan's Ongoing Human Rights and Religious Freedom Violations
日本語訳: Yoshi

この記事は、アメリカのYahoo Newsに出たものです。その他、CNBCニュースでも扱われました。

そして、今回は、Nikkei News(英語版)でも、12月7日に記事がリンクされいました。Nikkei News は他のニュースもそうなのですが、記事をクリックすると、配信元のウェブサイトに飛ぶようになっています。今では、数日経っているので、探すのは一苦労ですけど・・・

配信元 PRNewswire

TOKYO, Dec. 6, 2010 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- The following is being issued by the International Coalition for Religious Freedom:

東京 2010-12-6 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- ICRF(国際宗教自由連合)により、次の事柄が発表された。

More than 21,000 people throughout Japan rallied to protest human rights and religious freedom violations – yet the Japanese government and media continue to ignore calls for investigations into abductions and forced conversions.


Despite the massive outpouring in all 47 prefectures in Japan – with 3,200 people gathering in Tokyo alone – the government refuses to address the issue, and the Japanese news media continues to neglect coverage of the events. The Kyodo news agency even refused to run a media advisory on its basic newswire service.


In Tokyo, organizers presented a petition to the Diet, calling on Japanese lawmakers to investigate and hold public officials accountable to uphold Japanese anti-abduction laws and constitutional guarantees of religious freedom. The petition was addressed to the speaker of Japan's House of Representatives, Takahiro Yokomichi, and the president of the House of Councilors, Takeo Nishioka. Several Diet members received the petitions in front of the Diet Building.


The main speakers at the Tokyo event included Toru Goto, the victim of a 12-year confinement and now chairman of the Japanese Victims Association against Religious Kidnapping and Forced Conversion, and Masayoshi Kajikuri, chairman of the Unification Church's Japan Kidnapping-Confinement Task Force. "Faith-breaking under forced confinement is a kind of spiritual rape," Mr. Goto declared. "It is time for Japan to live up to our constitution and protect the rights of religious believers to choose their own religion."

東京大会でのメインスピーカーは、12年間拉致監禁された被害者であり、今は「全国 拉致監禁・強制改宗被害者の会」会長をしている後藤徹氏、統一教会の「拉致監禁対策委員会」の委員長である梶栗正義だった。後藤氏は、「監禁下での強制改宗は、精神的レイプのようなものだ。今、日本は、私たちの憲法に従い、宗教信者がの宗教を選択する自由を守るときである。」と、語った。

In addition, Mrs. Namiko Katagiri, a former victim who had been confined to an apartment in Sapporo city for five months, read the petition. Despite the pleas of her husband, police refused to search for her or to assist in her release after he located her confinement place.

さらに、札幌市のアパートに5ヶ月も監禁された被害者、カタギリ ナミコさんが、請願書を読み上げた。彼女の夫の懸命なお願いにもかかわらず、警察は彼女を捜すこともせず、監禁場所が分った後でも彼女を解放するために助けもしなかった。

The protests in Japan come as similar marches and rallies are being held in the U.S. to draw attention to the human rights violations perpetrated on Unification Church members, who have been confined by "faith-breakers" in an attempt to force them leave the religion. Experts confirm that the government and police have done little to stop the practice“ a violation of both Japanese law and international human rights standards.


The rally was sponsored by the International Coalition for Religious Freedom, the Unification Church, and an association of victims who returned to the Unification Church after escaping or being released from confinement.



More than 4,000 Unification Church members have been subjected to human rights violations during the past 40 years. Between 10 and 20 Unification Church members are abducted in Japan each year to undergo forced de-conversions. Victims who escape their captors report the use of force and prison-like conditions. There have been reports of beatings, starvation and rape. Approximately 1,300 abductees have returned to the Unification Church after their ordeals. As frustration with Japan's inaction mounts, victims have been increasingly speaking out on the abduction issue.

For more information on the Japan abduction issue: http://stopjapanabductions.org/. Follow us on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Stop-Japan-Abductions/145646672144455. View images of events: http://www.flickr.com/photos/stopjapanabductions/.

About ICRF

The International Coalition for Religious Freedom is a non-profit, non-sectarian, educational organization dedicated to defending the religious freedom of all, regardless of creed, gender or ethnic origin.

SOURCE International Coalition for Religious Freedom
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Yahooニュース - 拉致監禁の人権侵害を訴え、東京で数千名デモ

記事タイトル(原文):Thousands Rally in Japan to Defend Religious Freedom and Protest Human Rights Violations
日本語訳: Yoshi


今回の記事は、2010年12月3日(金)に東京で行われる3000名規模の拉致監禁に反対する抗議行動に関する情報です。発信元はICRF(国際宗教自由連合=統一教会の関連組織)で、PRNewswireにより配信されました。きょうの記事は、Yahoo (アメリカ)ニュースからとりました。

NEW YORK, Dec. 2, 2010 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- More than 20,000 Japanese citizens are expected to rally on December 3 to "Protect Japanese Human rights and Religious Freedom." Beginning at 11 a.m. in Tokyo's Hibiya Park, more than 3,000 demonstrators will commence the protest that will see similar gatherings scheduled in all 47 prefectures throughout the country. After rallying, the Tokyo protestors will conduct a formal demonstration in Hibiya's Large Music Hall at noon.

ニューヨーク 2010-12-02/PRNewswire-USNewssire/ -- 人権と宗教の自由を守るための抗議行動が12月3日行われ、合計2万名以上の参加が予想されている。東京では日比谷公園で、午前11時に始まり、3000名以上が参加する予定である。同時に、似たような集会が日本中47都道府県で行われる。集会のあと、東京の参加者は、正午に日比谷公演大音楽堂でデモを開始する。

The protests will seek to draw attention to the ongoing human rights violations of Unification Church members who have been confined by "faith-breakers" in an attempt to force them leave the religion. Experts confirm that the government and police have done little to stop the practice“ a violation of both Japanese law and international human rights standards.


"Deprogramming is a kind of spiritual rape involving kidnapping, false imprisonment, and a fundamental abuse of the human right to religious freedom," said Mr. Toru Goto, an abduction victim who has become an icon of religious persecution. Mr. Goto recently spoke to more than 150 scholars at the annual conference of the Center for Studies on New Religions (CESNUR) to detail his terrifying experience of kidnap at torture at the hands of religious deprogrammers in Japan. He will be at the rally in Tokyo to show his support for the cause.



The rally is sponsored by the International Coalition for Religious Freedom, the Unification Church, and an association of victims who returned to the Unification Church after escaping or being released from confinement.


More than UC 4,000 members have been subjected to human rights violations over the past 40 years. Between 10 to 20 Unification Church members are currently abducted each year in Japan to undergo forced de-conversions. Victims who escape their captors report the use of force, prison-like conditions, and intense pressure to change his or her faith. There have been reports of beatings, starvation, and rape. Approximately 1,300 abductees have returned to the church after their ordeals. As frustration of Japan's inaction mounts, victims have been increasingly speaking out on the abduction issue.


For event logistics contact: Toru Goto 03-6320-9628. For more information on the Japan abduction issue: http://stopjapanabductions.org/ Follow us on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Stop-Japan-Abductions/145646672144455. View images of events: http://www.flickr.com/photos/stopjapanabductions/.

About ICRF

The International Coalition for Religious Freedom is a non-profit, non-sectarian, educational organization dedicated to defending the religious freedom of all, regardless of creed, gender or ethnic origin.

SOURCE International Coalition for Religious Freedom

2010-12-03 夜:追加




posted by 管理人:Yoshi at 09:54| Comment(2) | TrackBack(0) | 抗議行動/デモ 日本 | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする