
インジン・ムーン牧師 (米)国会議事堂内で「拉致監禁」を訴える



インジン・ムーン牧師は、アメリカ統一教会の会長で、統一教会ムーン教祖の三女。韓国で生まれ、1973年にアメリカに移住。1984年にDr.Jin Sung Park と結婚後も、コロムビア大学で、政治学/哲学を学び、その後、5人の子供を育てながら、ハーバード神学校で学んだ。2008年4月に、マンハッタンセンターのCEOに、2008年8月に、アメリカ統一教会の会長兼CEOに任命された。

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アーロン・ローズ博士 (米)国会議事堂内で「拉致監禁」を訴える

2012年7月30日(月)、アメリカ国務省の「2011年度版 国際宗教自由報告書」が、クリントン国務長官により発表された。その報告書の日本に関する部分は、前回の記事で扱ったが、アメリカ国務省が、ベルギーの「国境なき人権」が発表した「日本の改宗目的の拉致監禁」の報告書を確認した形となった。

その二日後、2012年8月1日(水)お昼どき、アメリカの首都、ワシントンDCのキャピトル・ヒル(連邦議会)の一室で、ある会見 (briefing) が行われた。その会見のタイトルは、「同盟国での宗教迫害に対するアメリカの対応 (America's Response to Religious Persecution in Allied Nations)」いうものだった。その会見は、Universal Peace Federation ( 天宙平和連合 = 統一教会の関連団体)により主催された。


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アメリカ世界平和女性連合(=WFWP 統一教会の関連団体)が2011年3月9日(火)にプレス・リリースを発表し、3月15日(火)に、メリーランド州ボウウィーの人権擁護大会で、元国務次官補である、エレン・サウアーブレイ女史が拉致監禁問題でスピーチを行い、また、3月22日(火)には、首都ワシントンDC(ホワイトハウス正面の公園)にて、「日本の宗教的拉致監禁」反対の抗議行動を行うことを明らかにした。


記事タイトル(原文):Bush Administration Official to Speak at Press Event in Bowie
日本語訳: Yoshi

Wednesday, March 09, 2011
Bush Administration Official to Speak at Press Event in Bowie
Former Ambassador Ellen Sauerbrey to Speak at Program to Protest Religious Freedom Abuses in Japan


Washington, DC – Former Assistant Secretary of State Ellen Sauerbrey is expected to speak at a press conference called by the Women’s Federation for World Peace (WFWP) at 10:30 a.m. Tuesday, March 15, 2011 at the Bowie Public Library (15210 Annapolis Road, Bowie Maryland) to call attention to religious kidnapping and forced de-conversion of Unificationists in Japan. The event was called by Angelika Selle, President of the WFWP and a longtime resident of Bowie. Speakers will include Mrs. Diane Abendroth of Bowie, who endured religious kidnapping in the United States, and Mrs. Nanae Goto of Washington, D.C,. who was kidnapped and beaten during a two-year confinement in Japan. Mr. Luke Higuchi, the president of Survivors Against Forced Exit (SAFE), will speak along with Minister Jane Wells of Lorton, Virginia, co-pastor of Amazing Love Ministries. Japanese women who suffered kidnapping will attend dressed in traditional Japanese kimonos.

ワシントンDC – 元国務次官補のエレン・サウアーブレイ女史が、2011年3月15日(火)午前10時半、ボウウィー公立図書館にて、世界平和女性連合(WFWP)主催の記者会見で、日本の統一教会員に対する宗教的拉致監禁・強制改宗に対する啓蒙活動のため、記者会見する予定である。その大会は、WFWPの会長であり、ボウウィー市民でもある、アンジェリカ・セレ女史により呼びかけられた。スピーカーは、アメリカにおいて拉致監禁を体験したボウウィー市民でもあるダイアン・アベンドロウスさん、日本で2年間間もの間拉致監禁され暴力もふるわれたナナエ・ゴトウさんも含まれている。強制改宗被害者の会(SAFE)会長であるルーク・ヒグチ氏も、バージニア、ロートンのAmazing Love Ministries教会のジェイン・ウェルズ牧師と共に会見する。拉致監禁を体験した日本女性達は、日本の伝統的きものを着て出席する。

Mrs. Selle says that the majority of kidnapping victims in Japan are women, which is the reason for holding the demonstration during Women’s History month. She also states that “thousands of Unification Church members, Jehovah's Witnesses, and other believers have suffered forced conversions in Japan during the last four decades. In many cases, women have been targeted for kidnapping, confinement and brutal treatment, not only to break their faith, but to force them to renounce their marriages to members of ethnic groups or nationalities considered undesirable by their relatives. Yet, the Japanese government has failed in its responsibility to punish the perpetrators.”


“In religious kidnapping, women and men are forcibly abducted and confined against their will for weeks, months or years, and subjected to nonstop, sometimes violent harassment in an attempt to de-convert them from their freely chosen faith,” Mrs. Selle has written in a letter of invitation to concerned women.


She also has called for a protest rally on the morning of March 22, 2011 across from the White House under the banner of “Stop Religious Kidnapping In Japan.” The keynote speaker at the rally at 11 a.m., March 22nd in Lafayette Park will be the Reverend In Jin Moon, National Pastor of Lovin’ Life Ministries and CEO of Manhattan Center Studios. The rally will call attention to the neglected human rights of some 4,300 women and men who have been subjected to religious kidnapping as well as mental and physical torture in Japan.

セレ女史は、「日本の宗教的拉致をやめさせよう」の旗印のもと、ホワイトハウス正面で、2011年3月22日の朝、抗議行動を呼びかけている。ラファイエット広場で午前11時のその大会での、基調演説は、マンハッタン センター スタジオのCEOでありLovin’ Life Ministriesのインジン・ムーン牧師である。その大会は、日本で宗教的な理由で拉致され、精神的肉体的な拷問を受けてきた4300名の蹂躙された女性と男性の人権について明らかにするものである。






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2010-11-16 NY抗議行動(後半)日本語訳




Rev. Dr. Michael Jenkins, Chirman of American Clergy Leadership Conference
マイケル・ジェンキンス牧師/博士 アメリカ聖職者指導者会議 議長

There’s a criminal element to this faith breaking. What is going on is criminal’s profiteering by using misunderstandings between families and their relatives that have joined minority religions. And the profiteers are confusing the families and are charging them $50,000 and then kidnapping them, abducting them and holding them in the private prisons and then breaking them, breaking their spirit, breaking their faith. We say LET MY PEOPLE GO. LET MY PEOPLE GO.


We will be stopping criminals. The same thing happened in America as Rev Kerner said. The same thing going on, National Council of Churches stood up and said breaking people’s faith for any reason is unethical. It’s not moral. It’s not principled. Kidnapping people is a felony crime in America and in Japan. We need a conviction in Japan. We need Japanese ambassador Nishimiya to hear our voice. We need a conviction in Japan. Mr. Goto cannot be held for 12 years and 5 months without persecution of the criminals. We are not talking about the families. We are talking about criminals. That were hired that broke Japanese law.



12:17 (Rev. Jenkins continues.)
The problem is the Japanese Government is doing nothing about it. Again the chief of Police Nakai and Japanese Diet, Chief Nakai said that this must investigated and treated fairly and any adults held against their will must be released immediately. However the local police are not acting. And people being held for months and even years. The government is doing nothing about it. That’s why we are asking leaders of Japan to awaken to listen to this injustice. And. we are confident they will.



Archbishop G. Augustus Stallings Jr., Founder of Imani Temple in Washington DC
アウガスタス・ストーリング大司教 Imani Temple(ワシントンDC) 創設者

Justice is not simply just us. But justice must be for all, men and women, especially who live in a democratic society. Therefore we will not stop with this demonstration. This will be not be the last, will only be the beginning because we are going to create a tsunami of protest. We are going to create a tsunami protest. As long as brothers and sisters in Japan are being denied their religious freedom and human rights, we will speak out. We will make noise. We will demonstrate. We will protest. Yes, we will stand together. We will stand together. For what affects brother and sisters in Japan also affects us. We are going to stand together. Where do we go from here? We will continue to speak out because when one door shuts many more doors will be open. Even if his Excellency ambassador Nishimiya has closed his ears, millions of ears will be open to this protest. Many will hear this.

正義は、ただ単に私たちだけのものではありません。正義は全ての人のためにあるべきです。男も女も、とりわけ民主主義の社会に生きている者にとっては当然のことです。それ故、私たちは、このデモをやめません。これは最後のデモではなく、これから津波のような一連の運動の始まりのデモです。日本の兄弟姉妹の、宗教の自由、人権が否定されている限り、私たちは叫び続けます。私たちは雑音をたてます。私たちはデモを行います。私たちは抗議します。そう、私たちは、一緒に立ち上がります。私たちは、一緒に立ち上がります。日本の兄弟姉妹が受けることは、私たちが受けることです。私たちは、共に立ち上がります。私たちは、ここからどこに向かうのでしょうか? 私たちは、継続して叫び続けます。一つのドアが閉じられれば、もっとたくさんのドアが開くでしょう。たとえ、ニシミヤ大使閣下の耳が塞がれたとしたら、何百万という耳が、この抗議を聞くために開くでしょう。多くの人に、このことが届くでしょう。

So we want justice. That’s what we want? We want justice and we want it now. What do we want? (Justice) When do we want it? (Now) What do we want ? (Justice) When do we want it? (Now) SHOUT FREEDOM! Freedom for every continent. Freedom to Japan. Freedom in every household. Freedom for all religions. Freedom. (Freedom) Freedom. We will continue to fight protest until freedom rings in every house of religion in Japan and every person has a God given right to worship God, and to believe in God, and to celebrate God on his or her own heart. Thank you.

私たちは正義を要求ます。それが私たちの要求するものですか?私たちは正義を、そして、それを今すぐ要求します。私たちは何を要求しますか?(正義)正義はいつ必要ですか? (今すぐ)私たちは何を要求しますか?(正義)正義はいつ必要ですか? (今すぐ)自由とさけべ! 全ての大陸に自由を。日本に自由を。すべての家庭に自由を。全ての宗教に自由を。自由(自由)。私たちは、日本のすべての宗教に自由が鳴り響き、すべての人が、それぞれの心の中で、神を崇拝し、信じ、お祝いする、神の与えた権利が確立されるまで、私たちは戦い続けます。ありがとう。




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2010-11-16 NY抗議行動(前半)日本語訳



Rev. Dr. Luonne Rouse

We shall overcome (We shall overcome.) We shall overcome. (We shall overcome.) We shall overcome (We shall overcome). One month ago, we stood here and promised that if we were not given audience, we would return with more people that we would organize around this nation.


I stand with brothers and sisters of faith today to say that we have returned that we have organized and that still seek to meet with ambassador Nishimiya in hopes that he would work with us and communicate with others to see the gross injustice that is going on in Japan will end.


We desire for them protecting human rights of all citizens. And those who are citizens in Japan deserve nothing less than the citizens anywhere in the world. Ambassador Nishimiya and local authorities in Japan are refusing to recognize the importance of human rights and religious freedom and the fact that we speak for the innocent, the victims who are not able to speak for themselves because they are being held as criminals, prisoners though they are not criminals.


People are joining to stand with us. And we will not stop. Let the message go the office of Ambassador today. We are not going away. We will not be hindered. We will not be set back. The time has come to stand up not shut up and we are going to stand forth and shout loud voices over and over again not only so we are heard but so that justice may roll. We shall overcome.


Why has there been no one prosecuted for such injustices, for such crimes. We want to thank those of the network of Korea SBS for honestly investigating and looking into the issue carefully for making us aware of all that is transpiring. That vision, that sight has inspired us to rally. So I ask you who have joined us to once again say to Japan and say to the world in the words of Martin Luther King Jr.  We shall overcome. we shall overcome. We shall overcome. Let freedom ring. (Let freedom ring. ) We shall overcome. (We shall overcome. ) Let freedom ring. (Let freedom ring.) We shall overcome. (We shall overcome.) Today, tomorrow, in the days to come we shall overcome.

そのような不正義に、そのような犯罪に、なぜこれまで一人も裁かれていないのでしょうか?私たちは、韓国SBSネットワークの人々が、この問題を真実にそして注意深く調査し、今、起きている全てのことを私に知らせてくれた事に対し、感謝申し上げたいと思います。その洞察力、見解は、私たちが抗議行動を起こすきっかけとなりました。私は、この運動に加わった皆様方に、もういちど、日本と、そして世界に向けて、マーティン・ルーサー・キング牧師の言葉を唱えて頂きたいと思います。We shall overcome. Let freedom ring. (私たちは勝利します。自由の鐘を打ち鳴らせ。) きょう、明日、来るべきその日にむけて、私たちは勝利します。

Bishop Jesse Edwards, Pastor of the Gates of Praise in Philadelphia, PA
ジェシー・エドワーズ神父、ペンシルバニア州フィラデルフィアGates of Praise 教会 

Our coalition against this Japanese abduction has given civic and faith leaders in Japan confluence across the nation to ask that the human rights, abuse and imprisonment abuse people’s faith. It must be stopped NOW. It must be stopped now. We are calling upon Japanese leaders and the good people of Japan to stop these violations now.


We have also confirmed that hatred, prejudice, bigotry are driving injustice against members of unification church because of their leader is Rev Sun Myung Moon in Korea and because their spouses that are Koreans. The recent Korean network SBS documentary showed strong anti Korean sediment that is prompted among these criminals that are hired by misguided relatives


Today every consulate in America is given a letter and a chance to show concern for the human rights in Japan. May god be with us.


Rev Joshua Cotter, Executive Vice President, Unification Church USA

We are here this morning to stand up for the rights of our brothers and sisters who are suffering in Japan. Over 4300 unification church members, my church in Japan have been persecuted, have been held against their will. Here in America we stand for freedom of religion, Amen? Here in America, we fought the battle as unification church as one against criminal deprogramming, kidnapping and faith breaking in 70s and 80s. We will fight for the rights of brothers and sisters around the world to worship in freedom, Amen?


Rev. Angelika Selle, President of the Womens Federation for World Peace USA

We are very disturbed and outraged by the violation of religious freedom and human rights in Japan which have been going on last 2 decade. Especially since that at least half of the victims involved are women, mothers, daughters, even older women. These women we are talking about were not only abducted against their will, secretly confined for months sometimes for years, but also suffered horrible physical abuse, beatings, spiritual humiliation. What’s worst for any woman, it is rape. We have to report in one case a woman was raped up to 32 times, 32 times. Imagine that. She will never be able to face the family or faith community.


One more case. A woman who was raped a several times committed suicide. One suicide is a suicide to many. Such abuses must not be tolerated. Therefore the Women of Peace, the Women for Peace call upon Japanese consulate to ensure Japanese government will take action to make sure justice is done TODAY. Thank you.


Mr. Luke Higuch, President of S.A.F.E. – Survivor Against Forced Exit
ルーク・ヒグチ氏、強制改宗に反対する被害者の会 会長

We don't want to say victims. We want to say survivors. We are survived from illegal confinement. We’ve been persecuted. Not only us 4300 Unificationists been kidnapped and confined. I cannot stand that. I stand up here to stop the abduction. So I introduce today 2 sisters here. Please listen to their experiences. Testimonies here


Michiko Presky, Victim and Survivor of Abduction and Confinement

My parents kidnapped me 5 times. For the 3rd time, they brought me to the mental hospital. For the 5th time, my father told me he would kill me with a kitchen knife if I decide to choose the church over my family. I told him kill me right now. I was ready to die. Now over 4300 people they have been kidnapped in Japan, so we can’t stand without doing anything. We can’t keep standing just watching without doing anything. We have to do something to save them.


Mitsuko Antal, Victim and Survivor of Abduction and Confinement

My name is Mitsuko Antal. I was kidnapped 2 times. I didn’t do anything. Just I believed in the Unification Church, teaching that. After that my feeling ended up my body is sore and difficult to get up. Just I want to say I don’t want (anyone treated) like me. Many members to save. Parents never do it again. It is so much painful and destroyed the relationship of parents and a child. Now still some members are kidnapped. I try to ….I want to stop We need your help. Thank you for giving me a chance to talk. Thank you very much.


2010-12-02 追記



2010-11-28 朝:何カ所かの聞き取れない部分を残してアップ
2010-11-28 夕方:アメリカ活動家の助言により、ヒグチ氏、ミツコさんの部分を修正。Many thanks.
2010-12-02 夕方:不明だった箇所を訂正・追加 これで、ほぼ完了。上記追記を追加。

NY抗議行動日本語訳 後半へ

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映像:2010-11-16 ニューヨーク抗議行動


What do we want? (私たちは何を要求してるんだ?) Freedom (自由だ)
When do we want: (いつだ?)           Now  (今だ)



2010-11-25 追加


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記事タイトル(原文):Japan’s Human Rights Failures Draw Attention as Activists Rally in 10 Major U.S. Cities
日本語訳: Yoshi



New York City. An estimated 200 participants rallied. Speakers included: Rev. Luonne Rouse, United Methodist Church of Long Island; Bishop Jesse Edwards, ACLC; Rev. Michael Jenkins, ACLC; Rev. Joshua Cotter, Unification Church; Luke Higuchi, SAFE President; Angelika Selle, WFWP President; Archbishop George A. Stallings, ACLC; victims Mitsuko Antal and Michiko Presky, and others. The rally featured passionate speeches by civil rights leaders, compelling testimonies of victims, and a rousing commitment as the crowd joined in singing "We Shall Overcome."

ニューヨーク市 - 推定200名がデモに参加した。参加者は次の通り:ルオン・ロウズ牧師(ロングアイランドメソジスト教会)、ジェッシー・エドワーズ司祭(ACLC)、アンジェリカ・セレ(世界女性平和連合会長)、ジョージ・ストーリングス大司教(ACLC)、被害者 ミツコ・アントール、ミチコ・プレスキー他.
抗議行動は、市民運動家のリーダー、被害者の感動的な体験談からなり、群衆も加わり、"We shall overcome." を歌った。

スライドショーの中で、3名の日本人の方、登場します。この3名の方は、1ヶ月前の記者会見の時も、スピーチされていました。最初の男性が ルーク・ヒグチ氏、2番目(女性)が、ミチコ・プレスキーさん、最後が、ミツコ・アントールさんです。

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全米10都市、抗議行動 (2010-11-16)

記事タイトル(原文):Japan’s Human Rights Failures Draw Attention as Activists Rally in 10 Major U.S. Cities




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日本語訳: Yoshi


Human rights advocates and religious leaders in 11 major cities from New York to Seattle plan a coordinated protest November 16th against the continued inaction by Japanese government to stop the abuse and discrimination of minority religious believers in that country.


Since 1966, more than 4,000 members of the Unification Church of Japan have been illegally confined by “deprogrammers” in an attempt to force them leave the religion which they, as adults, freely chose to join. Currently, 10 to 20 Unificationists in Japan are abducted each year. Victims who escape their captors report the use of force, prison-like conditions, and intense pressure to change his or her faith. There have been reports of beatings, starvation, and rape.


In protest of the Japanese government’s refusal to stop the kidnappings and abuse, 120 human rights leaders and Christian pastors of the American Clergy Leadership Conference gathered at Independence Hall in Philadelphia last month to demand the end of abusive treatment of religious believers.


The coordinated 11-city protests include:

* Atlanta アトランタ
* Boston ボストン
* Chicago シカゴ
* Denver デンバー
* Houston ヒューストン
* Los Angeles ロサンジェルス
* Miami マイアミ
* New York ニューヨーク
* Portland ポートアイランド
* San Francisco サンフランシスコ
* Seattle シアトル

When: The morning of Wednesday, November 16th
日時:       2010年11月16日(水)朝

Where: The Japanese consulates in the cities listed above
場所:       上記各都市、日本領事館前

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Yahoo News:フィラデルフィア独立記念館で120名の女性聖職者 日本の拉致監禁に抗議(2010-11-04)

記事タイトル(原文):More Than 120 Women Clergy Protest Japan's Ongoing Human Rights Violations at the Birthplace of Religious Freedom
タイトル日本語:フィラデルフィア独立記念館で120名の女性聖職者 日本の拉致監禁に抗議
日本語訳: Yoshi

今回の記事は、PRNewswire-USNewswire により配信されたもので、以下は、PRNewswire-USNewswire のURLです。

PHILADELPHIA, Nov. 4, 2010 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- One hundred twenty women clergy of the American Clergy Leadership Conference joined human rights activists from the Women's Federation for World Peace and victims of Japanese religious abductions in front of Independence Hall on Friday, Oct. 29. Stoked by recent evidence of continued inaction by Japanese police to stop forced de-conversions of minority religious believers, these leaders held a press briefing to proclaim their discontent with the Japanese government.

フィラデルフィア - 2010年11月4日 PRNewswire-USNewswire 配信 -- 120名のACLC(アメリカ聖職者指導者会議)の女性牧師達が、世界女性平和連合の人権活動家、日本の宗教的拉致を受けた被害者らと、独立記念館の前で、10月29日(金)行動を共にした。日本の警察がマイノリティーな宗教の信者の強制改宗を止めるために、警察がこれまで何もしてこなかったことに対し、これらのリーダーが日本政府に対する不満足を表すため、記者会見を行った。

The Rev. Tanya Edwards, co-coordinator of Women in Ministry of Philadelphia; the Rev. Fannie Smith, former associate and coordinator with Operation PUSH and Women's Federation; Minister Reiko Jenkins, coordinator of ACLC Women in Ministry; and the Rev. Carol Keainaiana of Hawaii, co-pastor of the Mouna Ziona (Mt. Zion) Congregational Church, were joined by 120 women clergy from all 50 states.


(訳者註:オペレーションPUSHは、ジェシー・ジャクソン師により1971年に発足した社会正義促進を謳う団体。ルーツは、黒人の市民権運動。PUSH = People United to Serve Humanity)

Edwards, a direct descendant of William Penn, said to those gathered, "We stand at the birthplace of the Constitution and religious freedom and are grateful for what was established here. We have a place where we can worship God and serve according to our faith. We ask the leaders of Japan to acknowledge these victims and release them. It is time to let them go."


(訳者註:ウィリアム・ペン 1644-1718 は、アメリカ植民地時代の、民主主義、宗教の自由に対する貢献者。フィラデルフィア建設の父。)

The depth and weight of history was felt at Independence Hall – the place where a nation proclaimed that all men are equal and endowed by God with inalienable rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. All were reminded of the First Amendment, which established religious liberty as the most essential right and strengthens all other rights when secured.


(訳者註:米憲法修正第1条 = 表現や宗教の自由等の基本的人権を保障したもの。)

Smith pledged, "As Women in Ministry from all 50 states we will go to our Congressmen and Senators and request their assistance to stop the injustice and free our brothers and sisters."


Representing all 50 states, the women faith leaders visited and prayed together for religious freedom. Joined by representatives of the Women's Federation for World Peace, they cried out from Hawaii to Texas, to New York, to Chicago, to Atlanta. They decried the ongoing abduction and faith-breaking of Unification Church members in Japan and demanded the release of the victims.


The night before the press conference, the Women in Ministry held their National Convention. Mr. Luke Higuchi and Mrs. Kumiko Francis, both victims of abductions, shared their testimonies. Higuchi stated, "I was physically thrown in a van and committed to a mental institution without a medical exam. I was treated like a dog. I was in solitary for months. I cannot express how terrible it was in words." Higuchi was able to escape this torment by convincing his doctors that he was mentally stable and pretending to renounce his religion. Francis spoke through tears, "I was abducted for my faith. It was so shocking to be held against my will. I escaped, but I am still afraid to go home." Francis and her husband, a U.S. Citizen, have 5 children but will not visit loved ones in Japan for fear of repeat abduction.


In mid-October, many of the same human rights leaders and Christian pastors met with press outside Japan's New York consulate to condemn the Japanese government for not taking action to stop the abduction and faith breaking of religious minorities. After nearly a month, there has been no response from Shinichi Nishimiya, Japan's ambassador and consul general, following a formal request to meet and discuss a course of action to end religious persecution in Japan.

10月中旬に、多くの人権活動家、キリスト教の牧師が、日本政府が、宗教的弱者に対する拉致監禁、強制改宗に対して、解決のため何もしていないことに抗議するため、ニューヨークの日本総領事館前で、記者会見を行った。それ以来、1ヶ月ほど経過した。その記者会見後に、日本の宗教迫害をやめさせるための行動を取るための会合を要請したが、総領事の Shinichi Nishimiya 氏からは、何の返事も来ていない。

More than 4,300 members of the Unification Church are estimated to have been subjected to human rights violations during the past 40 years. Each year in Japan, between 10 and 20 Unification Church members are abducted and forced to undergo de-conversions.


In the U.S., American citizens are being asked to sign a petition encouraging Congress to hold hearings on human rights violations in Japan. The hearings would be held by the Tom Lantos Commission on Human Rights, co-chaired by Rep. James McGovern (D-Mass.) and Rep. Frank Wolf (R-Va.).


(訳者註:開催されるだろう・・・というのは、開催が決定していることではありません。"would be held" なので、もし、開催されるとしたら、そうなるだろう・・という事です。このブログから正確ではない情報が出ることは避けたいので、よろしくお願い致します。)

Freedom of religion, thought and conscience is the most basic human right. Forced conversion is the antithesis of religious freedom. Shockingly, this criminal and immoral act is happening today – not only where one might expect it, in Darfur, China and Egypt, but also in the advanced democratic nation of Japan. For more information please visit www.stopjapanabductions.org.

宗教、思想、良心の自由は、最も基本的な人権である。強制改宗は、宗教の自由に、まったく反するものである。驚くべき事に、この犯罪的、不道徳な行為は、今日も起きている。ダンフール(スーダン)、中国、エジプトなど、人々が、そんな事が起きているだろうと予測できる地域、国ではだけではなく、発展した民主国家である日本でも起きているのである。より詳しい情報は www.stopjapanabductions.org にアクセスして頂きたい。

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About the ICRF:
The International Coalition for Religious Freedom is a nonprofit, non-sectarian, educational organization dedicated to defending the religious freedom of all, regardless of creed, gender or ethnic origin.


SOURCE International Coalition for Religious Freedom

2010-11-06 とりあえず、原文のみアップ、そして、第一段落終了
2010-11-07 夜までに、訳、すべて完了、同じ記事が Yahoo News にも掲載されていたので、記事タイトルに Yahoo News を加える。
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