To English readers,
Please scroll down until you see English part. This article introduces the HRWF's June 2014 report submitted to the UN Human Rights Committee re: abduction and confinement for the purpose of religious de-conversion in English and Japanese. Thanks.
国境なき人権の、「怒りの反論」 の続きです。
今回紹介するのは、下記の 「やり取り」 の中の、2014年6月に、国境なき人権が、国連自由権規約人権委員会に提出した報告書の続きです。紹介部分は 赤 (太字) で示しています。
(委員会 = 国連自由権規約人権委員会、被害者の会 = 全国 拉致監禁・強制改宗被害者の会)
国境なき人権: 33ページの報告書、人権委員会宛提出
被害者の会: 29ページの報告書、人権委員会宛提出
人権委員会: 日本の「問題点リスト」を発表
日本政府の拉致監禁に対する無関心が露呈 - ジュネーブ国連本部
日本当局: 「そのような案件は知らない」と返答
日本政府の拉致監禁に対する無関心が露呈 - ジュネーブ国連本部
(上) 「国境なき人権」怒りの反論 (上) - 国連を舞台、日本当局に
(中) 今回の記事 = 「国境なき人権」怒りの反論(中)- 監禁擁護の千葉県警
(下) 作業中(後藤徹裁判、一審判決の分析)
国連: 有効な手段を講ずるべきと、強制改宗で日本当局に要請
国連: 有効な手段を講ずるべきと、強制改宗で日本当局に要請
記事種類: 国境なき人権の国連人権委員会への提出書類(2014年6月)
記事タイトル: 日本:改宗目的の拉致・監禁 最新情報
(Japan の箇所、Info from Civil Society Organizations (for the session)の左端の [-] シンボルをクリックすると、行が拡張される。Human Rights Without Frontier' (HRWF) の右端の View Document をクリックすると、原文が公開されている。日本語訳 by Yoshi Fujiwara )
HRWF learnt of three new alleged abduction cases since the organization submitted its first briefing to the UN Human Rights Committee in July 2013. In two separate incidents, a female and a male UC member were reportedly abducted by their parents at the end of December 2013. Another woman was believed to have been abducted in March 2014. The man may still be forcibly confined as no information has been received from him since he went missing.
This chapter provides a summary of the circumstances in which the three UC members lost contact with their fellow believers. The chapter “Inadequate police response” features information on how police responded to requests by HRWF and the UC members to search for the missing person and establish whether or not they were being held against their will and rescue them should they require such assistance.
この章は、これら3名の統一教会員が、仲間の信者との連絡を絶った状況について、まとめています。 ”不適切な警察の対応” の箇所では、行方不明者を捜索するため、そして、彼等が自らの意思に反して囚われているかどうかを確認するため、そして、もし彼等が必要とすれば、彼等を救出するため、国境なき人権と統一教会メンバーからの要請に、いかに警察が応じたかについての詳細について書いています。
- Three UC members lost contact with fellow believers after visiting parents known to be critical of the new religions movement
- 3名の統一教会員、その新宗教運動に批判的な両親を訪ねた後に、仲間の信者との連絡を絶つ。
CASE 1: A female UC member, who had been with the Church for almost a decade, disappeared at the end of December 2013(4). Fellow UC members knew she had gone to visit her parents and was planning to talk to them about her affiliation with the Church, which she knew they were critical of. On 31 December, her fiancé, who attended the February 2013 UC Marriage Blessing Ceremony in South Korea with her, went to her parents’ house to look for her, but he found no one at home. Another UC member went to the family’s house again on the following two days, but no one appeared to be there.
(4)The name is known to HRWF, but is withheld to protect her identity.
事例 1:
統一教会に約10年在籍の女性会員は、2013年12月末、音信不通になりました (注4)。彼女は、両親が統一教会に対し、批判的であることを知っていたが、統一教会の信仰について、両親に話すため帰省したことを、彼女の信仰仲間達は知っていました。2013年2月の韓国での統一教会の結婚祝福式に彼女と共に参加した、彼女の婚約者が、彼女を探しに、12月31日、彼女の実家を訪ねたが、家には誰もいませんでした。他の統一教会メンバーが、その翌日から、2日続けて、家を訪問しましたが、そこに人のいる形跡はありませんでした。
(注4 by HRWF) 氏名はHRWFの知るところですが、身元保護のため公表を控えます。
On 24 January 2014, the UC received a letter from her that she had recanted her faith in the doctrine of the UC and left the Church.
2014年1月24日、統一教会は、彼女から、「統一教会の教えへの信仰を破棄し、離教します。」 との手紙を受け取りました。
The UC has recorded many cases in the last few years where UC members lost contact with their fellow believers after they went to visit their parents, who were known to be critical of the Church, and later informed the Church that they recanted their faith in the UC and left the organization. Considering that these people typically have no interest in providing information about the circumstances of their de-conversion, HRWF cannot verify whether these people had indeed been subjected to abduction and forced “exit counselling.” The UC estimates that in only one third of all abduction cases people have remained with the UC despite forced confinement and attempts to forced change of religion or later returned to it.
統一教会に批判的な両親を訪問した後、行方不明になり、のち、統一教会の信仰を破棄し、棄教したというケースを、ここ数年間の間に、統一教会は数多く記録しています。彼等の改宗の状況について、これらの人々は、情報を提供する関心を持っていないことから、国境なき人権は、これらの人々が実際、拉致され、強制的 ”出口カウンセリング” を受けていたかどうかについては、確認することができません。強制的監禁、強制改宗にも関わらず、拉致ケース全体の、だいたい、3分の1が教会に留まるか、あとで、教会に戻ってくるものと、統一教会は見積もっています。
CASE 2: Masato Ishibashi, born in 1987, started learning the doctrine of the UC in 2005 when he was studying at the Aoyama Gakuin University in Tokyo. In 2006, he officially joined the Church and started communal life with other members.
事例 2:
In 2008, his parents learnt about his conversion and urged him to leave the UC. They reportedly forced him to drop out of university and live at home with them in Chiba Prefecture, which is located to the East of Tokyo. He complied, but he later started working in Tokyo and resumed attending the religious services of the Church despite his parents’ opposition.
In 2009, Masato Ishibashi left his parents' house to go and live in the dormitory of the factory where he was working. After six months, he entered an industrial training school and then got a job as electrician in Hachioji, a city in the Greater Tokyo Area. Away from his parents' control he started communal life at the Church again.
In 2010, he rented an apartment in Tokyo and faithfully continued to participate in the life of his religious congregation until his parents found out about it. Fearing to be deprived of his freedom by his parents at his next visit home, he wrote and signed a statement saying that if he went missing one day, it would be because he would have been abducted by his family. He further said that the police should try to find him and release him from his confinement.
2010年、東京でアパートを借り、彼の両親に見つかるまで、彼は、誠実に教会生活を続けました。彼は、今後の帰省で、両親により自由を剥奪される怖れを感じ、「もし、ある日、自分が行方不明になったら、それは、家族により誘拐されたからだろう」 という文書を残し、署名しました。彼は、さらに、警察は彼を探し出し、監禁から解放してくれるべきだと述べています。
At New Year’s 2011, his parents tried to hold him back for a discussion about his faith but he managed to run away. However, his parents did not give up their fight. They moved to a relative’s house in Tokyo in order to keep control over their son.
In May 2011, Masato Ishibashi moved to Yamagata Prefecture for job training and his parents went back to Chiba Prefecture.
One year later, the young man met a childhood friend, who had joined the Church together with his parents. The three told Masato Ishibashi that his father and mother were in contact with an evangelical pastor who "advises" parents on how "to rescue" young UC members from the Church. After that, when visiting his parents, Masato Ishibashi always carried on him a GPS device that provided location information to a private security company.
1年後、石橋正人君は、子供の頃の友人に会いました。その友人は、彼の両親と共に、統一教会に入会していました。その3名(子供時代からの友人と、彼の両親)から、石橋正人君は、「彼の両親が統一教会から子供を ”救出” するためのに、両親に ”アドバイスをする” キリスト教の牧師とコンタクトしている」 と聞かされました。それ以来、実家訪問時は、石橋正人君は、いつも、GPS 装置を携帯し、警備会社に彼の位置情報を提供しました。
In October 2012, Ishibashi's parents visited the Church in order to observe the religious church service. After that, they stopped criticizing the UC when he met with them.
On 31 December 2013, Masato Ishibashi left Tokyo to visit his parents in their home in Kozaki Town, located in the Katori District of Chiba Prefecture on the occasion of the New Year. Masato Ishibashi was to return to Tokyo from the visit on 2 January 2014, but failed to appear. Instead, the security company’s branch office in Narita City of Chiba Prefecture received an emergency signal through the GPS device and informed the UC. Due to a technical problem, the security company was unable to identify the exact origin of the signal. The company reportedly told the UC that the signal originated from a building not far from their office in Narita City.
2013年12月31日に、新年の挨拶のため、石橋正人君は、千葉県 香取(かとり)郡の公崎町(こうざきまち)の実家の両親を訪ねました。石橋正人君は、新年の1月2日に、東京に戻ってくるはずでしたが、戻ってきませんでした。替わって、千葉県成田市の警備会社の支店が、GPS 装置の緊急信号を受け、統一教会に連絡しました。技術的な問題により、警備会社は、その信号の正確な発信場所を特定することができませんでしたが、その会社によれば、信号は、成田市の彼等の事務所からさほど遠くないビルから発信されたとのことです。
Masato Ishibashi’s current whereabouts are unknown and no information has been received from him since the end of December 2013.
CASE 3: In 2013, a female UC member in her late thirties told other Church members that her parents were highly critical of her affiliation with the UC. Despite their opposition, she took part in the Marriage Blessing Ceremony held in South Korea in February 2013.
事例 3:
In March 2014 she attended a workshop organized by the UC in South Korea. Since she returned home to Japan in the second half of the month she has been out of touch from her fellow Church members. Worried that she may have been abducted by her parents, other UC members started looking for her. At the end of March they went to her house and to the house of her parents, but no one appeared to be there.
On 3 June, the UC received a letter from her, dated 31 May, announcing that she had left the UC. She reportedly wrote that her parents and relatives had begged her to have a discussion about her faith. Reportedly, she had talked with a Christian minister and came to understand that the teachings of the UC are wrong and contradict the Bible.
- Inadequate police response
- 不適切な警察の対応
In all three cases outlined above, UC representatives informed the police that a Church member had gone missing and that they suspected the person to have been abducted by family members to force him or her to recant their faith. They urged the police to search for the missing person, meet and speak to him or her directly and ascertain whether or not he or she was held against their will and wished to be rescued.
However, in all these cases the police reaction has been inadequate, as will be shown in this chapter. Thus, the recent cases demonstrate that the pattern of inadequate police response to abductions of members of peaceful new religious movements, as documented in HRWF’s initial briefing to the UN Human Rights Committee in July 2013, persists.
- Police refuse to file missing person’s report
- 行方不明者捜索を拒否する警察
In CASE 3 an official of the Japanese branch of the UC informed HRWF that shortly after the young woman lost contact with the UC in March 2014, a member of staff of the UC went to the local police station to file a missing person’s report. However, police reportedly refused to accept the report.
事例3 において、「その若い女性と連絡が取れなくなってほどなく、2014年3月に、統一教会の職員が地元の警察署に行方不明者届けを出しに行った」と、統一教会の支部の職員は、国境なき人権に、語ってくれた。しかしながら、警察は、報告を受け取ることを拒んだとのことだ。
In CASE 2, on 2 January 2014, immediately after receiving an emergency signal from Masato Ishibashi’s GPS device, the private security company informed the UC. On 10 January, UC representatives informed officers at Takao Police Station in Tokyo, which is close to where the young man used to live, and on 14 February, they informed Narita Police Station and Katori Police Station in Chiba Prefecture, of his disappearance. However, police reportedly refused to search for him, insisting that missing person’s reports had to be submitted by family members.
事例2 において、2014年1月2日、石橋正人君の GPS 装置からの緊急シグナルを受けて直ちに、その警備会社は、統一教会に連絡しました。1月10日に、統一教会の代表は、その青年の居住していた最寄の東京のタカオ警察署に連絡し、そして、2月14日に、千葉県の成田警察署、香取警察署に連絡をしました。しかしながら、警察は、彼を捜索することを拒絶し、行方不明届けは、家族のメンバーにより提出されなければならないと主張しました。
HRWF has documented many cases in recent years where police responded they were unable to act on missing person reports submitted by a UC member. Police typically claimed they were only empowered to get involved when a close family member or the missing person’s employer filed such a report.
At HRWF’s meeting with the Public Relations Division at Chiba Prefecture Police Headquarters on 18 February 2014, a Public Relations Officer said that his colleagues at Katori Police Station in Chiba Prefecture were aware of Masato Ishibashi’s case and had confirmed that a UC official had asked them to file a missing person’s report in his capacity as Masato Ishibashi’s friend. The Public Relations Officer went on to say that the request was refused because “there is a rule in the police and [the missing person’s report] is supposed to be filed by parents or the guardian of minors or, generally, by family members.”
2014年2月18日、千葉県警本部の広報課と、国境なき人権とのミーティングで、広報課職員は、千葉県香取警察は、石橋正人君の件について承知しており、統一教会職員が、すでに、石橋正人君の友人という立場で、行方不明者の捜索願を提出したことを、認めました。広報課職員は、続けて、「”行方不明者捜索願は、両親か、未成年の保護者か、一般的に家族のメンバーにより、提出されるべきであると警察のルールにある” という理由で、その捜索願は、拒否された」 と、語りました。
A HRWF delegate pointed out that the officer’s reply contradicted the “Rules on activities to find a missing person”, which are part of the “Rules of The National Public Safety Commission.” These rules instruct police to accept applications to search for missing persons from a wide range of people, including parents, spouses, a person who is in a de facto state of marriage with the missing person, other relatives and employers, as well as other people who live with the missing person and those that have a close relationship with the missing person in social life.
国境なき人権は、「その職員の回答は、”国会公安委員会規則” の一部である ”行方不明者捜索規範” と矛盾する」 と指摘しました。その規範によれば、両親、内縁関係、他の親戚、雇用主、さらに、行方不明者と同居している人々、社会生活において、行方不明者と近い関係にある人々も含めて、広範囲な人々からの行方不明者の捜索願は、受け入れられるべきだと言っています。
To this remark, the Public Relations Officer responded that “we checked with the Community Safety Administration Division of the Chiba Prefectural Police Headquarters whether responses of the police stations were wrong or not. The position of Headquarters is that the judgments of the police stations were correct.”
- Police refuse to get involved in “family matters”
- ”家族問題”への介入を拒否する警察
In CASE 1 a UC representative called the local police on 6 January 2014 urging them to search for the young woman. However, the police reportedly refused to get involved, saying it was a “matter between parents and child,” neglecting that the UC convert was an adult.
事例1 において、統一教会の代表は、2014年1月6日に地元警察を訪ね、その若い女性の捜索を依頼しました。しかし、それは、”親子の問題” であると、その統一教会信者が大人であることを無視し、警察は関与することを拒みました。
HRWF is aware of many cases in the last few years where police claimed they were not able to intervene in a “family matter,” although the law does not prevent them from carrying out a search for a missing person and an investigation into allegations of abduction and forced confinement for the purpose of de-conversion even when family members are involved.
法律は、家族か関与していようが、改宗目的の拉致、強制的監禁の疑いに対し、行方不明者を捜査し、調査を実行することを阻んではいないにも関わらず、警察は ”家族問題” に干渉できなかったと主張した多くの事例を、国境なき人権は、過去数年の間にみてきました。
- Police reluctance to speak to the alleged abduction victim directly and confirm his or her will
- 拉致疑惑被害者に対して、彼・彼女の意思確認のため、直接に話そうとしない警察
HRWF and the UC repeatedly contacted the Public Relations Division of Chiba Prefecture Police Headquarters and Katori Police Station, urging them to establish Masato Ishibashi’s whereabouts. They also repeatedly called on police to meet with the young man, speak to him under conditions of confidentiality, ascertain whether or not he is confined against his will, and rescue him, should he request them to do so.
>>> Police insist Masato Ishibashi is “safe”
>>> 石橋正人君は ”安全” だと主張する警察
Police told HRWF and Shunsuke Uotani of the UC during their visit to the Public Relations Division of Chiba Prefecture Police Headquarters on 18 February 2014 that although police were not obliged to act on missing person’s reports submitted by people other than family members, police had taken measures to confirm Masato Ishibashi’s safety and so the organizations need not worry. In all other subsequent conversations Shunsuke Uotani had with Chiba Prefecture Police Headquarters and Katori Police Station in March and April, the officers reiterated that Masato Ishibashi was “safe.”
2014年2月18日に、千葉県警本部の広報課を訪ねた、国境なき人権と統一教会の魚谷俊輔氏に対し、警察は「警察は家族のメンバー以外から提出された行方不明捜索願いの応じる義務はないけれども、警察は石橋正人君の安全を確認する手立てをとったので、(あなたがたの)組織は心配する必要はありません」 と、語りました。魚谷俊輔氏のその後、3月、4月の、千葉県警と香取署のすべてのやり取りで、警察職員は、石橋正人君は ”安全だ” と、繰り返し発言しました。
At the 18 February meeting an Officer of the Public Relations Division of Chiba Prefecture Police Headquarters stated that police had requested Masato Ishibashi’s uncle to ask his nephew to call the police so that police could speak to him directly. The Officer promised to inform the UC immediately after receipt of the said phone call. To HRWF’s knowledge, police had not spoken to Masato Ishibashi by the time of writing, i.e. more than three-and-a half months later.
2月18日の千葉県警本部の広報課との面会で、署員は、「警察は、石橋正人君と直接、話ができるよう、正人君の叔父に、正人君に警察に電話するよう伝えてくれるようお願いした」 と語りました。署員は、そのような電話連絡があり次第、直ちに、統一教会に伝えると、約束しました。国境なき人権が知る限りにおいて、この文書の作成時 - 3ヶ月半も経過しているが - 警察は、石橋正人君と話をしていません。
At the same meeting the Public Relations Officer of Chiba Prefecture Police Headquarters told HRWF and the UC representative that police had gone to the house of Masato Ishibashi’s parents and grandparents. The grandparents allegedly told them that when Masato Ishibashi visited his parents for New Year’s, they initially had a family discussion in his parents’ house and then moved to another location together. According to the Officer, Masato Ishibashi’s uncle visited him and his parents in that location on a regular basis, most recently on 15 February, and told police that Masato Ishibashi “was living quite a normal life.” On 17 March, the same Public Relations Officer of Chiba Prefecture Police Headquarters told Shunsuke Uotani that Masato Ishibashi’s “uncle says that [his nephew] is very well, conversing normally as well as sharing small talk, so we feel reassured.”
その同じ面会で、千葉県警本部広報課職員は、国境なき人権と、統一教会代表に、警察は、石橋正人君の両親と、祖父母の家に出向いたと話しました。祖父母は、正人は新年に両親の家を訪問し、当初は両親の家で、家族会議を開き、それから、一緒に場所を移動したと、語ったとの事でした。署員によれば、石橋正人君の叔父は、定期的に、その場所に、正人君と両親を、最も最近では、2月15日に訪ね、石橋正人君は、”しごく普通の生活を送っている” と、警察に話しました。3月17日に、千葉県警本部の同じ広報課職員は、魚谷俊輔氏に、石橋正人君の叔父が、「正人は元気でやっており、世間話とかしながら、普通に会話している」 と言っているので、私たちは安心していると、語りました。
On 1 April, Shunsuke Uotani again talked to the Public Relations Officer at Chiba Prefecture Police Headquarters to request update information on steps the police had taken regarding the case of Masato Ishibashi. The Officer said that Masato Ishibashi had not contacted the police, but the police had “confirmed [his safety] through a separate route.” The official refused to disclose his source, but urged the UC representative to “please be reassured” that Masato Ishibashi was safe. “Isn’t it enough that there is someone who saw him? Our assessment is that there is no problem.”
4月1日に、魚谷俊輔氏は、千葉県警広報課職員と再び会話し、石橋正人君のケースで、警察のとった措置について最新の情報を求めました。職員は、石橋正人君は、警察には連絡がないが、別のルートから、正人君の安全を確認したと、話しました。警察は、その情報源については明かしませんでしたが、その統一教会代表に、石橋正人君は安全なので、”どうか、安心してください” と、強く求めました。
A senior officer of Katori Police Station told Shunsuke Uotani on 18 April that “confirming safety, from the police perspective, is that he is with his parents, and therefore not considered to be missing.”
4月18日に、香取署のシニア・オフィサーは、魚谷俊輔氏に、”警察の観点からは、安全を確認している。彼は、両親と一緒にいて、それ故、行方不明とはみなされない” と語りました。
>>> Police are aware of Masato Ishibashi’s forced confinement,
but unconcerned
>>> 石橋正人君の強制的監禁は知っているが、無関心な警察
While insisting they had confirmed Masato Ishibashi’s safety, police at the same time disclosed information indicating that Masato Ishibashi may indeed be forcibly confined. In addition, some statements by police appear to indicate considerable understanding not only of the parents’ aim to “rescue” their children from the UC, but also of measures such as abduction, forced confinement and unsolicited ”exit counseling.” These statements suggest that police behaviour in Masato Ishibashi’s case and possibly other cases involving new religious movements, may have been guided by a discriminatory attitude towards the UC.
警察は、石橋正人君の安全を確認したと主張する一方で、同時に警察は、石橋正人君が、実質、強制的に監禁されている可能性を示す情報を開示しました。さらに、警察の、ある陳述は、子供を統一教会から ”救出” したい両親の目的ばかりでなく、拉致、強制的監禁と、一方的押し付けの ”出口カウンセリング” の手法についても、かなりの理解を示しているものと、見受けられます。これらの陳述は、石橋正人君の件や、新宗教運動の他のケースについても、警察の対応は、統一教会に対する差別的態度により誘導されてきたということを、示しています。
For example, during the 18 February meeting at Chiba Prefecture Police Headquarters, a HRWF delegate told police he had tried to call Masato Ishibashi on his phone and sent him an email, but had received no response. The Public Relations Officer responded that “I hesitate to say this in front of Mr Uotani, but the parents are living outside of their own house because they want their son to quit the organization; it makes no sense to be connected by cellphone, does it? In the course of nature, if I am in the position of parents, I would confiscate it or would not let him use his cellphone.” When the HRWF delegation pointed out that Masato Ishibashi was not a child anymore, but an adult the officer responded: “Do these two gentlemen understand the feeling of parents?” In a conversation with Shunsuke Uotani on 17 March, the Public Relations Officer at Chiba Prefecture Police Headquarters stated that Masato Ishibashi had still not called them explaining that “perhaps [Masato Ishibashi] is living under conditions in which there is no communication with the outside world. Perhaps they think that it’s still a bit early for him to give you a call.” On 1 April, Shunsuke Uotani told the Public Relations Officer at Chiba Prefecture Police Headquarters that he had tried to call Masato Ishibashi on his mobile phone, but could not reach him. The Officer responded that “that’s because it seems it’s been blocked from contacting others.”
たとえば、千葉県警本部での面会で、国境なき人権代表は、警察に、「石橋正人君に電話をして、E-Mail を送ったが、返事がなかった。」 と、伝えました。広報課職員は、「魚谷さんのいる前で、こんなことを言うのもなんだが、両親は、息子にその組織を辞めて欲しくて、自分の家ではない別の場所に住んでいるんだ。携帯電話で繋がるなんて、あるはずがないよね。自然の成り行きで、もし、私が親の立場なら、携帯電話を取り上げるか、息子には電話を使わせないようにするね。」と話しました。国境なき人権代表が、石橋正人君は、もはや子供ではなく、成人した大人だと、指摘したたところ、その署員は、「あなた方、お二人は、親の気持ちが分かりますか?」と応答いたしました。
On 18 February, a Public Relations Officer at Chiba Prefecture Police Headquarters reported that, based on information submitted to him from Katori Police Station, “Masato is living quite a normal life … his parents want him to leave the organization and are now persuading him. But the situation is not like abduction and confinement. They go outside in a normal way and have a meeting. That’s not a crime at all.” However, on 18 April, a senior officer at Katori Police Station, the police station that had conducted all inquiries relating to the case of Masato Ishibashi, told Shunsuke Uotani that he was not aware of any meetings Masato Ishibashi had had with his family outside the location where they were believed to be living together.
2月18日、千葉県警本部広報課職員は、香取署からの情報に基づき、「正人君は、きわめて普通の生活を送ってる。彼の両親は、正人君にその組織からの離脱を願い、彼を説得しているが、状況は、拉致とか、監禁のようなものではない。彼等は、普通に外に出て、会合をもっている。それは、 ”犯罪ではまったくない”」と報告しました。しかしながら、4月18日、石橋正人君のケースに関してのすべての調査を行った香取署のシニア・オフィサーは、魚谷俊輔氏に対し、「石橋正人君が、彼が一緒に住んでいると思われる場所以外で、正人君が、家族のメンバーと会ったことは承知していない」 と、語りました。
Several police officers had told the UC that they based their conclusion of Masato Ishibashi’s safety on regular phone calls and assurances to Katori Police Station by Masato Ishibashi’s uncle. On 21 April, Shunsuke Uotani asked a senior officer of Katori Police Station, who was the uncle’s contact point in the police, whether he “had asked the uncle under what kind of circumstances he visits [Masato Ishibashi].” The officer responded: “No. He must have been with him or something, but I haven’t asked him in particular.” He stated that he did not know whether Masato Ishibashi had left the location where he was staying, since he was taken there by his parents at the beginning of January. When asked whether he “was able to confirm that [Masato Ishibashi] has freedom of movement” the officer stated that “From my position, as I’m not sure of how to understand “freedom of movement,” I’m not able to say clearly … I haven’t heard about this directly from the uncle.”
数名の警察官は、統一教会に対し、「石橋正人君の叔父による、香取署への定期的な電話連絡と確証に基づき、石橋正人君の安全を結論付けた」 と、話しました。4月21日に、魚谷俊輔氏は、警察内の叔父の連絡先である、上級警察官に、「叔父は、どのような状況下で、石橋正人君を訪ねかを、叔父に聞きましたか?」と、尋ねました。その職員は、「いいえ、叔父は正人君と一緒にいたはずだし、特別には、聞きませんでした。」と答えました。署員は、石橋正人君が、1月始めに両親に連れて行かれて以来、彼が留まっていた場所から出たかどうか知らないと、述べました。石橋正人君は ”移動の自由” があるのか、警察は確認できたのかと、尋ねたところ、署員は、「私の立場では、”移動の自由” をどのように理解すべきか確かではなく、明確に言うことはできない。これに関しては、叔父からは直接には聞いていない。」と、述べました。
>>> Police take no steps that could jeopardize
the parents’ confinement scheme
>>> 親の監禁策を擁護する警察 《直訳 = 親の監禁策を危うくする手段をとらない警察》
Generally, police showed very little interest in confirming the will of Masato Ishibashi. As mentioned above, according to police, on 17 February, Katori police had requested Masato Ishibashi’s uncle to ask his nephew to call the police.
When asked by the HRWF delegation on 18 February what police would do if Masato Ishibashi does not call them, the Public Relations Officer stated that “if there is no fear of harm to Masato’s life, body and property, the police cannot intervene … What I can promise now related to this case is, we will not directly meet him. We will make him call the police station and confirm his own will.”
2月18日に、国境なき人権の、「もし石橋正人君から連絡がなかったら、どうするのか?」との質問を受け、その広報課署員は、「もし、正人君の、生命、身体、財産に害を及ぼす危険がないならば、警察は、干渉できない。この件に関して、今、約束できることは、彼には直接には会わないということだ。彼に警察に連絡してもらって、彼の意思を確認する。」 と、返答いたしました。
In his conversations with the Public Relations Division of Chiba Prefecture Police Headquarters and the Community Safety Section of Katori Police Station on 17 March and 21 April 2014 respectively, Shunsuke Uotani of the UC referred to statements made by Hiroshi Nakai, then Chairman of the National Public Safety Commission, at an Upper House hearing of the Committee on Audit and Oversight of Administration on 14 May 2010. At the time, Tsukasa Akimoto, a member of the Liberal Democratic Party of Japan, brought up the issue of abductions, forced confinement and de-conversion of members of new religious groups and asked the Commissioner what steps police ought to take when parents or other relatives forcibly confined their adult child. The Commissioner replied that “if a person’s physical freedom is being restricted, or if acts of violence are involved, then I think involvement by the police will be necessary, even if it is between parents and children.” He also stated that “as long as a report has been made, our thinking is that the most important thing is to go to the scene and listen to what each side has to say. The situation of the police today is that it is very difficult for them to involve themselves in issues of religion and in familial relationships, but in any case, we would like to make judgments after having listened, and then take action based on this.”
2014年3月17日と、4月21日の、千葉県警本部広報課と、香取署の生活安全課との、それぞれの会話において、統一教会の魚谷俊輔氏は、2010年5月14日に行われた参議院決算委員会での、中井洽国家公安委員長による答弁に言及しました。この時、自由民主党所属の参議院議員である秋元司氏は、新宗教運動会員に対する、拉致、強制監禁、強制改宗について、委員長に、両親、または、親戚が、彼等の成人した子供を強制的に監禁した場合、警察はいかなる段階を踏むのか、質疑いたしました。委員長は、「もし、ある人の身体的自由が拘束されたり、暴力行為が関わっていた場合、たとえ、それが、両親と子供の間の出来事でも、警察の関与が必要であろうと考えます。」と、答弁し、さらに、「報告が提出されて、最も大切なことは、その現場に向かい、双方の意見を聞くことが最も重要であると考えます。現在、警察の立場として、宗教と家族関係の問題に関与することは、非常に難しいことではありますが、いかなるケースでも、双方の意見を聞いた後、判断を下し、それに基づいて行動します。」とも、答弁いたしました。注 by Yoshi:
2010年5月14日 参議院決算委員会での国家公安委員長の答弁 参考記事
★資料5 拉致監禁問題が国会で (火の粉を払え)
Shunsuke Uotani asked representatives of the Public Relations Division of Chiba Prefecture Police Headquarters and of Katori Police Station to comment on the discrepancy between the way police had handled Masato Ishibashi’s case and the views of the Chairman of the National Public Safety Commission. The Public Relations Officer of Chiba Prefecture Police Headquarters responded that he was not aware of the Commissioner’s statement, reiterated that “the police are dealing with [the case] appropriately” and that he was unable to further comment on the question. Shunsuke Uotani faxed the Commissioner’s statement to the Chief of the Community Safety Section of Katori Police Station in advance of their conversation, but when asked to comment, the officer refused to do so.
魚谷俊輔氏は、千葉県警本部広報課と、香取署の代表に、石橋正人君の件に関する警察の取り扱いと、国家公安委員長の見解との違いについて、コメントを求めました。千葉県警本部広報課職員は、委員長の答弁は知らなかったと答え、”警察は、この件に関しては、適切に対処している” として、これ以上、この質問には答えられないと、繰り返しました。魚谷俊輔氏は、委員長の答弁を、香取署の生活安全課長に、電話での会話の前に、送っていましたが、電話での質問に、答えることを拒みました。
On 6 March 2014, HRWF sent letters to the Chief of the National Police Agency, the Chairman of the National Public Safety Commission and the Commissioner of Tokyo Metropolitan Police by express mail, urging them “to ensure that police confirm directly and confidentially with [Masato Ishibashi] whether he is held against his will and free him from forced confinement should the allegation of his forced confinement be confirmed.” By the time of writing the officials had not responded to HRWF’s request to be provided with detailed information on steps they were taking in relation to this case.
HRWF is aware of similar cases in recent years where police did not simply refuse to look into the matter, but promised to make inquiries. Sometimes police officers explained they would contact the missing person’s parents and later informed the UC that there was no need to worry anymore as the parents had confirmed the person was not missing and everything was in good order. There were also cases where police refused to specify whether they had confirmed the will of the alleged abduction victim or whether they had only talked to his or her relatives. Typically police then stopped investigating.
国境なき人権は、警察が、その問題の調査を単純には拒否せず、調査を約束した 似たようなケースを近年、目撃しています。時には、警察は、行方不明者の両親と連絡を取ると説明し、あとで、統一教会に、両親と連絡が取れ、その人は、行方不明者ではなく、すべて大丈夫なので、心配しないよう、統一教会に伝えてきました。また、拉致被害者の意思を警察が確認できたかどうか、警察が、被害者の親戚だけと話したかどうかを明らかにすることを警察が拒否したケースも、存在いたしました。
- Police refuse to facilitate lawyer’s access to Masato Ishibashi
- 弁護士の 石橋正人君 への面会を仲介しない警察
As mentioned above, Masato Ishibashi had already been worried for several years that his parents may abduct him and had taken steps to prepare for this eventuality. On 17 December 2010, Masato Ishibashi signed and stamped a “Rescue Request” appointing Nobuya Fukumoto, a lawyer and member of the Daini Tokyo Bar Association, to act on his behalf should there be grounds to believe that he has been abducted.
最初に述べたように、石橋正人君は、彼の両親が彼を拉致するかもしれいないと、数年間、心配しており、彼は万一の事態に、準備を行っていました。2010年12月17日、”救出願い” に署名捺印し、もし、彼が拉致されたと信じられる根拠があれば、彼に代わって行動するよう、東京第二弁護士会の、福本修也氏を任命しました。
In a letter to the Community Safety Section of Katori Police Station, dated 22 May 2014, Nobuya Fukumoto pointed out that it “has been more than four months since direct contact with Mr. Ishibashi was lost, and an abnormal situation in which he appears to be confined against his will has continued for an extended period.” He urged to “arrange for a visit between [himself] and Mr. Ishibashi in person” and to respond to him within three days of receiving his petition.
2014年5月22日付の、香取署生活安全課宛の書面で、福本弁護士は、「石橋正人君との直接の連絡が途絶えて、4ヶ月以上が経ち、彼の意思に反して監禁されていると思われる異常な状況が、長期にわたっている。」と、指摘し、彼自身(弁護士)と石橋君の直接の面会 を準備してくるよう、そして、この願いを受け取ってから、3日以内に返答するよう、返事をくれるよう要要請しました。
On 26 May, the Head of the Community Safety Section of Katori Police station called lawyer Nobuya Fukumoto by phone and informed him that “we have received your letter. We have read and confirmed the contents, and I’m calling to let you know our response, that with due respect, we cannot respond to your request.” When asked to explain the reasons of the refusal, the officer stated: “The reason is that this is not a matter for which the police should arrange a meeting, and so our response is that the police will not be able to do this.”
5月26日、香取警察署の生活安全課の課長が、福本修也弁護士に電話で、「あなたの手紙を受け取りました。内容を読み、確認いたしました。ご返事のため、お電話申し上げました。私達は、あなたの要請にお応えしかねます。」と、伝えてきました。拒絶の理由を尋ねたところ、「この問題は、警察が面会を手配するような問題ではありません。そして、私達の回答は、これにお応えすることはできないということです。」 と、伝えてきました。
続く To be continued
感想を書く時間がないけれど、ひとつだけ。”石橋正人” ”行方不明” と日本語で検索すれば、このブログも含めて、他の拉致監禁関連ブログがヒットする。英語で "masato ishibashi" "missing" で、検索すれば、国連のウェブサイトが上位にヒットする。千葉県警の、人権無視の醜態は、世界中の人権活動家に知られるところとなった。
もし、あなたが、拉致監禁に関わっている人なら(両親と、叔父、そして背後の牧師ということになるだろうけど・・)、すでに国際問題にもなっていて、あなたがたは、国際人権 B規約 (日本も批准)の、第9条と、18条に違反する人権蹂躙者ということになってますよ。もし、あながた、千葉県警関連の人なら、関係者にこの記事を広く知らせて欲しい。
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以下、「秀のブログ」 より全文引用
速報! ご夫婦は監禁から解放されました。
<7月31日 午前5時追記>
どこの警察かは分かりませんが、最初の ”連れ込まれそう” になったときの騒ぎに来たときに、警察は、適切に処置すべきだった。しかし、夫婦まとめての監禁など、初めて聞くことだ。夫婦の一人を監禁すれば、残った配偶者が捜索願を出すことへの対抗策か?
千葉県警は、本人の意思など確認することなど、さらさら考えてなく、彼のおじんさんが ”普通に暮らしてる” という、第三者の意見を根拠に、”正人君は安全”としている。ひどい話だ。
国連自由権規約人権委員会 2014 です。