
インジン・ムーン牧師 (米)国会議事堂内で「拉致監禁」を訴える



インジン・ムーン牧師は、アメリカ統一教会の会長で、統一教会ムーン教祖の三女。韓国で生まれ、1973年にアメリカに移住。1984年にDr.Jin Sung Park と結婚後も、コロムビア大学で、政治学/哲学を学び、その後、5人の子供を育てながら、ハーバード神学校で学んだ。2008年4月に、マンハッタンセンターのCEOに、2008年8月に、アメリカ統一教会の会長兼CEOに任命された。

Rev. In Jin Moon's Remarks

2012-08-01 (米)連邦議会「同盟国での宗教迫害に対するアメリカの対応」会見の模様

日本語訳: Yoshi (注: は、私による)
"I feel so honored to be here at this congressional briefing, with such an illustrious gathering of panelists. They have truly been the pioneers and warriors in the fight for human rights. I feel as if I'm just a neophyte, following in their footsteps. But as a member of the Unification Church, and as a woman in this modern-day era, when I heard the atrocities and the persecution, the unspeakable abuses that are taking place in Japan, I could not sleep. And I resolved myself to commit to this faith-breaking issue at hand, and try my best to raise the awareness of what is taking place in Japan to our brothers and sisters.


"Ms. [Kiyomi] Miyama is just one of 4,300 brothers and sisters of our faith who have been subjected to this kind of abuse for the last three decades in Japan.


(注 by Yoshi: ムーン女史のスピーチの前に、拉致監禁被害者である、ミヤマさんのスピーチがあったものと思います。)

"The '70's and '80's, during which I was called a 'Moonie' and 'Chink' and told to go back home, and all of these wonderful things, which I know helped me become a better person, was a very painful time for the members of our faith. And I think the overriding fear of what the Unification Church is all about, what is this man, from the very strange and poor country of Korea, proclaiming himself as the messiah, and instead of really trying to investigate, to open up our minds, to see what the man had to say, I think there was a lot of fear of his 'power' that he exercised over the brothers and sisters in the American faith.

私が、「ムーニー」「中国人」とからかわれ、「帰れ」とか、そんな「素敵な」言葉の数々を言われてた頃の70年代、80年代は、・・・そのことの故、私は、よりすばらしい人に成長できたと思いますが・・・私たち信仰のメンバーにとって、とても辛い時期でした。詳しく調べる代わりに、私たちの心を開かせるのではなく、そして、その男が何を言っているのか確認しないで、自らを救世主と名乗り、奇妙で貧しい韓国からやってきたこの男は何者かと、統一教会に対するどうしようもない恐怖感がすべてであったろうと思います。アメリカ人としての信念をもった兄弟姉妹に影響を及ぼすことのできる彼の "力" に多大な脅威を感じたのだと思います。

(注 by Yoshi: chink - 中国人を呼ぶ蔑称)

"A lot of unspeakable crimes have been committed [in the United States] in the name of ignorance. But we had a constitution, and we had the support of wonderful Christian ministers who were able to participate, to utilize the due process of law that finally gave us the opportunity to exercise our faith as citizens of the great country of America. But in Japan, our brothers and sisters are still suffering from these unspeakable crimes.


"I was asked to meet with one sister in private. And I had to meet her in this very quiet section of Seoul, Korea because she did not want to be seen. She said to me, 'Rev. Moon, I want to talk to you about something that I could not even speak to about with my husband for the past 15 years.' She began to tell me her story about being abducted.


"Some of her family members who were misled by deprogrammers were working in conjunction with the Christian ministers representing different faiths in Japan. She told me about the abuse she went through, not just the emotional and mental abuse, but also the sexual abuse she had to endure during the time that she was held. She mentioned that it was a Christian minister himself who committed the atrocities, who raped her repeatedly, wanting to help 'liberate' her from her 'zombie-like state' as a Unification Church member. She said that this experience has been so traumatic that she could not bring herself to come clean to her husband. She didn't know when she would find the strength to speak of it with her husband. But she knows that she represents only one of 4,300 men and women who have been voiceless, who have been silent, who felt like they had no faith for the last three decades in Japan.

ディプロラマーによって惑わされた彼女の家族は、異なった信仰を持ったキリスト教の牧師達と協力していました。彼女は、彼女が体験した虐待について話してくれました。それは、精神的、肉体的な虐待ばかりでなく、彼女が監禁中に耐え忍ばなかればならなかった性的虐待も含まれていました。統一教会員としての 「ゾンビーのような状況」 から彼女を 「開放」 しようと、その残虐行為を行い、彼女を繰り返しレイプしたのは、キリスト教の牧師、彼自身だったと、彼女は言いました。この体験はトロウマ(心の傷が癒えないほどの衝撃的体験)となり、彼女は夫にも打ち明けることができませんでした。彼女は、夫に話すことのできる力が、いつ持てるのかわかりませんでした。しかし、彼女は、声を上げることができず、沈黙してきた、そして、過去30年間、日本で、まるで自分を不信仰者のように感じてきた4300名の男女の中のたった一人にすぎないことを自覚しています。

"And as others have mentioned, Japan is one of the superpowers in the world. It is a democracy with a constitution that guarantees religious freedom to its citizens. And we have to understand that in this modern-day era, the people who are being abducted are not minors. These people are legitimate citizens in Japan, who are over the age of 21. Just recently, a 62 year-old woman was abducted by deprogrammers.


"Because there is such a fear about the teachings of Rev. Moon, or about the teachings of the Unification Church, families are driven to incarcerate their own children, their own family members, in extreme situations, like the way Mr. Toru Goto was imprisoned for 12 years and five months. I don't know if you've met Mr. Goto, but he was a student going for his architect degree and a proud Unificationist. He was a man with ambition, with incredible promise, a six-foot, handsome, Japanese man weighing 160 lbs. But by the time he found himself thrown out because the faith-breakers finally decided they could not break his faith, he was half his body weight, 80 lbs, crawling for safety and for help.


"The sheer debasement of the simple human dignity that every citizen of this country should have was denied to this gentleman. And it has taken him a long time to find himself, to reclaim the last 12 years and five months of his life. But the story of Mr. Goto is an example of what our brothers and sisters have to endure: physical abuse, constant hitting, mental abuse, accusations of being stupid, that one is not human because one believes in the Unification Church. Can you imagine what that would do to you and me if we were in that situation?


"So, there is desperation of sorts in my heart. These are not just my brothers and sisters, if we really think of ourselves as a world of unity – they are our brothers and sisters. When I visited the congressional offices here at Capitol Hill, the congressmen and women asked me, 'Why are you talking to us about what is taking place in Japan? Why is this a U.S. problem?' It is a U.S. problem because a lot of our brothers and sisters are married to a Japanese spouse. We have a situation in the Unification Church where internationally married couples cannot go to Japan to visit their relatives over holiday for fear of being abducted and abused. That has caused incredible strain. And for the Japanese ambassador and the Japanese government to say that this is 'merely a family matter,' and that all the rights in the due process of law should be ignored is really quite alarming.


"Therefore, the incredible panelists that are seated before you today are an inspiration for me. My father just recently spoke about the importance of alliances, of working together, and of freedom. We need to understand that we are entering an era of alliance, that we affect each other, regardless of where we are in the world. And instead of thinking about own individual freedom, we need to start thinking about our freedom as a whole. Our power and liberty as those eternal sons and daughters of God that we all are. The things that are taking place in Japan are an egregious violation of human rights that needs to be stopped. One cannot put rape, physical abuse, mental torture, and emotional manipulation as simply a 'family matter.' This is not just a family matter. Until just recently, the abuse of women in a marital relationship in Japan was construed as a family matter. It took the pressure of the international community to come together and say, 'What is being done to these women, who are raped by their husbands, day-in and day-out, is not a family matter. It is an egregious violation of human rights that needs to be addressed by the international community.' And guess what? The international community came together, created an alliance and said, 'Enough is enough. We are not going to stand still while our sisters are abused in marital relationships.' Incredible steps have been made in that regard. If a husband feels so inclined to rape his wife, he's going to have to answer to the law. Likewise, what is taking place with our Unificationists in Japan is not a family matter. Rape and abuse is not a family matter.

(注 by Yoshi: 長い段落なので、いつかの段落に分けました。)





"Likewise, what is taking place with our Unificationists in Japan is not a family matter. The perpetrators need to face the law; they need to experience the due process of the law that is guaranteed by the constitution in Japan. So, I urge all of you to really take this matter to heart.


"We cannot think that this is something that is taking place elsewhere that will not affect us. If we do not stand together and work together to fight against these God-given rights and fight for the very principles that really make us who we are, sons and daughters of God, then we might as well just say goodbye to our hopes of creating that incredible world of peace.


"But if we truly believe in the dignity of every human being, if we believe that a violation of human rights cannot take place in modern-day society and will not stand still, sit still, be silent, then I feel that the world of peace and love and harmony that my father so affectionately speaks about each day of his life – and he's well into his 93 years of age – can be within our grasp.

もし、私たちがすべての人々の尊厳を信じているなら、もし、私たちが人権侵害が現代社会で起きてはならない事であり、じっとして、黙っているべきではないと信じるなら、私の父 - もう、93歳の齢ですが - が彼の人生で、愛情をこめて語った、平和と愛と調和の世界は、手の届くところにります。

"So, thank you so much, ladies and gentlemen, for being here. Your presence really gives me great inspiration that America cares. And just the fact that Capitol Hill is listening, just the fact that they are holding this congressional briefing, when I take this news back to our brothers and sisters in Japan, I know that they will be moved to tears, that they will be inspired and they will feel more committed to go on in their fight for religious freedom. Thank you."


2012-11-02 追記:





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Posted by みんな at 2012年08月23日 08:25


Posted by Yoshi at 2012年08月24日 21:49

Posted by Yoshi at 2012年10月24日 13:40
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