
2010-11-16 NY抗議行動(後半)日本語訳




Rev. Dr. Michael Jenkins, Chirman of American Clergy Leadership Conference
マイケル・ジェンキンス牧師/博士 アメリカ聖職者指導者会議 議長

There’s a criminal element to this faith breaking. What is going on is criminal’s profiteering by using misunderstandings between families and their relatives that have joined minority religions. And the profiteers are confusing the families and are charging them $50,000 and then kidnapping them, abducting them and holding them in the private prisons and then breaking them, breaking their spirit, breaking their faith. We say LET MY PEOPLE GO. LET MY PEOPLE GO.


We will be stopping criminals. The same thing happened in America as Rev Kerner said. The same thing going on, National Council of Churches stood up and said breaking people’s faith for any reason is unethical. It’s not moral. It’s not principled. Kidnapping people is a felony crime in America and in Japan. We need a conviction in Japan. We need Japanese ambassador Nishimiya to hear our voice. We need a conviction in Japan. Mr. Goto cannot be held for 12 years and 5 months without persecution of the criminals. We are not talking about the families. We are talking about criminals. That were hired that broke Japanese law.



12:17 (Rev. Jenkins continues.)
The problem is the Japanese Government is doing nothing about it. Again the chief of Police Nakai and Japanese Diet, Chief Nakai said that this must investigated and treated fairly and any adults held against their will must be released immediately. However the local police are not acting. And people being held for months and even years. The government is doing nothing about it. That’s why we are asking leaders of Japan to awaken to listen to this injustice. And. we are confident they will.



Archbishop G. Augustus Stallings Jr., Founder of Imani Temple in Washington DC
アウガスタス・ストーリング大司教 Imani Temple(ワシントンDC) 創設者

Justice is not simply just us. But justice must be for all, men and women, especially who live in a democratic society. Therefore we will not stop with this demonstration. This will be not be the last, will only be the beginning because we are going to create a tsunami of protest. We are going to create a tsunami protest. As long as brothers and sisters in Japan are being denied their religious freedom and human rights, we will speak out. We will make noise. We will demonstrate. We will protest. Yes, we will stand together. We will stand together. For what affects brother and sisters in Japan also affects us. We are going to stand together. Where do we go from here? We will continue to speak out because when one door shuts many more doors will be open. Even if his Excellency ambassador Nishimiya has closed his ears, millions of ears will be open to this protest. Many will hear this.

正義は、ただ単に私たちだけのものではありません。正義は全ての人のためにあるべきです。男も女も、とりわけ民主主義の社会に生きている者にとっては当然のことです。それ故、私たちは、このデモをやめません。これは最後のデモではなく、これから津波のような一連の運動の始まりのデモです。日本の兄弟姉妹の、宗教の自由、人権が否定されている限り、私たちは叫び続けます。私たちは雑音をたてます。私たちはデモを行います。私たちは抗議します。そう、私たちは、一緒に立ち上がります。私たちは、一緒に立ち上がります。日本の兄弟姉妹が受けることは、私たちが受けることです。私たちは、共に立ち上がります。私たちは、ここからどこに向かうのでしょうか? 私たちは、継続して叫び続けます。一つのドアが閉じられれば、もっとたくさんのドアが開くでしょう。たとえ、ニシミヤ大使閣下の耳が塞がれたとしたら、何百万という耳が、この抗議を聞くために開くでしょう。多くの人に、このことが届くでしょう。

So we want justice. That’s what we want? We want justice and we want it now. What do we want? (Justice) When do we want it? (Now) What do we want ? (Justice) When do we want it? (Now) SHOUT FREEDOM! Freedom for every continent. Freedom to Japan. Freedom in every household. Freedom for all religions. Freedom. (Freedom) Freedom. We will continue to fight protest until freedom rings in every house of religion in Japan and every person has a God given right to worship God, and to believe in God, and to celebrate God on his or her own heart. Thank you.

私たちは正義を要求ます。それが私たちの要求するものですか?私たちは正義を、そして、それを今すぐ要求します。私たちは何を要求しますか?(正義)正義はいつ必要ですか? (今すぐ)私たちは何を要求しますか?(正義)正義はいつ必要ですか? (今すぐ)自由とさけべ! 全ての大陸に自由を。日本に自由を。すべての家庭に自由を。全ての宗教に自由を。自由(自由)。私たちは、日本のすべての宗教に自由が鳴り響き、すべての人が、それぞれの心の中で、神を崇拝し、信じ、お祝いする、神の与えた権利が確立されるまで、私たちは戦い続けます。ありがとう。




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