
●拉致監禁:1975年のアメリカの例-ブライアンの体験 Part 2 of 5

記事タイトル(原文):Deprogramming from the Unification Church - Statement of Brian Sabourin Part 2 of 5
タイトル日本語:統一教会に対するディプログラミング - ブライアン・サボウリン氏の体験 その2(5回連載)
発表機関(英語):Anti Cult Movement
記事の日付:不明 (記事中のディプログラミングは1975年7月4日に始まった)
日本語訳: Yoshi




It was about 3:00 in the morning. I got in my uncle's car, with my father and uncles sitting on either side of me, and was driven to an old hunting cabin in New Hampshire. I couldn't sleep during the car ride; I was too nervous and scared. Many times during the trip I felt sick to my stomach and nauseous, nearly passing out.


We got to the house at about 6:00 in the morning. I immediately recognized my future deprogrammers, Mr. George Swope and Carl Waranowski. I had seen them during a meeting at Durham, New Hampshire where CARP's membership as a qualified student organization was being re-considered.



They told me to get out of the car, and then escorted me into the little cabin. I walked around inside the cabin while the deprogrammers talked with my parents and relatives on the outside. After a while everybody came inside. Mrs. Swope and few other people had just arrived. My mother, father and uncles came over to me, saying that, "We're all behind you, Brian," and "We know you can do it..."

彼らは、私に車を降りるように言った。そして、私を小さな山小屋に連れて行った。ディプログラマーが、外で両親や親戚と話している間、私は、山小屋の中を歩き回った。しばらくして、全員、中に入ってきた。スウォープ氏の奥さんと、他の何人かも、到着した。私の、母と、父と、おじさんが、私のところにやってきて、「私たちはあなたを応援してるからね。あなたならできるよ。」 と、言った。

My mother then hugged me, and patted me on the head saying, "All these people have taken their holiday off just to help you, Brian. Now just listen to what they have to say..." She was treating me like a child. She treated me as a mother would treat her mentally sick son! I asked her if she was o.k. and told her that I already knew what these people were going to say, and if they would only let me, I could explain everything. She started crying then. I embraced her and tried to console her, saying that I had never thought out any decision as much as I had my decision to join the Unification Church. I told her that I loved being a member and that I had full use of my mind and free will. "Isn't that evident?" I asked. But she only cried more. Then I told her that I would be alright and that if everything went like they said it would, we would all learn something. My mother then turned and walked out the door to talk with the people outside.


My father then came up to me, shaking my hand and patting me on the back, saying, "You can see how worried and upset your mother and I are over you Brian, so just listen to these people, they're here to help you." I again said that I was fine and didn't need help from anyone. I told him that I had never been happier doing what I was doing, and that I could clear the whole problem up if they would only listen to me and give me the time to explain myself. My father shook his head and said, "Brian, I know you can pull yourself out of the problem you've gotten yourself into, and that is what these people are here for, to help you."


I got the distinct feeling that he and everybody else there regarded me as one would a person with a drug addition. Shortly after this, he left too and my brother and friend Ray came into the room with me. I talked with them until the deprogrammers came into the room.


Then, at 6:30, they started in on me. Immediately they started yelling at me. Calling me a liar, telling me that I hated my parents and would even kill them if Moon told me to. They said that I should be ashamed of myself for causing them this worry!! I started to say that it was they who had caused my parents' confusion and not myself, but they broke into my remark before I could even explain myself, calling me a "bastard" and a "pimp for Moon."



The situation was so unusual that I started to laugh. I simply couldn't believe what was happening to me. But that only made them yell more, calling me an "arrogant S.O.B." and so on. At every chance I had I would start to explain why I had joined and why I believed them to be wrong, but I would no sooner start to talk when they would break in and interrupt me, causing me to become confused and flustered until I forgot completely about what I was saying.

状況があまりにも異常だっったので、私は笑い始めた。何が起こっているのか、信じることができなかった。しかし、彼らはもっとひどく、"傲慢野郎" とか叫んだ。チャンスがあるたびに、私がなぜ統一教会にはいったかを、そして、彼ら(ディプログラマー)の間違いを説明し始めると、邪魔が入り、私が何を言おうとしていたか、完全に忘れるまで、私を混乱させ続けた。

訳者註:arrogant S.O.B. - arrogantは"傲慢な"ですが、S.O.B.って、私には何か分りませんが、人をののしる悪い言葉であるということは推測できます。その後の、調査でS.O.B.はs#& of b&#@& の頭文字を取ったものだと分かりました。ここでは、傲慢野郎としました。あまり、こういう言葉には慣れてなてく、昨夜は何か分かりませんでした。


2010-10-26 夜:アップ、訳すべて終了
2010-10-27 朝:最後の部分のS.O.Bについての訳者註追加

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