発表機関(英語):Stop Japan Abduction
日本語訳: Yoshi
3回続いて、同じトピックが続きますが、12日に行われたニューヨーク総領事館前での記者会見・抗議行動の後、総領事・大使宛の手紙が、総領事館に届けられました。しかし、総領事直接には、渡せなかったようです。(SBSの番組内で、韓国の婦人達が、何回も韓国総領事(or 大使)に面会に行っても、『いない』と言われる・・・とぼやいてましたが・・・)
American Clergy Leadership Conference
3224 16th Street, NW
Washington, DC 20010
Tel: (202) 319-3200
Fax: (202) 483-4700
“Rebuild the Family, Restore the Community and Renew the Nation and the World”
October 12, 2010
The Honorable Shinichi Nishmiya
Ambassador and Consul General
Japanese Consulate in New York
299 Park Ave # 19
New York, NY 10171-0025
Dear Mr. Ambassador
The American Clergy Leadership Council represents 22,000 clergy men and women of various faiths in the US. We are deeply committed to interfaith mutual respect and tolerance. For example, on September 10 of this year we held a press conference in Washington DC denouncing the plan of a misguided Christian pastor to burn the Qur’an. We are glad to say that this public protest helped to put a stop to such an act of intolerance.
Mr. Ambassador, regrettably, today we need to draw your attention to another act of intolerance going on in your own country. Although Japan has a commendable record on human rights and religious freedom generally, a recent documentary aired by the Korean SBS broadcasting network has made it clear that Japanese police and prosecutors are failing to enforce your country’s constitutional guarantee (Article 20) of religious freedom, as well as its
criminal laws against false imprisonment and coercion. The documentary reported that a number of Japanese women who had married Korean husbands in the Unification Church were abducted by family members in Japan and confined for prolong periods in order to break their faith and end their marriages.
Moreover, there are reliable reports that large numbers of Unificationists have been kidnapped in Japan (4,300 by UC estimates) with a similar intent. We have met and interviewed several of the victims who now live in the US and are convinced that there is indeed cause for concern. We are informed that the director of Japan’s National Public Safety Commission stated in the
Diet this year that when police learn of a missing person who is suspected of being abducted to de-convert him from a religious group, the police are supposed to discover his or her whereabouts and learn from the person directly if he/she is being confined. A similar statement was made in 2002 by his predecessor. However, there is documented evidence that when police are actually contacted and informed of a missing person in such cases, they either
decline to investigate or take the word of the family that person is free, without hearing directly from the reported victim.
We have been meeting with the State Department’s International Office on Religious Freedom and members of congress to brief them on the issue. Many are deeply concerned that such an important friend and ally of America is allowing on ongoing injustice to continue. We are discussing with our Congressmen how we might address this issue.
A particularly egregious case is that of Mr. Toru Goto, who was held against his will for 12.5 years, starting at age 31. Subjected to an intensive attempt to break his faith, he was not even allowed to go outside to exercise and had lost half his body weight when he was finally released. However, criminal charges against the perpetrators of this crime where dropped for“lack of evidence” in December of last year.
Mr. Ambassador, these cases remind those of us who were involved in the Civil Rights Movement in the US of the situation in which the US Attorney General had a good policy, but local and state authorities turned a blind eye to the persecution of African-Americans in the South. However, in Japan, your justice system is more unified, and there is no excuse for not enforcing the law. All that is lacking is the will of national authorities to make it clear to local
police and prosecutors that the laws must be enforced.
Efforts have been underway for several years to bring this matter to the authorities’attention, but to no avail. Now, the international human rights community is beginning to speak out. Mr. Ambassador, we have no desire to bring shame to you great nation, which in most ways is a shining example of democracy and commitment to human rights. However, we need to be assured that steps are being taken to remedy the situation.
Toward that end, we propose a meeting as the earliest possible convenience between yourselves and us, together with several of the Japanese victims currently living in the US. We are certain that once your hear their stories as we have, you will agree that something must be done. We will hand deliver this letter today to underscore the seriousness of our request.
Very sincerely yours.
Rev. Michael Jenkins マイケル・ジェンキンス牧師
Chairman 議長
Dr. Luonne Rouse ルオン・ロウズ博士
United Methodist メソジスト教会
Bishop Jesse Edwards ジェシー・エドワーズ司祭
Co – President 共同会長
今回のニューヨークでの抗議行動、記者会見を中心的に主催したのは、ACLC (American Clergy Leadership Conference アメリカ聖職者指導者会議)です。ACLCは、2000年5月に、統一教会の関連団体として、宗派を超え人種を越え、アメリカのキリスト教をまとめる目的で設立されました。本部は、ワシントンDCです。今回の抗議行動で語った二人の牧師は、統一教会ではない一般の教会牧師です。ACLCのウェブサイトによれば、最近の大きなイベントは、コーランを燃やそうとしたキリスト教会牧師を非難するワシントンDCでの抗議行動でした。
ACLC ウェブサイト http://www.aclc.info/
2010-10-20 夜:最後の3段落のみ終了
2010-10-21 夜:残りの訳 完了。それに伴い前文修正
2010-10-22 夜:追記の追加
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- ◆Youtube:NY総領事館前 抗議デモ (2010-10-12)
- ニューヨーク総領事館前で記者会見 (2012-10-12)