発表機関(英語):FFWPU HQ - New York, NY
発表機関(日本語):アメリカ統一教会本部 ニューヨーク州 ニューヨーク市
日本語訳: Yoshi
Original Text and Translation start:
"The Japanese government is turning a blind eye to this persecution," said Dr. Luonne Rouse, a United Methodist Church Pastor. "It's time to stop the abductions and free the victims. We must protest religious freedom and human rights."
Dr. Rouse said at the briefing: “We as clergy have been working on the continued human rights and religious freedom abuses that are going on in Japan. We are shocked that a good friend and ally of America, that is a modern democratic society, would continue to allow the abduction and forced confinement of adult men and women against the fundamental principles of freedom of religion that Japan is supposed to uphold.”
“I’m reminded of the acts that were done in America when the higher law on the books forbade kidnapping, abduction and the destruction of life. And yet local authorities, who were driven by bigotry and hatred, allowed the lynching of black brothers and sisters to occur. Even though it was clearly against the law, local police, prosecutors and judges took no action,” Dr. Rouse continued.
“We are encouraged, however, that God is real and that when people of faith and conscience come together from all faiths, we will overcome. We shall overcome. We saw this with Dr. Martin Luther King. We saw this with the great reformers in history. We once again will see this in Japan. We’re calling upon the righteous people of Japan in government and in civil society to come forward and stop the forced and violent abduction of adults in Japan, and the release of the captives immediately. God is saying, once again,: ‘Let my people go!’ ” Dr. Rouse told the gathering.
Also speaking at the event was Bishop Jesse Edwards, a Pentecostal minister, who said: “As a Pentecostal pastor and the president of the American Clergy Leadership Conference, we come to send a message to the Japanese ambassador and consul general, and to the ambassador in Washington, as well as to the authorities in Japan. We are working closely with our Congressmen and Senators because we believe that a violation of religious freedom, whether it be in Japan or in any nation of the world, must be addressed. If it is not, it will spread.”
Bishop Edwards continued: “We as Christian clergy are very, very concerned about the persecution of people of faith. My fellow Pentecostals in America have been persecuted and even beaten and killed over their beliefs. And in relationship to this faith-breaking operation that’s continuing in Japan, we see that one of our own Pentecostal believers in the United States was abducted, taken through the faith-breaking process simply because some of his family didn’t believe in the Christian denomination that he chose with his own faith. Only through convictions of the criminals involved did the kidnapping and human rights violations stop and religious freedom secured. ”
Transation ends. 翻訳終了
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