

記事タイトル(原文):THE INSTITUTE Condemns Kidnapping and Forced Religious Conversion in Japan
発表機関(英語):THE INSTITUTE on Religion and Public Policy
日本語訳: Yoshi


Oringinal texts and translation start here. 日本語訳はじまり。
Alexandria, VA, January 12, 2010 ― THE INSTITUTE on Religion and Public Policy calls upon the government of Japan to bring to a halt the long-term and persistent use of kidnapping and forced confinement of its citizens to deny and change their religious beliefs.

アレクサンドリア、バージニア州、2010年1月12日 – 宗教および公共政策研究所は、宗教信念を否定し改宗のため、長期にわたり継続されている拉致監禁、強制改宗をやめさせるよう、日本政府に要請した。

It has been reported that just in the Unification Church alone, more than 4,000 members have been victimized to date. Those who have managed to escape often did so at great personal risk.


The approximate 1,300 who returned to their religious communities reported horrific accounts of long-term incarceration, mental and physical abuse and psychological manipulation designed to force them to recant their faith. Currently at least four Unification Church members remain missing and are suspected to be held against their will.


One example of Japan’s religious persecution is the case of Mr. Toru Goto, who was confined for over 12 years against his will in Tokyo and finally gained his freedom in 2008. Mr. Goto was not allowed to leave the illegal private prison, even to exercise, and was deprived of food by his captors, necessitating a prolonged hospital stay when he was finally released.

日本の宗教迫害の一つの例として、Toru Goto氏の例があげられる。彼は、東京において、彼の意志に反し、12年間にわたり監禁され、2008年にようやく自由を得た。Goto氏は、監禁場所から一歩も出ることができず、運動することも許されず、監禁者たちにより食事制裁を受けた。解放されたが、長期の入院が必要だった。

The perpetrators of this crime are known to the police, and yet on December 9 prosecutors refused to hear the case against them. Their claim of “insufficient evidence” is a travesty of justice and allows those responsible to continue their activities with impunity. Such inaction by the government will almost certainly result in more such kidnappings.


These practices are clearly in violation of international human rights instruments guaranteeing the right to freedom of religion and belief and freedom of movement. Japan is bound to uphold these standards as a member of the international community. Moreover, false imprisonment is a crime in Japan under Article 220 of the Japanese Penal Code. These gross human rights violations threaten to stain Japan’s otherwise exemplary role in promoting and defending fundamental rights around the world.


THE INSTITUTE strongly urges the immediate and forceful intervention of Japan’s Government, Diet, prosecutors, police, human rights organizations, and religious leaders to put an end to kidnapping and forced religious conversion in Japan. A conscious lack of action on the part of the Government of Japan to end these kindnappings and forced conversions makes the government complicit in such acts.

Translation ends. 訳終了
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