
◆日本での強制改宗 - 被害者に拷問(Yahoo News)

記事タイトル:De-conversions in Japan inflict torture on religious victims
タイトル日本語:日本での強制改宗 - 被害者に拷問
記事の日付:2010年9月16日 イタリア トリノ発
日本語訳: Yoshi

この記事は、PR Newswire により配信された記事で、Yahoo News(英語版)に掲載されたものです。イタリア トリノでのCESNUR会議後に配信されたもので、記事の内容は、このブログ9月30日付けの、「宗教学者-日本の人権侵害を調査するよう要請される」の記事を短めにまとめたものですが、新しい内容もあります。

新しい内容は、最後の方の"Fefferman shared....."で、始まる段落の部分ですので、今日のブログでは、その部分よりあとを、訳します。前半の部分は、このブログ9月30日付けの記事を参考にして下さい。

Yahoo News(英語版)では、サブタイトルとして、De-conversions in Japan inflict torture on religious victims(日本での強制改宗 - 被害者 拷問を受ける)とあり、この見出しは、Yahoo News 特有なもので、本日の記事では、これをタイトルとしました。

(訳者註 )の部分は、私のコメントです。
Original Texts, Translation starts here.
TURIN, Italy, Sept. 16 – イタリア トリノ発 9月16日

De-conversions in Japan inflict torture on religious victims
日本での強制改宗 - 被害者 拷問を受ける

TURIN, Italy, Sept. 16 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- Speaking to the Center for Studies on New Religions (CESNUR), Dan Fefferman, President of the International Coalition for Religious Freedom, urged religious scholars from Europe and North America to conduct independent investigations into the kidnappings and forced de-conversions of Unification Church members in Japan.

CESNUR is the world's premier gathering of scholars dedicated to the study of new religions and religious minorities. Approximately 150 scholars attended the conference, held in Turin, Italy at the University of Turin.

Fefferman reported to CENSUR attendees that 10 to 20 Unification Church members are currently victims of forced de-conversions each year in Japan. Two new victims were abducted against their will during the month of August, and several more church members remain missing.

While so-called "deprogramming" has been eliminated in the United States for nearly 20 years, there exists a well organized movement in Japan to kidnap Unification Church members and hold them against their will for months or even years at a time.

Most Japanese government officials turn a blind eye to the human rights abuses, and police refuse to investigate in part because there are not enough independent voices demanding justice.

"Scholars are not involved in Japan," Fefferman told the CESNUR audience. "One of the reasons they are not involved is that they are taking a professional risk if they defend the Unification Church."

Fefferman shared real life stories of deprogramming survivors who report beatings, threats with knives, humiliation and other psychological abuse, food depravation and rape. Despite the clear abuses of civil liberties, Japanese authorities refuse to intervene, calling religious affiliation a "family matter."


In the United States, American citizens are being encouraged to sign a petition for Congress to hold hearings on Japan's human rights violations. Specifically, the hearing would be held by the Tom Lantos Commission on Human Rights, co-chaired by Rep. James McGovern (D-MA) and Rep. Frank Wolf (R-VA).


(訳者註:開催されるだろう・・・というのは、開催が決定していることではありません。"would be held" なので、もし、開催されるとしたら、そうなるだろう・・という事です。このブログから正確ではない情報が出ることは避けたいので、希望的観測で早とちりされませんようにお願いします。)

For more information on the Japan abduction issue:

About ICRF

The International Coalition for Religious Freedom is a non-profit, non-sectarian, educational organization dedicated to defending the religious freedom of all, regardless of creed, gender or ethnic origin.


SOURCE International Coalition for Religious Freedom
Translation ends here. 日本語訳終了


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