台湾でCESNURの国際会議が行われた。7月7〜9日には、スペイン・バルセロナで、ICSA(International Cultic Studies Association = 国際カルト研究協会)の国際会議が開かれる。
記事タイトル(原文):Confronting Unification Church Critics at the ICSA Conference
日本語訳: Yoshi (今回は、おおざっぱに訳した部分もあります。ご了解下さい。カラー、太字は訳者による。)
Attending an anti-cult conference isn’t the way most Unificationists would choose to spend the July 4th weekend. But that’s what I did earlier this month, together with my Japanese colleagues, Shunsuke Uotani, an official of the Universal Peace Federation in Japan, and Toru Goto, a leader of the victims of forced conversion in Japan. Throughout my work with the International Coalition for Religious Freedom, I’ve been going to these meetings each year for about a decade -- mainly in order to keep an eye on our movement’s opponents and to get a sense of what they may be planning against us. In the process, I’ve also come to understand that the “cultic studies” movement is not at all monolithic. It includes a wide spectrum of psychologists, academics, and activists, ranging from vehemently anti-Unification Church (UC) deprogrammers to fair-minded professors.
(おおざっぱな訳)2010年7月4日の週末、日本UPFの魚谷氏と後藤徹氏と共に、反カルト会議(ICSA Conference)に参加した。私は、過去10年間この会議に参加して来た。それは、主に彼らの動きを監視するためだ。しかし、
In most of my previous expeditions into the world of anti-cultism, I had ventured into these meetings as a lone reconnaissance officer behind enemy lines. However, I never hid my identity as a Unificationist, and soon came to learn that some folks were interested in real communication, not just venting their hostility against the “Moon cult.” The International Cultic Studies Association (ICSA) in particular has provided a number of opportunities for constructive dialogue.
すると、ある人たちが、「ムーンカルト」に対する敵意ではなく、真実の交流を求めてくるようになった。ICSA(International Cutlic Studies Association = 国際カルト研究協会)は、いくつかの建設的対話の場を提供してくれた。At the same time, this conference has regularly featured sessions led by the anti-UC lawyers’ group in Japan, known as the National Network of Lawyers Against Spiritual Sales. The reaction of these anti-UC speakers when I introduced myself was somtimes amusing. One anti-UC university professor simply responded, “Your kidding, right?” when I told him I was a current member. Another participant, a long-haired, Japanese ex-UC member who is now a chain-smoking Christian pastor ministering mainly to other ex-UC members, said: “Right now I am having mixed emotions toward you!”
Toru Goto Stands Up for Freedom
後藤徹氏、自由のために立ち上がるDuring the last two ICSA meetings, I was not the only current UC member in attendance. Last year I was joined by Richard Bach, an attorney and a second-generation Unificationist, of the United States and Sam Nagasaka, a victim of forced conversion, of Japan. This year, Japan sent Mr. Goto and Mr. Uotani. This most recent ICSA meeting in Fort, Lee New Jersey from July 2-3 yielded some promising results.
過去2回のICSA会議は、統一教会メンバーの参加は私だけではなかった。昨年は、弁護士でありUC二世のRichard Bach氏と、日本から、拉致監禁被害者のSam Nagasaka氏が参加した。今年は、日本から、後藤氏と魚谷氏がやってきた。今年の、ICSA会議はニュージャージー州のフォートリーで開催され、いくつかの成果があった。
Mr. Goto’s presence there was significant, their anti-UC lawyers and their allies in Japan long have denied that deprogramming exists. By their lights, the violent confinement of Unification Church members in prison condos for months or years at a time is just a friendly conversation between friends and family. When their victims (i.e. “clients” with tort claims, in legalese) renounce their affiliation with the Unification Church, they are urged to sign formal statements averring that force or coercion were ever a factor. Mr. Toru Goto is an anomaly. Unlike his brother and sister-in-law, he held out against their coercion for more than 12 years and very nearly died of starvation. Standing tall and proud at the ICSA conference, his very presence was living proof that kidnapping and confinement of UC members persists in Japan.
From Mr. Goto’s viewpoint, the highlight came during the Friday session by the anti-UC lawyers’ group, entitled “How the Government, Lawyers, Citizens and Victims are Trying to Tackle the Issues Concerning Controversial Groups, Especially the Unification Church, in Japan.” Most of the session dealt with the “spiritual sales” issue, but one presenter, “anti-cult activist” Eiko Suzuki, mentioned our campaign against kidnapping and confinement. He expressed the opinion that the main reason for this activity is to distract people from the church’s “illegal” behavior in fundraising and recruiting. He even showed a slide of our pamphlet with Mr. Goto’s picture on the front. At that point I interrupted to add that Mr. Goto was actually right there in the room. Mr. Suzuki then politely introduced Mr. Goto, which resulted in a lot of people speaking to him afterward. During the question period, I gave a brief rebuttal to Mr. Suzuki’s claim. “If you want to claim the moral high ground,” I declared, “you need to speak out against kidnapping and confinement.”
鈴木エイトという反カルト活動家が、拉致監禁問題について触れてきた。彼は、「拉致監禁キャンペーンは、教会の違法な経済・伝道活動からそらすためのものだ」との意見を述べた。さらに、後藤氏の写真が写っているパンフレットのスライドを見せてくれた。その瞬間、私は「その後藤氏は、この部屋にいます」と、発言した。鈴木氏は、丁寧に、後藤氏を紹介した。そのことにより、多くの人が、あとで後藤氏に話しにやってきた。質疑応答時間に、私は鈴木氏に対し、「もし、あなたが、高い道徳的立場を主張したいなら、拉致監禁に対して、強烈に反対しなければならない。」と短い反論をたたきつけた。Deprogramming Topic Proposed for ICSA 2012
ICSA2012年会議にディプログラミングの分科会を提言Mr. Goto’s impression of the session was conveyed by email this way: “Although the Japanese Lawyers at the ICSA conference take a rhetorical stand against deprogramming, they have collaborated with deprogrammers when ex-members filed lawsuits against the Unification Church. They surely know about the cruel practice of deprogramming. I can't help but be outraged at their disingenuous attitude. I also felt like they were horrified by the fact that I was standing in front of them.”
After the session, Mr. Goto, Mr. Uotani, and I spoke with ex-UCer and former deprogrammer Steven Hassan, whose book Combating Cult Mind Control (translated into Japanese) Mr. Goto was required to read during his 12-year confinement. Since Mr. Hassan has renounced deprogramming himself, he expressed dismay to hear that his book is still being used to justify kidnapping and confinement. In 2000, he wrote that: “Any approach to help cult members should be one of love, compassion, and positive communication, not force… There is always another way [than kidnapping and confinement] that would have been less traumatic.” Mr. Hassan told our delegation that he is willing to write a public letter to make it clear that his book should not be used to justify holding people against their will. We will be following up with him on this.
セッション後、後藤氏、魚谷氏、そして私で、もと統一教会メンバーであり、元ディプログラマーであるスティーブン・ハッサン氏あった。かれは、日本語にも訳されているが、Combatting Cult Mind Cotnrol (日本語訳=マインドコントールの恐怖)という本を書いた。後藤氏の監禁中に読まされた本である。ハッサン氏は、ディプログラミングを放棄していたが、彼の本が未だ日本の拉致監禁を正当化するために用いられていることを知って遺憾の意を表した。彼は。2000年に、「カルトメンバーの救出のためのアプローチは、力ではなく、愛情と、思いやり、そして好意的な感情的つながりによるべきである。拉致監禁による方法ではなく、もっとトロウマをより与えない、別の方法が常にある。」ハッサン氏は、私たち代表に、彼が、彼の著作が人々の意志に反しての監禁の正当化に利用されるべきではないことを明確にするため、公開書簡を喜んで書くと言った。この件に関しては、追跡するつもりだ。
Mr. Uotani and Mr. Goto also met a number of the conference organizers and speakers. Notable among these were Dr. Michael Langone, president of ICSA, and Mr. Michael Kropveld, head of Infocult/Infosect--the American and Canadian co-sponsors of the conference. We proposed to hold a session on deprogramming in Japan during the next conference. They took our materials and agreed to consider the idea. We will make a formal proposal soon.
Also during the conference, Dr. Eileen Barker, a professor at the London School of Economics, one of the world’s leading experts on new religious movements, gave a talk entitled “What’s the Difference? Brainwashing, Mind Control, Influence, Education and/or Enlightenment?” Dr. Barker reported on her extensive research on the Unification Church and refuted the idea of “mind control” and “brainwashing,” pointing out that UC members appear to be quite free to decide whether or not to join the group, as well as whether to leave it once they join. Dr. Barker is currently researching second generation issues in the UC in preparation for the new edition of her ground-breaking study, The Making of a Moonie.
ロンドン・スクール・オブ・エコノミクスの教授であり、新宗教運動研究の世界的リーダーであるアイリーン・バーカー博士が、「違いは何か?洗脳、マインドコントール、影響、教育と啓蒙」というタイトルでスピーチを行った。バーカー博士は、統一教会についての詳細な調査について報告し、マインドコントールと洗脳の考えを論破し、統一教会員は、入会するかどうか、そして入会後の退会は、きわめて自由にできるようだと指摘した。バーカー博士は、現在は、The Making of aMoonie (ムーニーの成り立ち)の続編の準備のため、統一教会の二世についての研究を行っている。
One more hopeful sign during the ICSA meeting was a three-part series entitled: “How to Bring about Change in Controversial Groups: Overview and Examples.” These sessions featured a fascinating dialog between Anutama Dasa of ISKON (Hare Krishna) and Michael Kropveld of Infocult/Infosect, covering recent reforms in the Krishna movement. Such models hold promise for similar dialogues between ICSA and the UC.
ICSA会議でも一つの希望を感じた分科会は、「問題あるグループに変革の起こし方:概観と例」ハレ・クリシュナのAnutama Dasa氏とInfocult/InfosectのMichael Kropveld氏の対話があり、Krishna運動での最近の変革が取り上げられた。このようなモデルは、ICSAと統一教会との似たような対話にも期待できる。
The Book of Ecclesiastes reminds us that “to everything there is a season… a time to love and a time to hate, a time for war and a time for peace.” Has the time arrived for us to make peace with the anti-cult movement? This question cannot be answered with a simple “yes” or “no.” We need to continue fighting for our rights when they are violated, as is the case currently in Japan, where members are still being kidnapped and forced to renounce their faith while the police and prosecutors turn a blind eye. At the same time, as our conversation with Steve Hassan shows, both we and our former enemies have matured during the last two-three decades. Even if it is not yet a time for peace, we can always take Jesus’ advice to “Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you.”
Contributed by Dan Fefferman, the president of the International Coalition for Religious Freedom. Web Site: