アメリカ世界平和女性連合(=WFWP 統一教会の関連団体)が2011年3月9日(火)にプレス・リリースを発表し、3月15日(火)に、メリーランド州ボウウィーの人権擁護大会で、元国務次官補である、エレン・サウアーブレイ女史が拉致監禁問題でスピーチを行い、また、3月22日(火)には、首都ワシントンDC(ホワイトハウス正面の公園)にて、「日本の宗教的拉致監禁」反対の抗議行動を行うことを明らかにした。
---------------------------------------------記事タイトル(原文):Bush Administration Official to Speak at Press Event in Bowie
日本語訳: Yoshi
Wednesday, March 09, 2011
Bush Administration Official to Speak at Press Event in Bowie
Former Ambassador Ellen Sauerbrey to Speak at Program to Protest Religious Freedom Abuses in Japan
Washington, DC – Former Assistant Secretary of State Ellen Sauerbrey is expected to speak at a press conference called by the Women’s Federation for World Peace (WFWP) at 10:30 a.m. Tuesday, March 15, 2011 at the Bowie Public Library (15210 Annapolis Road, Bowie Maryland) to call attention to religious kidnapping and forced de-conversion of Unificationists in Japan. The event was called by Angelika Selle, President of the WFWP and a longtime resident of Bowie. Speakers will include Mrs. Diane Abendroth of Bowie, who endured religious kidnapping in the United States, and Mrs. Nanae Goto of Washington, D.C,. who was kidnapped and beaten during a two-year confinement in Japan. Mr. Luke Higuchi, the president of Survivors Against Forced Exit (SAFE), will speak along with Minister Jane Wells of Lorton, Virginia, co-pastor of Amazing Love Ministries. Japanese women who suffered kidnapping will attend dressed in traditional Japanese kimonos.
ワシントンDC – 元国務次官補のエレン・サウアーブレイ女史が、2011年3月15日(火)午前10時半、ボウウィー公立図書館にて、世界平和女性連合(WFWP)主催の記者会見で、日本の統一教会員に対する宗教的拉致監禁・強制改宗に対する啓蒙活動のため、記者会見する予定である。その大会は、WFWPの会長であり、ボウウィー市民でもある、アンジェリカ・セレ女史により呼びかけられた。スピーカーは、アメリカにおいて拉致監禁を体験したボウウィー市民でもあるダイアン・アベンドロウスさん、日本で2年間間もの間拉致監禁され暴力もふるわれたナナエ・ゴトウさんも含まれている。強制改宗被害者の会(SAFE)会長であるルーク・ヒグチ氏も、バージニア、ロートンのAmazing Love Ministries教会のジェイン・ウェルズ牧師と共に会見する。拉致監禁を体験した日本女性達は、日本の伝統的きものを着て出席する。
Mrs. Selle says that the majority of kidnapping victims in Japan are women, which is the reason for holding the demonstration during Women’s History month. She also states that “thousands of Unification Church members, Jehovah's Witnesses, and other believers have suffered forced conversions in Japan during the last four decades. In many cases, women have been targeted for kidnapping, confinement and brutal treatment, not only to break their faith, but to force them to renounce their marriages to members of ethnic groups or nationalities considered undesirable by their relatives. Yet, the Japanese government has failed in its responsibility to punish the perpetrators.”
“In religious kidnapping, women and men are forcibly abducted and confined against their will for weeks, months or years, and subjected to nonstop, sometimes violent harassment in an attempt to de-convert them from their freely chosen faith,” Mrs. Selle has written in a letter of invitation to concerned women.
She also has called for a protest rally on the morning of March 22, 2011 across from the White House under the banner of “Stop Religious Kidnapping In Japan.” The keynote speaker at the rally at 11 a.m., March 22nd in Lafayette Park will be the Reverend In Jin Moon, National Pastor of Lovin’ Life Ministries and CEO of Manhattan Center Studios. The rally will call attention to the neglected human rights of some 4,300 women and men who have been subjected to religious kidnapping as well as mental and physical torture in Japan.
セレ女史は、「日本の宗教的拉致をやめさせよう」の旗印のもと、ホワイトハウス正面で、2011年3月22日の朝、抗議行動を呼びかけている。ラファイエット広場で午前11時のその大会での、基調演説は、マンハッタン センター スタジオのCEOでありLovin’ Life Ministriesのインジン・ムーン牧師である。その大会は、日本で宗教的な理由で拉致され、精神的肉体的な拷問を受けてきた4300名の蹂躙された女性と男性の人権について明らかにするものである。