


1971年に始まったアメリカのディプログラミングは、今回のスコット裁判で、ディプログラマーとCAN(Cult Awareness Network = 反カルト団体)に多額の賠償金支払いが決定した1995年に息の根が止まった。(スコットの監禁は1991年である。)その後、CANは破産宣告をせざると得ず、そして、皮肉なことにCANが最も反対していたサイエントロジー教会がCANを買収した。


斜線は訳者による注、 記事内リンクと青文字は訳者による
The Jason Scott Case

Although deprogramming was already on the decline, the Jason Scott case sealed the doom of the deprogramming movement in the United States and put the Cult Awareness Network, which actively conspired with the faith-breakers, out of business. Jason Scott, at the time of the failed deprogramming attempt on him in January 1991, was an 18-year-old member of the Life Tabernacle Church, affiliated with the United Pentecostal Church International.[24]

ディプログラミングはすでに衰退の一途をたどっていたが、ジェイソン・スコット裁判が、アメリカのディプログラミング活動の息の根をとめ、信仰破壊者と共謀していたCAN(Cult Awareness Network)を破産に追い込んだ。1991年1月、ジェイソン・スコットへのディプログラミングは失敗したが、その時、彼は18歳で、国際ペンテコスタル教会の下部組織のライフ幕屋教会のメンバーだった。

A jury in the United States District Court for the Western District of Washington, after a six-day trial in Scott v. Ross, found the plaintiff Jason Scott’s abduction by deprogrammer Rick Ross and his team had violated Scott’s civil rights and that it constituted criminal negligence. They awarded Scott $875,000 in compensatory damages and $4 million in punitive damages. The jury allocated 10 percent of the negligence liability and $1 million of the punitive damages against the anti-cult organization, Cult Awareness Network (“CAN”), formerly incorporated under the name of Citizen’s Freedom Foundation, on the grounds that CAN had conspired with Ross to deprive Scott of his civil rights.

ワシントン西部区域のアメリカ地区裁判所の陪審員は、スコット 対 ロスの6日間に渡る裁判の末、ディプログラマーのリック・ロスと彼のチームによる原告ジェイソン・スコットの誘拐は、スコットの市民権を侵害しており、そして、犯罪的過失であると決定した。陪審員は、87万5000ドル(約8750万円)を補償的損害賠償として、そして懲罰的損害賠償として400万ドル(約4億円)のスコットへの支払いを裁定した。陪審員は、反カルト組織のCAN(Cult Awareness Network)に対抗して、過失責任の1割と、懲罰的損害賠償から100万ドル(約1億円)を割り当て、CANがロスと共謀しスコットの市民権を奪ったとの理由から、「市民の自由財団」と言う名前で正式に法人化組織を作った。

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jason_Scott_case )

(訳者注:補償的損害賠償および懲罰的損害賠償◆補償的損害賠償は被害者が被った身体的および財産的損失を補償するための賠償金。懲罰的損害賠償は、不法行為訴訟などにおいて、加害行為の悪性度が高い場合に、加害者に対する懲罰および一般的抑止効果を目的として補償的損害賠償のほかに認められる損害賠償。 http://eow.alc.co.jp/compensatory+damages/UTF-8/ )


The Cult Awareness Network filed an appeal to the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit with respect to the jury’s verdict finding CAN liable for conspiracy and negligence.[25] The court of appeals noted that “[t]he evidence indicates that it was CAN’s practice to refer people to deprogrammers, including Rick Ross, and that Ross was known to engage in involuntary deprogramming.” The court found it important that CAN’s executive director had given referrals to Ross. The court found sufficient evidence, if believed by the jury, to establish that CAN members routinely referred people to deprogrammers, including Ross, that Ross conducted involuntary deprogrammings, and that CAN was aware that Ross conducted involuntary deprogrammings. The court also held that even though CAN had an official policy prohibiting involuntary deprogramming, this neither undermined the evidence concerning CAN’s practices nor precluded the imposition of vicarious liability on CAN. Following the court of appeals decision, CAN filed for bankruptcy.


   http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jason_Scott_case )

Summary and Conclusion 要約と結論

Although there were setbacks along the way, the legal battle against abduction and faith-breaking in the US generally followed a steady path to victory. Beginning with the convictions of Ted Patrick in the 1970s through the death-blow dealt to the Cult Awareness Network in 1991, the “deprogrammers” found themselves on the outside of the law. Even when police and local judges cooperated with them, their legal victories were short-lived. Civil libertarians and the mainline churches were outspoken in the opposition to faith-breaking. Wrong decisions by judges were overturned by higher courts.


Looking back over this brief survey of a complex history, one turning point in the battle appears to be the Eileers case, in which a federal appeals court overturned the decision of the Minnesota Supreme Court which had ruled that any cooperation with one’s captors, even in order to obtain and opportunity of escape, provided the abductors with legal cover for their crime. The Molko case resulted in the thorough discrediting of the “brainwashing” theory. The Ward case officially established that minority religions such as the Unification Church were a “protected class” deserving of First Amendment protections of religious liberty. The Britta Adolfsson case showed that the “choice of evils” defense did not protect parents and faith-breakers from legal liability. Finally, the Jason Scott case established that a supposedly “educational” group such as the Cult Awareness Network, could be held legally liable for violating a persons civil rights by collaborating in faith-breaking.











The Britta Adolfsson Case

In People of the State of Colorado v. Dennis Whelan and Robert Brandyberry,[18] two men, Robert Brandyberry and Dennis Whelan, both professional deprogrammers hired by Britta Adolfsson’s parents, admitted to have abducted this 31 year old woman. However, they argued in a criminal case that they were not guilty of a crime. The trial court agreed that they were not guilty of a criminal conspiracy and kidnapping, under a “choice of evils” defense. This defense was based on the defendants’ claim that the victim had been “brainwashed” by the religious group of which she was a member and not therefore exercising “free will” with respect to her religious beliefs.[19]

コロラド州 対 デニス・ウェランとロバート・ブランディーベリー裁判において、二人の男性、ロバート・ブランディーベリ と デニス・ウェラン、両名ともブリッタ・アドルフソンの両親により雇われたプロのディプログラマーは、31歳の女性を誘拐したことを認めた。しかしながら、彼らは、刑事裁判において、無実であると主張した。第一審裁判所は、「悪の選択」防衛理論により、犯罪的共謀罪と誘拐罪について無実であると同意した。この防衛理論は、被害者は彼女が所属している宗教団体により洗脳されていて、それ故、彼女の宗教信条に関して「自由意志」を行使することができないという被告の主張に基づいている。

However, the district attorney representing the state believed the case represented an erroneous judicial holding and appealed to the Colorado Court of Appeals seeking judicial guidance as to “[w]hat kind of behavior is the law prepared to recognize as justifiable?”


Consistent with its 1974 Resolution, the National Council of Churches, together with Council on Religious Freedom, filed a friend of the court brief supporting the state’s position. That amicus brief argued that the trial judge clearly erred in permitting the jury to decide whether the claimed facts and circumstances could constitute justification without first specifically finding as a matter of law whether the asserted facts… that the actions taken by defendants were necessary as an emergency measure to avoid imminent injury and that there were no lawful means available to meet the perceived emergency. The judge’s failure to carry out his statutory assigned role, however, has far graver consequences than in the more traditional criminal actions. The court’s failure to make the appropriate determination as a matter of law permitted a criminal action directed against admitted violators of a serious criminal statute to turn the case into a heresy trial.[20]


The brief noted that the “necessity” defense raised here was the same defense used by one of the defendants, Robert Brandyberry, in the Eilers case in Minnesota.[21] The brief pointed out that the Eilers court specifically held that the defendants’ failure to attempt to use the lawful alternative available to them effectively eliminated the “choice of evils” necessity defense citing Eilers, 582 F. Supp. at 1099.[22]


The Colorado Court of Appeals adopted the argument made by the National Council of Churches in its amicus brief, deciding in future legal actions to preclude the use of the “choice of evils” defense.[23] The appeals court said:


Here, even if we were to assume that defendants rationally perceived that the victim’s membership in the church posed a threat of an imminent injury to her, they failed to show that the remedy they elected to pursue (knowing violation of criminal laws) was the least harmful option available to them for avoiding the threatened injury.


Moreover, there is no evidence that defendants sought assistance or alternative remedies from law enforcement officials or from the courts, either prior to or after kidnapping the victim. Rather, defendants planned the abduction with the victim’s parents without benefit of legal advice about what reasonable legal alternatives might be available to avoid any supposed injury to the victim other than the remedy they chose by violating the law. . . . And, after the victim was seized, the defendants actively concealed her whereabouts from police authorities, continued their unauthorized custody and deprogramming efforts, and moved the victim repeatedly to avoid governmental or other outside interference with their activities.

さらに、被告が、誘拐の前、またはその後も、法執行当局者や裁判所から、助言、代わりの救済方法を模索した証拠はない。それどころか、法律違反を犯す解決方法より、被害者の受けるかもしれない被害を避けるため、どんな妥当な法的手段があるかについての法律的助言を受けることなく、被告は、被害者の両親と誘拐を計画した・・・ そして、被害者が捕らえられた後、被告は彼女の居所を警察当局に隠す事に努め、彼らは不法監禁とディプログラミングを続け、政府や他の干渉を避けるため、何度も被害者を移動させた。


アメリカのディプログラミングの盛衰(12)へ進む(No Link Yet)





レポートでは、洗脳(brainwashing)という言葉を使っているが、これはマインドコントール(mind control)をも含めた意味なのか、このレポートからだけではよくわからない。原告が、「洗脳により・・」と、告訴すれば、被告は、「洗脳は・・・」とか、法廷助言書も「洗脳理論は・・・」と、なるはずだろう。

この連載、これで10回目だが、1986年あたりまでやってきた。1990年のCAN(Cult Awareness Network)が消滅するまで、あと4年である。多分、この連載、あと2回で終了できると思う。


The Molko Case

This case, known formally as Molko and Leal v. Holy Spirit Association, did not involve faith-breaking per se but is important for it’s role in defeating the “brainwashing” defense that many deprogrammers used to justify their activities. Here, two former members of the Unification Church sued the church on the grounds that they had been victims of “coercive persuasion,” false imprisonment, intentional emotional distress, and deception. The case resembles in some ways the “lost youth” cases in Japan, in which plaintiffs won financial settlements from the UC. Here, however, the UC was not found to be liable, and the allegation of brainwashing was dealt a fatal blow.

この裁判は、正式にはモーコ・リール 対 統一教会として知られていて、信仰破壊には直接には関連はないが、多くのディプログラマーが彼らの活動を正当化するために使ってきた“洗脳”理論を打ち破った役割において重要である。ここでは、二人の元統一教会のメンバーが、(統一教会による)強制説得、違法監禁、意図的な情緒的苦痛、詐欺の被害者であるという理由で、統一教会を訴えた。この裁判は、ある面、日本では原告が金銭的解決を勝ち取った「青春を返せ」裁判に似ている。しかし、この裁判では、(アメリカ)統一教会は、責任はないものとされ、洗脳理論は、致命的打撃を受けることになる。

In Molko, the plaintiffs relied largely on the testimony of psychologist Margaret Singer to justify their claim that they had been victims of “coercive persuasion.” A lower court rejected this analysis and emphatically denied that any coercion was evident. It granted a “summary judgment” (without trial) in favor of the HSA (church). On March 31, 1986, the California Appeals Court upheld the lower court’s findings.[15]


As the case continued through the appeal process, the American Psychological Association filed a “friend of the court” (amicus) brief. [16] The brief stated that the idea of brainwashing, as related to religious movements, had no scientific basis. At a later date, the American Sociological Association submitted a similar brief, showing that a consensus that had emerged in the scientific community to reject the concept of brainwashing as it applied to new religious movements. Other groups filing amicus briefs that sided with the UC in this case included the Society for the Scientific Study of Religion, the National Council of Churches, the American Baptist Churches in the U.S.A., the Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights, and the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)

上告制度に従い、裁判が継続されるに従い、アメリカ心理学協会が法廷助言書を提出した。宗教運動に関連して、洗脳理論は、科学的根拠はないと、その助言書は述べている。後に、アメリカ社会学協会は、同じような助言書を提出し、洗脳理論が宗教運動に当てはめられようとする時、洗脳理論が拒否される動きが盛り上がってきていることを示している。他のグループも統一教会の側に立ち、法廷助言書を提出した。このグループには、the Society for the Scientific Study of Religion、NCC(全米キリスト教協議会)、アメリカバプティスト教会、宗教と市民権のためのカトリック連盟、全米プレスビテリアン教会が含まれている。

The California Supreme Court eventually reversed the Appeals Court on some theoretical points and upheld it on others. However, the UC was not judged guilty of any of the charges. Moreover, the brainwashing theory had been thoroughly discredited as an academic concept and the courts soon began to reject this theory completely.[17]


アメリカのディプログラミングの盛衰(11)へ進む(No Link Yet)





The Thomas Ward Case

This case (completed in 1981) clearly established at the level of a Federal Appeals Court the right of an adult child to sue his deprogrammers, on the basis that new religions cannot be considered “cults” whose members lack civil rights, but constitute a class of minorities whose rights must be protected under US law.


On November 24, 1975, Unification Church member Thomas Ward came to visit his family in Virginia for the Thanksgiving holiday. But he was kidnapped at the airport and taken against his will to a location where deprogrammer Ken Connor and others restrained, assaulted, and deprived Ward of sleep. Ward was taken from Virginia Beach, Virginia, to Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, where he was constantly subjected to physical and mental abuse.


The lower United States District Court initially ruled against Ward and concluded that “since the parents of the plaintiff were motivated to act by their concern for the well-being of their son, the requisite discriminatory class bias was absent.” The United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit in Ward v. Connor, 654 F.2d 45 (4th Cir. 1981), however, overturned this verdict, stating:


While we do not quarrel with the court’s assumption in regard to such parental concern, the complaint sufficiently charges that the defendants were motivated to act as they did not only because they found the plaintiff’s religious beliefs intolerable, but also because of their animosity towards the members of the Unification Church. This, in our opinion, stated a discriminatory motive sufficient to support a claim under the statute.


In this way a solid body of jurisprudence began to develop rejecting both the argument that parental concern can justify holding an adult child against his will for purposes of “deprogramming” and the argument that a victim’s eventual cooperation with his captors negates his rights to sue for harm.

このように、良識のある法律機関は、両親の心配から成人した子供をディプログラミング目的で彼の意志に反して監禁することを正当化する論議を拒否し始めた。同時に、被害者が監禁犯に対して、結果的に協力(監禁に対して同意 = 訳者注)したからと言って、被害に対して告訴する権利がなくなるという論議をも拒否し始めたということである(訳者注)。

(訳者注:この段落の後半部分の結論は、この前記事ピーターソン ケースからの結論と思われる。 )





アメリカのディプログラミングの盛衰(10)へ進む(No Link Yet)






原文と日本語訳 青文字は訳者による
The William Eilers Case

Bill and Sandy Eilers were members of The Disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ -- the same group as in the Darlene Sense and Nancy Lofgren cases. On August 16, 1982, Bill Eilers, aged 24, and his pregnant wife, Sandy, 22, were abducted as they were leaving the Winona Clinic following Sandy’s prenatal examination. Bill was grabbed from behind by two security men and forced into a waiting van. Sandy was placed in another van, and both of them were driven to a religious retreat house a short distance away. Bill, although forcibly resisting, was carried by four men to a room on the top floor of the dormitory-style building. The windows of his room and the hallway were boarded over with plywood, and the telephone in the hallway had been dismantled. Bill and Sandy were held in separate quarters for 5 1/2 days. Shortly after their arrival Bill had a violent struggle with his captors and was subsequently handcuffed to his bed. He remained handcuffed to the bed for at least two days of his confinement. During the initial period Bill was allowed out of the room only to use the bathroom and was heavily guarded during those times. On one occasion when Bill had to use the bathroom, one of his abductors kicked a wastebasket toward him and told him he was an animal and could just use the wastebasket. During his confinement Bill was physically abused, threatened with mace, and told that he would be kept confined until he had been successfully deprogrammed. At no time during the week was Bill free to leave, nor at any time were reasonable means of escape available to him.


On the evening of August 21, 1982, as Bill Eilers was leaving his temporary prison to be transported to Iowa City, Iowa for further deprogramming, he took advantage of his first opportunity to escape and jumped from the car in which he was riding. Some of his captors pursued him. Others sped away from the scene in an apparent attempt to elude the police, who had been called by local residents. The Winona Police Department, however, apprehended one carload of deprogrammers and placed them under arrest. A formal criminal complaint was filed against all but one of those who were captured by the police.


On October 7, 1982, the grand jury selected to hear the evidence in the criminal case returned a verdict of “no bill,” thus dismissing all charges brought against the deprogrammers in the case and holding them blameless. Because grand jury proceedings are sealed, we may never know exactly what happened within the grand jury room. However, it is probable that the Minnesota Supreme Court decision in the Peterson case was an important ingredient in the grand jury’s decision. Also important was the fact that the prosecuting attorney did not call any of the deprogrammers to testify as witnesses.


(訳者注:大陪審 the grand jury – アメリカの司法制度で、20名くらいの陪審員が、刑事事件の起訴が妥当なものかどうか審議し決定するもの。)

When a civil suit was filed against the deprogrammers by Bill Eilers, the defendants claimed they had acted only “to exercise their constitutional rights of free speech.” The deprogrammers also quickly asserted they had no liability for what they had done because under the decision in Peterson they were relieved of any liability as agents of the parents. To them, Peterson seemed to provide safe haven for their illicit operations in Minnesota.


At the conclusion of the Eilers trial, United States District Judge Harry MacLaughlin entered a directed verdict[13] of guilty on false imprisonment counts against each of the defendants. In his opinion,[14] Judge MacLaughlin stated:


(注13:指示評決 a directed verdict – 陪審員裁判について、裁判官からの指示。陪審員が妥当な結論を出せなかったことが判明したのち、裁判官が指示評決を出すのが典型的な例である。)

There is also no question that the plaintiff was actually confined. Relying on the nnesota Supreme Court’s decision in Peterson v. Sorlien, 299 N.W.2d 123, 129 (Minn. 1980), the defendants contend that there was no actual confinement because there is evidence that the plaintiff consented to the defendants’ actions. At least by the fourth day of his confinement the plaintiff, in contrast, has testified that he merely pretended to consent in order to gain an opportunity to escape. The plaintiff’s apparent consent is not a defense to false imprisonment. Many people would feign consent under similar circumstances, whether out of fear of their captors or as a means of making an escape. . .


Judge MacLaughlin’s opinion in the Eilers case, coming on the Federal level and specifically refuting the ruling of the Minnesota Supreme Court, thus nullified the “choice of evils” defense of the Peterson case. No longer could hired deprogrammers use vigilante methods to sell their services in the belief they could use the judicial system and the prejudices of the community to free them from both civil and criminal liability for their acts. Bill Eilers was awarded $10,000 in damages, but in addition the family members and others settled out of court for $50,000.



類似点1 - 刑事事件としての起訴の却下:

類似点2 - 却下された判断の決めたのは民間人:

類似点3 - 民事裁判









原文と日本語訳 青文字は訳者による
The Susan Peterson Case

The Peterson case, however, presented a set-back to religious freedom and temporarily encouraged the deprogrammers. In this case, the Minnesota Supreme Court decided that once a person stopped resisting her captors, even though she was ‘cooperating’ under duress, the fact that she had been held against her will did not constitute a “meaningful deprivation of personal liberty sufficient to support a judgment for false imprisonment.”


In May, 1976, Mrs. Margaret Jungclaus spoke to Kathy Mills, a professional faith-breaker credited with 41 “deprogrammings,” about the possibility of deprogramming Jungclaus’ daughter, Susan, who had become involved with a religious organization called The Way Ministry. At that time, Susan was 21 years old and engaged to a fellow Way member, Kevin Peterson, whom she later married. At this meeting, deprogrammer Mills suggested that Mrs. Jungclaus’ daughter -- a person Mills had never met -- had been “brainwashed.” Before Mrs. Jungclaus decided to have her daughter “deprogrammed,” however, she discussed the matter with a Lutheran clergyman from Bird Island, Minnesota.

1976年5月1日、マーガレット・ジュンクロウスは、The Way Ministry という宗教団体で活動している娘のスーザンのディプログラミングの可能性について、41件のディプログラミングに成功したプロの信仰破壊者キャシー・ミルズと話した。その時、スーザンは21歳、同じ教団の仲間のケビン・ピーターソンと婚約中であり、のち結婚した。その打ち合わせで、ディプログラマーのミルズは、ミルズが会ったこともないジュンクロウスの娘の事を “洗脳されている”と、示唆した。ジュンクロウスは、娘をディプログラムするかどうか決定する前に、彼女は、ミネソタ州バード・アイランドのルーテル教会の牧師に相談することにした。

On May 24, 1976, Susan was picked up at Moorhead State University, where she had been studying, by her father and the minister. The three drove to a house occupied by Veronica Morgel, Kathy Mills’ mother, who was also a “deprogrammer.” Susan’s father took his adult daughter to a small bedroom in the Morgel house where she was held against her will from May 24 to May 31. Susan screamed and cried and pleaded with several people to let her go, but her pleas were ignored. Her protest continued until approximately 3:00 a.m. on May 31. During this time Kathy Mills told Susan that papers had been drafted to commit her to Anoka State Hospital if she refused to cooperate with the deprogramming. She then ceased objecting, played a more passive role, and attempted to gain her captors trust. After a closely guarded trip to Ohio for “rehabilitation,” on June 9, Susan escaped by flagging down a police car after sneaking out of the house. She was taken to the Northeast Minneapolis Precinct by two police officers and was then freed to leave with her fiancé’s father.


Susan later filed a civil lawsuit. A jury trial was held, and on February 17, 1978, judgment was entered in favor of Susan against Kathy Mills in the sum of $6,000 and against Veronica Morgel in the amount of $4,000. However, on appeal, the Minnesota Supreme Court overturned this ruling and sided with the abductors, saying:


“When parents, or their agents, acting under the conviction that the judgmental capacity of the adult child is impaired, seek to extricate that child from what they reasonably believe to be `a religious or pseudo-religious’ cult, and the child at some juncture assents to the activities in question, limitations upon the child’s mobility do not constitute meaningful deprivation of personal liberty sufficient to support a judgment for false imprisonment.” [emphasis added]


Justice Wahl, in a dissenting opinion, noted that under the theory advanced in the court’s decision, an individual’s `acquiescence’ in the latter stages of deprogramming operates as consent which `relates back’ to the events of the earlier three days and constitutes a `waiver’ of her claims of those days.” Recognizing the danger of the majority’s holding, Justice Wahl denounced it as a “dangerous precedent.” Justice Otis, in a separate dissenting opinion, also protested, stating:

ワール裁判官は、異議を唱える意見として、裁判の決定で展開された理論は、ディプログラミング後半で、個人が “おとなしく従う事”を、最初の3日間の出来事にさかのぼっても同意とみなし、これらの日々の彼女の要求の“権利放棄”となっていると指摘した。成人した大人を監禁することへの危険を認識し、ワール裁判官は、その判決を“危険な判例”と非難した。オーティス裁判官も、異議を唱え、次のように抗議している。

I join in the views expressed by Justice Wahl, and particularly take issue with a rule which authorizes what is euphemistically described as “limitations upon the adult child’s mobility” whenever a parent, or indeed a stranger acting for a parent, subjectively decides, without the benefit of a professional opinion or judicial intervention, that the adult child’s “judgmental capacity” is impaired and that they should be “extricated” from what is deemed to be a religious or pseudo-religious cult.


Despite these warnings, this case became the key decision and was relied upon by the anti-cult movement throughout the United States as justification for their deprogramming activities. However, the Minnesota Supreme Court decision was subsequently repudiated by a Federal Court in the William Eilers litigation.







参考URL:検察審査会議決通知書 (原田氏の宮村峻研究)
