1971年に始まったアメリカのディプログラミングは、今回のスコット裁判で、ディプログラマーとCAN(Cult Awareness Network = 反カルト団体)に多額の賠償金支払いが決定した1995年に息の根が止まった。(スコットの監禁は1991年である。)その後、CANは破産宣告をせざると得ず、そして、皮肉なことにCANが最も反対していたサイエントロジー教会がCANを買収した。
斜線は訳者による注、 記事内リンクと青文字は訳者による
The Jason Scott Case
Although deprogramming was already on the decline, the Jason Scott case sealed the doom of the deprogramming movement in the United States and put the Cult Awareness Network, which actively conspired with the faith-breakers, out of business. Jason Scott, at the time of the failed deprogramming attempt on him in January 1991, was an 18-year-old member of the Life Tabernacle Church, affiliated with the United Pentecostal Church International.[24]
ディプログラミングはすでに衰退の一途をたどっていたが、ジェイソン・スコット裁判が、アメリカのディプログラミング活動の息の根をとめ、信仰破壊者と共謀していたCAN(Cult Awareness Network)を破産に追い込んだ。1991年1月、ジェイソン・スコットへのディプログラミングは失敗したが、その時、彼は18歳で、国際ペンテコスタル教会の下部組織のライフ幕屋教会のメンバーだった。
A jury in the United States District Court for the Western District of Washington, after a six-day trial in Scott v. Ross, found the plaintiff Jason Scott’s abduction by deprogrammer Rick Ross and his team had violated Scott’s civil rights and that it constituted criminal negligence. They awarded Scott $875,000 in compensatory damages and $4 million in punitive damages. The jury allocated 10 percent of the negligence liability and $1 million of the punitive damages against the anti-cult organization, Cult Awareness Network (“CAN”), formerly incorporated under the name of Citizen’s Freedom Foundation, on the grounds that CAN had conspired with Ross to deprive Scott of his civil rights.
ワシントン西部区域のアメリカ地区裁判所の陪審員は、スコット 対 ロスの6日間に渡る裁判の末、ディプログラマーのリック・ロスと彼のチームによる原告ジェイソン・スコットの誘拐は、スコットの市民権を侵害しており、そして、犯罪的過失であると決定した。陪審員は、87万5000ドル(約8750万円)を補償的損害賠償として、そして懲罰的損害賠償として400万ドル(約4億円)のスコットへの支払いを裁定した。陪審員は、反カルト組織のCAN(Cult Awareness Network)に対抗して、過失責任の1割と、懲罰的損害賠償から100万ドル(約1億円)を割り当て、CANがロスと共謀しスコットの市民権を奪ったとの理由から、「市民の自由財団」と言う名前で正式に法人化組織を作った。
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jason_Scott_case )
(訳者注:補償的損害賠償および懲罰的損害賠償◆補償的損害賠償は被害者が被った身体的および財産的損失を補償するための賠償金。懲罰的損害賠償は、不法行為訴訟などにおいて、加害行為の悪性度が高い場合に、加害者に対する懲罰および一般的抑止効果を目的として補償的損害賠償のほかに認められる損害賠償。 http://eow.alc.co.jp/compensatory+damages/UTF-8/ )
The Cult Awareness Network filed an appeal to the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit with respect to the jury’s verdict finding CAN liable for conspiracy and negligence.[25] The court of appeals noted that “[t]he evidence indicates that it was CAN’s practice to refer people to deprogrammers, including Rick Ross, and that Ross was known to engage in involuntary deprogramming.” The court found it important that CAN’s executive director had given referrals to Ross. The court found sufficient evidence, if believed by the jury, to establish that CAN members routinely referred people to deprogrammers, including Ross, that Ross conducted involuntary deprogrammings, and that CAN was aware that Ross conducted involuntary deprogrammings. The court also held that even though CAN had an official policy prohibiting involuntary deprogramming, this neither undermined the evidence concerning CAN’s practices nor precluded the imposition of vicarious liability on CAN. Following the court of appeals decision, CAN filed for bankruptcy.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jason_Scott_case )
Summary and Conclusion 要約と結論
Although there were setbacks along the way, the legal battle against abduction and faith-breaking in the US generally followed a steady path to victory. Beginning with the convictions of Ted Patrick in the 1970s through the death-blow dealt to the Cult Awareness Network in 1991, the “deprogrammers” found themselves on the outside of the law. Even when police and local judges cooperated with them, their legal victories were short-lived. Civil libertarians and the mainline churches were outspoken in the opposition to faith-breaking. Wrong decisions by judges were overturned by higher courts.
Looking back over this brief survey of a complex history, one turning point in the battle appears to be the Eileers case, in which a federal appeals court overturned the decision of the Minnesota Supreme Court which had ruled that any cooperation with one’s captors, even in order to obtain and opportunity of escape, provided the abductors with legal cover for their crime. The Molko case resulted in the thorough discrediting of the “brainwashing” theory. The Ward case officially established that minority religions such as the Unification Church were a “protected class” deserving of First Amendment protections of religious liberty. The Britta Adolfsson case showed that the “choice of evils” defense did not protect parents and faith-breakers from legal liability. Finally, the Jason Scott case established that a supposedly “educational” group such as the Cult Awareness Network, could be held legally liable for violating a persons civil rights by collaborating in faith-breaking.