




The Darlene Sense Case

Some courts in the United States’ Midwest were not as sensitive to religious freedom concerns. During the 1970s a judge and armed law enforcement officers in several Wisconsin counties authorized and assisted in the abduction of several adult members of a group known as the Disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ, a fundamentalist Christian organization with approximately 200 members in the Midwest.


In August, 1977 a secret hearing was held before a Wisconsin county circuit judge. After the hearing, the judge found Darlene Sense, 32, mentally incompetent to handle her own affairs and those of her two children. The judge gave temporary guardianship of Mrs. Sense and her children to her parents. Outrageously, Ms. Sense was never notified of the hearing or given a chance to argue on her own behalf. The judge also agreed to seal the court records to keep the abduction plan secret, thus foiling any rescue attempt. In addition, Sense was denied the right to counsel or to secure witnesses on her own behalf. She was held against her will for 13 days until another judge ordered her release. This judge ruled that Sense had been illegally restrained. He also removed the guardianship order and restored her children to her. Sense filed suit in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Wisconsin. This court ruled on May 19, 1980 that the judge who conspired to deprive her of her freedom could not be held liable for his part in the deprogramming plan, because of judicial immunity. Others named in the civil suit filed by Sense, however, settled out of court for $25,000.


The Nancy Lofgren Case

On July 2, 1976, Nancy Lofgren, another member of the Disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ, was abducted by deprogrammers and held for 12 days of deprogramming before she was able to escape. Lofgren was seized on a Sunday as she was entering a Howard Johnson’s Motel in Rochester, Minnesota, to attend religious services. She was thrown into a car by her abductors. They wore no uniforms or badges and gave her no explanation of what was happening. However, in fact, they were the county sheriff’s deputies. Later, in federal court depositions, the three deputies admitted their actions. The wife of the late sheriff of the county also admitted her husband’s role in planning the abduction and said he did so because he was a family friend.


The first stage of abduction did not take long. A Minnesota highway patrol officer, alerted about the abduction, stopped the car at gunpoint near Zumbrota, Minnesota, about 25 minutes later. Lofgren was taken to the Rochester State Hospital on a 72-hour mental confinement order, hastily scrawled by the sheriff. When fellow members of the Disciples learned of her whereabouts and demanded her release, nurses took her out a side door of the hospital to her waiting parents. She was then dragged, kicking and screaming, into a car which took her to Roseville, a Minneapolis suburb, for 10 days of deprogramming.


While there, Lofgren was visited by her parents’ pastor on several occasions. The faith-breaker, a Christian minister, did not disclose her location even when asked by police, on grounds that he did not want to violate pastor-parishioner confidentiality. Officials did not press the issue. Lofgren was then moved to a home in Golden Valley, Minnesota, and escaped the next day when she was left unguarded, fleeing to the Golden Valley police station. There, she eventually was allowed to call the leader of her religious group. She then learned that the sheriff had been issuing news releases saying she was under doctor’s care and that she was with her parents of her own free will. The sheriff handcuffed her and took her back to the state hospital. She was finally released after hospital officials decided they had no good reason to hold her as a mental patient. She ultimately won $21,000 from her abductors in an out-of-court settlement of a suit filed in federal court in Minneapolis.


Because they were settled out of court, the Sense and Lofgen cases established no clear legal precedents, but they did show that those who conspired to violate the rights of believers would have to pay a price, even if they were assisted by judges and the police.











C. Criminal and Civil Litigation Responds to Forcible Deprogramming
C. 強制的ディプログラミングに対する、刑事、民事訴訟

These findings by mainline churches, civil liberties groups, and government authorities were significant in laying the foundation for the ultimate defeat of faith-breaking in the Unites States by 1977. However, it would be criminal and civil court decisions that finally brought “deprogramming” to an end by putting the perpetrators in jail, punishing abusive parents with financial consequences, and finally putting the mainstay of the anti-cult movement−the Cult Awareness Network−out of business.

アメリカでは1977年までに、主流キリスト教教会、市民人権グループ、政府機関が動きはじめ、信仰破壊を最終的に消滅させる重要な基礎を築いた。しかし、犯罪人を牢屋に送り込み、無謀を働く両親を経済的に制裁し、そして、最後には、反カルト運動の砦であったCAN(Cult Awareness Network)を破産させ、ディプログラミングを決定的に終焉させたのは、刑事・民事裁判での判決であった。

The following representative cases show the progression of legal reasoning in dealing with the issue. However, it should be kept in mind that many other cases can also be cited. Ultimately, the courts concluded that forcible deprogramming cannot be squared with the principles of religious liberty and also is a violation of criminal laws.


The Wendy Helander Case

In September 1976 the Fairfield County Superior Court in Bridgeport, Connecticut, ordered Ted Patrick to pay $5,000 to Wendy Helander, a young woman who had been a victim of Patrick’s deprogramming because of her affiliation with the Unification Church.[11] The court noted she was held for several weeks practically as a prisoner.


Through surreptitious means, the plaintiff was taken from Barrytown against her will to a secluded residence in Weston, Connecticut, where she was informed that she would undergo a “deprogramming” procedure by the defendant Theodore Patrick, Jr., who was referred to as “Black Lightning,” and his assistants, the defendant, insisting that she had been brainwashed by the church, labeled her a vegetable, a dog, a bitch, and maintained that she was out of her mind. He insisted that she denounce the church and accused her of being a prostitute for Rev. Moon when she tried to defend her affiliation with the Unification Church. For many hours, without food or sleep, she was addressed in foul language and was intimidated by the defendant.


(*訳者注:セオドア・パトリック = テッド・パトリック、テッドはセオドアの短縮形)

The Helander case against Patrick was one of the most famous, but by no means the only case in which the “father of deprogramming” was found guilty of criminal offenses. Patrick was also convicted in June of 1974 in Denver, Colorado, for false imprisonment. In May of 1975 he was again convicted, this time for kidnapping. In 1980 he was once again convicted in San Diego, California, for kidnapping and conspiracy to commit kidnapping. He was sentenced to a year in jail, fined $5,000, and prohibited from any further deprogramming as a condition to avoid a sentence of five years in jail.[12]






I wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!


A. アメリカにおけるディプログラミングの始まり
B. 宗教の自由運動、市民権運動の役割
C. 強制改宗に対する刑事・民事訴訟



原文と日本語訳 (赤文字は訳者による)
B. The Role of Religious And Civil Liberties Organizations
B. 宗教の自由運動、市民権運動の役割

As victims sometimes escaped and told their stories, the mainstream religious and civil liberties communities in the US soon began to speak out in opposition to “deprogramming.” The much-respected “National Council of Churches of Christ in the U.S.A.” became alarmed and concluded that this type of faith-breaking was a serious threat to religious liberty. On February 28, 1974, its governing board adopted a resolution in which it condemned such activities, stating that “forcible abduction and protracted efforts to change a person’s religious commitments of duress” was a gross violation of religious liberty.[6] The NCC denounced the use of “kidnapping to compel religious deconversion” as a “criminal” act that should be prosecuted as such. Rev. Dean M. Kelley became a leading observer of the deprogramming phenomenon and advocate of religious freedom. He stated:


People who otherwise are circumspect and law-abiding will suddenly feel obliged to react as to a terrible disaster. They will take the law into their own hands, hire thugs to “rescue” the convert, spend tens of thousands of dollars to reverse the conversion, and if caught and accused of crime, will plead “necessity” -- i.e., that their action was taken in an “emergency” to forestall a far worse evil. What evil? The exercise by an adult of the right to change religion![7]

たいがいは用心深く、法律を守っている人々であるが、突然、恐るべき災難に対応せざるを得ないだろう。彼らは法を自らの手で行使し、改宗者*を救出するため、悪党を雇い、逆改宗するため何千ドル(= 何十万円)も費やし、もし、捕らえられて犯罪を非難されれば、「更なる邪悪を未然に防ぐために必要に迫られた行動だった。」と弁解するだろう。どんな邪悪なのか? 成人した大人が宗教を変える権利を行使することか?

(*訳者注:改宗者 = convert、ここでいう改宗者とは、従来の一般のキリスト教や別の宗教から、少数者宗教グループへ改宗した人々、要するにディプログラミングの被害を受ける可能性のある人々を指す。本記事内で、改宗者 convert/converts とあれば、同じ意味である。)

A few years later on March 5, 1977, the National Board of the American Civil Liberties Union issued a statement opposing “kidnapping people from religious groups.”[8] It stated:


The ACLU opposes the use of mental incompetency proceedings, temporary conservatorship, or denial of government protection as a method of depriving people of the free exercise of religion, at least with respect to people who have reached the age of majority.


The Congressional Research Service of The Library of Congress in July1977 analyzed the legal implications of taking religious converts over state lines for deprogramming purposes.[9] The report concluded that “even a benevolent purpose does not immunize a captor from liability under the federal kidnapping statute.” It stated:


Consequently, it would appear that the forcible taking of an adult child across state lines by its parents for deprogramming purpose would be actionable under the federal kidnapping statute. The parents and their agents would not be immunized by the parental exception in the statute, because that concerns only the taking of minor children by their parents. Nor would the parents be immunized from prosecution by the supposed benevolence of their purpose: …the statute covers kidnapping not only for pecuniary motives but also for “any other reason.”


The report also questioned any state intervention or ratification of parental abductions of their minor children, stating:


(*訳者注:この段落の文中、未成年 = minor children, とあるが、次の段落は、成人た子供 adult children の州政府の対応について述べている。この段落の、"未成年の"子供は、"成人した"子供の間違いと思われる。)

…It is clear that state intervention in, or ratification of, parental abductions of the adult children for deprogramming purposes raises serious First Amendment questions. Absent an adequate showing of the sect member’s incompetence and consequent inability to make free and informed choices for himself or of some other compelling reason for state intervention, it would appear that the sect member’s rights of religious freedom under the First Amendment would be violated by state sanctions of this removal and deprogramming.[10] 


(訳者注:インフォームド・チョイス = 十分な説明や情報を受け、よく考えた上で自ら選択すること)


1974年 NCC
1977年 ACLU
1977年 米国議会図書館の議会調査部

フェファーマン氏のレポートは、この後、裁判の資料となる。最後は、1991年にCAN (Cult Awareness Network)が消滅していくまでの過程を、全部で9件の事例を紹介している。これらは、次回からの記事となる。







Patrick’s techniques spawned a “cottage industry” of faith-breaking in the US. From 1971 through the 1980s, people without any professional training in religion or psychology acted as vigilantes, paid by the worried families of victims, to remove thousands of believers from their communities. In his book, Let Our Children Go, Patrick admits employing physical violence, secret incarceration, shame, and deprivation of food and sleep – the very tactics he accused the “cults” of using.[3] By 1979 Patrick alone boasted of “deprogramming” nearly 1,600 people from the Hare Krishna movement, the Unification Church, the Children of God, the Church of Scientology, the Divine Light Mission, the New Testament Missionary Fellowship, the Worldwide Church of God and others. Dozens of other faith-breakers followed Patrick’s example, many of them former members who had been pressured by Patrick to leave their groups. Professional private investigators likewise saw opportunities to develop a business for themselves by kidnapping and deprogramming members of various religious groups, and even of certain political movements. Perhaps even more troubling, the theory of “mind control” gained popular acceptance, to such a degree that certain psychologists were willing to declare a person mentally incompetent without ever having met them, simply because he or she had joined a certain group. Some judges even issued legal “conservatorships” requiring police to take the person by force and turn them over to the custody of their families and “deprogrammers.”[4]

アメリカにおいては、パトリックの技法は、強制改宗の「家内産業」を生み出した。1971年から1980年代にかけて、宗教や精神学の専門的訓練なしに、強制改宗家は自警団として、心配した被害者の家族から報酬を得て、何千名という信者を組織から引き離してきた。彼の著書「我らの子供を解放せよ」では、パトリックは、暴力、監禁、恥辱、食事・睡眠制裁の手法を使うことを認めている。これらの手法はカルトによって使用されているものだと、パトリックは非難した[注3]。 1979年までに、パトリックだけで、ハレ・クリシュナ、統一教会、神の子供達、サイエントロジー、the Divine Light Mission, the New Testament Missionary Fellowship, 神の世界教会、その他の組織から1600名を脱会させたと豪語した。他の何十名という強制改宗家は、パトリックの後に続き、その多くは、パトリックによって脱会工作を受け、元の組織を離れた元信者であった。プロの私立探偵は、金儲けのチャンスとみて、様々な宗教団体のメンバーを拉致し、ディプログラムしてきた。ある、政治運動を行うグループさえも加わっていった。さらに、問題なことに、マインドコントロール理論が、一般的に受け入れられるようになってきた。そして、ある精神科医は、単純にあるグループに入会したという理由だけで、会いもしないで、精神的不能者と宣言するようになった。ある裁判官は、法律的後見人保護の決断を下し、警察に対し、その人物を強制的に連れ戻し、かれらの家族とディプログラマーに引き渡すことを求めた。[注4]

Professors Thomas Robbins and Dick Anthony explained why deprogrammers seized upon the “brainwashing” theory they employ to justify their “deprogramming” work:


Deprogrammers and anti-cult activists assert that the relevant issue is not freedom of religion but freedom of thought; that is, freedom from the insidious mind control to which cults are accused of subjecting their members. But candidates for deprogramming are generally assumed to be brainwashed simply by virtue of their affiliation with a certain religious sect. When deprogrammers, outraged parents, and anti-cult activists have their way, adult cult converts are subject to deprogramming without prior hearings in which they may contest allegations of their incompetence and without prior psychiatric examinations.[5]



[注3] テッド・パトリックは、彼自身の本の中で、被害者の「救出」作戦を次のように述べている。:ウェズは、車に向かって、手は屋根の上に置き、足は大の字のようにしてしがみついた。こんな格好では、彼を車に押し込めるのは不可能だった。私は即座に決断した。私は、彼の両足の間、股間を掴み、激しく握った。彼が、うめき声を上げると、両手で握った。それで、彼を殴り、頭を先に車の後ろ座席に押し込み、その上に乗りかかった。-- T. Patrick with T. Dulack, Let Our Children Go P.96 (1976)

[注4] 新宗教運動改宗の「洗脳」理論の歴史についての詳細は、このレポートでは触れていない。しかしながら、この理論は、アメリカでの裁判において重要な役割を果たしている。詳細は、次の著書を参考に。J. Gordon Melton, “Brainwashing and the Cults: The Rise and Fall of a Theory,” Center for Studies on New Religions, http://www.cesnur.org/testi/melton.htm, retrieved June 25, 2010. (NRM = New Religious Movement = 新宗教運動)

[注5] 参考文献、上記の通り。"Legitimating Repression" by Drs. Thomas Robbins of Central Michigan University, Dick Anthony of Graduate Theological Union, and James McCarthy of Sanctuary Institute, The Brainwashing/Deprogramming Controversy: Sociological, Psychological, Legal and Historical Perspective 322 (David G. Bromley and James T. Richardson eds.) (The Edeven Mellen Press 1983).












A. The Origin of ‘Deprogramming’ in the United States
A. アメリカにおけるディプログラミングの始まり

In spite of both international commitments and clear judicial precedents based on the First Amendment’s, thousands of individuals in the United States were subjected serious abuse when exercising a most basic human right -- the right to change or adopt a different religious belief from that of their family of origin.[1] During the 1970s and 1980s some government officials at the local level even lent state power and authority to faith-breaking.[2] As in Japan, many prosecutors and courts turned a blind eye to this obviously criminal conduct – including such felonies as assault, battery, kidnapping, and false imprisonment – when young people, even though of legal age, embraced a religious belief contrary to the wishes of their parents.

国際的責任と(米国憲法)修正第1条に基づく明らかな判例にかかわらず、アメリカでは、最も基本的な人権の行使 −- すなわち、家族の元来もってきた宗教とは別のものを選択する権利の行使において、何千人という人々が深刻な虐待を受けてきた。[注1] 1970年代から1980年代において、ある地方政府の役人は、強制改宗に対し、力と権威を与えていた。[注2] 日本でも同じように、多くの検察官と裁判所は、成人した若者が家族の希望に反して、ある宗教的信念を持った時、明らかな犯罪行為である暴力、暴行、誘拐、監禁等の重罪に対し見て見ぬふりをしてきた。

Ted Patrick, who has been called the “father of deprogramming,” began investigating a religious group known as the Children of God in 1971. He concluded that it was his life’s mission to bring people out of what he called “cults” and “pseudo-religions.” Because these groups often involved strong communal lifestyles, Patrick believed that the only way out for such people was to be forcibly removed from their communiti es so that he could bring them back to “reality.” To justify this action, he claimed that the devotees of these religious groups we no longer able to exercise their free will, and had been “programmed” by their leaders through “mind control.” He thus coined the term “deprogramming” to describe the process by which he “liberated” believers by kidnapping them, holding them against their will in secret locations, and criticizing their religious beliefs and practices until they succumbed to his pressure and agreed to leave their groups.


[注1] The freedom to change one's religion, to adopt a religion, and to have a religion or no religion without coercion is a universal human right guaranteed by international standards. See Human Rights Committee, General Comment No. 22 (48) (art. 18), U.N. Doc. CCPR/C/21/Rev.1/Add.4 (1993); Arcot Kreshnaswami, Study of Discrimination in the Matter of Religious Rights and Practices, U.N. Doc. E/CN.4/Sub.2/200 Rev. 1, (1960).


[注2] There were several attempts by state governments to pass laws making deprogramming legal. New York was the first state to propose a deprogramming bill in 1981. It based both houses of the legislature but was vetoed by then-Governor Hugh Carey. Similar attempts to legalize deprogramming also met with failure in Kansas, New Jersey, Nebraska, and Maryland.


上記の赤字部分は、私が付けたが、そこを読んだ時、このレポートを日本語に訳して紹介したいと思った。英語では "justify" となるが、日本語では、自己正当化となる。人が何らかの行動をする時、その行動が、日常ではあまり起きない行動とか、珍しい行動の場合、まず、自らの頭の中でその行動を正当化して、理論づけないといけない。で、ないと、仲間・同志を得る事ができないばかりか、自分自身の中で、なぜ、そんなことをしないといけないのか、動機付けができない。

私が、オーストラリアに来て、ある会社に入って、1年か2年経った頃、賃上げ交渉を行った。その時に、まずボスに言われたことは、"How do you justify it?" (賃上げを、どう正当化するのか?)だった。そういう場面では、証拠を示して、理論的に説明できないといけない。こんな事でも、正当化しないといけないのである。


上記、翻訳記事の赤字部分を読んで、あまりにも、端的に言ってくれているので、赤字にした次第である。しかし、テッド・パトリックの自己正当化理論、すなわち「マインドコントール → 頭脳がプログラムされている → 自由意志を行使できない → 彼らの意志に反して監禁 → ディプログラム → 解放」は、基本的に、今も日本で使われている理論と同じである。米本氏のブログに「統一教会信者はロボットなのか?」という、興味深い記事がある。ここを読んでいるあなたは、すでに米本氏にその記事は読まれたと思うが、もう一度読んでみて欲しい。

ディプログラミング Deprogramming という言葉はうまく作られていると思う。code(暗号化する) - decode(暗号をとく)、rail (レールを敷く) - derail (脱線させる)とか、deが付くと、反対の作用をさせることになる。「プログラムされたんだから、ディプログラムしてもとに戻せ」ということなんだろう。でも、人間は、機械でもないし、コンピュータのプログラムでもない。ディプログラムにより、人の心を変えようとすると、あまりにも深い「心の傷」ができてしまう。





このブログに頻繁に来られる方は、ダン・フェフェーマン(Dan Fefferman)という名前には、何度もお目にかかっていると思います。フェファーマン氏は、ICRF(国際宗教自由連合=統一教会関連団体)の会長で、日本の拉致監禁・強制改宗問題をここ10年以上にわたり、まるで我が事のように、追いかけている人物です。後藤氏ともとに、何度も国際会議にも参加し、日本の拉致監禁・強制改宗問題を訴えています。




The Rise and Fall of “Deprogramming” In the United States By Dan Fefferman
アメリカにおけるディプログラミングの盛衰 by ダン・フェフェーマン

21 July 2003

based in part on ICRF’s “White Paper Report and Call To Action To Uphold The Right of Thought and Conscience by Ending Forcible Deprogramming” (2003) by Lee J. Boothby, Esq.


Although the crime of secret confinement and forced exit from religious minority groups has been brought to a virtual end in the United States, this human rights felony still continues with impunity in contemporary Japan. The purpose of this paper is to outline the history of “deprogramming” in the U.S., in order to develop insights that may be useful for eradicating this human rights abuse in Japan and elsewhere if necessary. This approach focuses mainly on the legal arena, touching only briefly on public relations and other related aspects.


At the outset, we should be aware that the US experience does not exactly parallel that of Japan. For example:


•The US legal system involves a more complex relationship between local, state, and federal courts than exists in Japan.

•The tactics of early faith-breakers in the US was recognized quite quickly as being illegal, thanks in part to the shameless attitude of criminal actors such as Ted Patrick, who was convicted no less than four times on criminal charges.

•In the U.S., “deprogrammers” often did the “dirty work” of kidnapping and confinement, making it relatively easy to bring charges against them. In Japan, especially in the last two decades, these faith-breakers have acted mainly as “consultants” who advised families to kidnap believers and then sought to “persuade” victims only after they had been confined.

•The presence of many diverse religious groups who were victimized in the US made it relatively easy to form coalitions that transcended denominations. This has not been the case in Japan.

•The tradition of civil liberties groups like the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), a left-liberal group that prides itself on standing up for the rights of those with whom it disagrees, is also not strong yet in Japan.

•The role of Christian ministers, and especially of mainline churches, was much more negative in Japan than in the US, where the National of Council of Churches proved to be one of the most outspoken opponents of faith-breaking.





★アメリカ自由人権協会(American Civil Liberties Union=ACLC)は左翼的自由人権団体であるが、かれらが同意していない人々の人権のために立ち上がることもよしとしてきた。そのような伝統は、日本では育っていない。

原文と訳終了 To be continued


A. アメリカにおけるディプログラミングの始まり
B. 宗教の自由運動、市民権運動の役割
C. 強制改宗に対する刑事・民事訴訟




Yahoo News:日本で21000名のデモ

記事タイトル(原文):More Than 21,000 Rally to Protest Japan's Ongoing Human Rights and Religious Freedom Violations
日本語訳: Yoshi

この記事は、アメリカのYahoo Newsに出たものです。その他、CNBCニュースでも扱われました。

そして、今回は、Nikkei News(英語版)でも、12月7日に記事がリンクされいました。Nikkei News は他のニュースもそうなのですが、記事をクリックすると、配信元のウェブサイトに飛ぶようになっています。今では、数日経っているので、探すのは一苦労ですけど・・・

配信元 PRNewswire

TOKYO, Dec. 6, 2010 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- The following is being issued by the International Coalition for Religious Freedom:

東京 2010-12-6 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- ICRF(国際宗教自由連合)により、次の事柄が発表された。

More than 21,000 people throughout Japan rallied to protest human rights and religious freedom violations – yet the Japanese government and media continue to ignore calls for investigations into abductions and forced conversions.


Despite the massive outpouring in all 47 prefectures in Japan – with 3,200 people gathering in Tokyo alone – the government refuses to address the issue, and the Japanese news media continues to neglect coverage of the events. The Kyodo news agency even refused to run a media advisory on its basic newswire service.


In Tokyo, organizers presented a petition to the Diet, calling on Japanese lawmakers to investigate and hold public officials accountable to uphold Japanese anti-abduction laws and constitutional guarantees of religious freedom. The petition was addressed to the speaker of Japan's House of Representatives, Takahiro Yokomichi, and the president of the House of Councilors, Takeo Nishioka. Several Diet members received the petitions in front of the Diet Building.


The main speakers at the Tokyo event included Toru Goto, the victim of a 12-year confinement and now chairman of the Japanese Victims Association against Religious Kidnapping and Forced Conversion, and Masayoshi Kajikuri, chairman of the Unification Church's Japan Kidnapping-Confinement Task Force. "Faith-breaking under forced confinement is a kind of spiritual rape," Mr. Goto declared. "It is time for Japan to live up to our constitution and protect the rights of religious believers to choose their own religion."

東京大会でのメインスピーカーは、12年間拉致監禁された被害者であり、今は「全国 拉致監禁・強制改宗被害者の会」会長をしている後藤徹氏、統一教会の「拉致監禁対策委員会」の委員長である梶栗正義だった。後藤氏は、「監禁下での強制改宗は、精神的レイプのようなものだ。今、日本は、私たちの憲法に従い、宗教信者がの宗教を選択する自由を守るときである。」と、語った。

In addition, Mrs. Namiko Katagiri, a former victim who had been confined to an apartment in Sapporo city for five months, read the petition. Despite the pleas of her husband, police refused to search for her or to assist in her release after he located her confinement place.

さらに、札幌市のアパートに5ヶ月も監禁された被害者、カタギリ ナミコさんが、請願書を読み上げた。彼女の夫の懸命なお願いにもかかわらず、警察は彼女を捜すこともせず、監禁場所が分った後でも彼女を解放するために助けもしなかった。

The protests in Japan come as similar marches and rallies are being held in the U.S. to draw attention to the human rights violations perpetrated on Unification Church members, who have been confined by "faith-breakers" in an attempt to force them leave the religion. Experts confirm that the government and police have done little to stop the practice“ a violation of both Japanese law and international human rights standards.


The rally was sponsored by the International Coalition for Religious Freedom, the Unification Church, and an association of victims who returned to the Unification Church after escaping or being released from confinement.



More than 4,000 Unification Church members have been subjected to human rights violations during the past 40 years. Between 10 and 20 Unification Church members are abducted in Japan each year to undergo forced de-conversions. Victims who escape their captors report the use of force and prison-like conditions. There have been reports of beatings, starvation and rape. Approximately 1,300 abductees have returned to the Unification Church after their ordeals. As frustration with Japan's inaction mounts, victims have been increasingly speaking out on the abduction issue.

For more information on the Japan abduction issue: http://stopjapanabductions.org/. Follow us on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Stop-Japan-Abductions/145646672144455. View images of events: http://www.flickr.com/photos/stopjapanabductions/.

About ICRF

The International Coalition for Religious Freedom is a non-profit, non-sectarian, educational organization dedicated to defending the religious freedom of all, regardless of creed, gender or ethnic origin.

SOURCE International Coalition for Religious Freedom
posted by 管理人:Yoshi at 06:28| Comment(0) | TrackBack(0) | 抗議行動/デモ 日本 | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする


2010-11-16 NY抗議行動(後半)日本語訳




Rev. Dr. Michael Jenkins, Chirman of American Clergy Leadership Conference
マイケル・ジェンキンス牧師/博士 アメリカ聖職者指導者会議 議長

There’s a criminal element to this faith breaking. What is going on is criminal’s profiteering by using misunderstandings between families and their relatives that have joined minority religions. And the profiteers are confusing the families and are charging them $50,000 and then kidnapping them, abducting them and holding them in the private prisons and then breaking them, breaking their spirit, breaking their faith. We say LET MY PEOPLE GO. LET MY PEOPLE GO.


We will be stopping criminals. The same thing happened in America as Rev Kerner said. The same thing going on, National Council of Churches stood up and said breaking people’s faith for any reason is unethical. It’s not moral. It’s not principled. Kidnapping people is a felony crime in America and in Japan. We need a conviction in Japan. We need Japanese ambassador Nishimiya to hear our voice. We need a conviction in Japan. Mr. Goto cannot be held for 12 years and 5 months without persecution of the criminals. We are not talking about the families. We are talking about criminals. That were hired that broke Japanese law.



12:17 (Rev. Jenkins continues.)
The problem is the Japanese Government is doing nothing about it. Again the chief of Police Nakai and Japanese Diet, Chief Nakai said that this must investigated and treated fairly and any adults held against their will must be released immediately. However the local police are not acting. And people being held for months and even years. The government is doing nothing about it. That’s why we are asking leaders of Japan to awaken to listen to this injustice. And. we are confident they will.



Archbishop G. Augustus Stallings Jr., Founder of Imani Temple in Washington DC
アウガスタス・ストーリング大司教 Imani Temple(ワシントンDC) 創設者

Justice is not simply just us. But justice must be for all, men and women, especially who live in a democratic society. Therefore we will not stop with this demonstration. This will be not be the last, will only be the beginning because we are going to create a tsunami of protest. We are going to create a tsunami protest. As long as brothers and sisters in Japan are being denied their religious freedom and human rights, we will speak out. We will make noise. We will demonstrate. We will protest. Yes, we will stand together. We will stand together. For what affects brother and sisters in Japan also affects us. We are going to stand together. Where do we go from here? We will continue to speak out because when one door shuts many more doors will be open. Even if his Excellency ambassador Nishimiya has closed his ears, millions of ears will be open to this protest. Many will hear this.

正義は、ただ単に私たちだけのものではありません。正義は全ての人のためにあるべきです。男も女も、とりわけ民主主義の社会に生きている者にとっては当然のことです。それ故、私たちは、このデモをやめません。これは最後のデモではなく、これから津波のような一連の運動の始まりのデモです。日本の兄弟姉妹の、宗教の自由、人権が否定されている限り、私たちは叫び続けます。私たちは雑音をたてます。私たちはデモを行います。私たちは抗議します。そう、私たちは、一緒に立ち上がります。私たちは、一緒に立ち上がります。日本の兄弟姉妹が受けることは、私たちが受けることです。私たちは、共に立ち上がります。私たちは、ここからどこに向かうのでしょうか? 私たちは、継続して叫び続けます。一つのドアが閉じられれば、もっとたくさんのドアが開くでしょう。たとえ、ニシミヤ大使閣下の耳が塞がれたとしたら、何百万という耳が、この抗議を聞くために開くでしょう。多くの人に、このことが届くでしょう。

So we want justice. That’s what we want? We want justice and we want it now. What do we want? (Justice) When do we want it? (Now) What do we want ? (Justice) When do we want it? (Now) SHOUT FREEDOM! Freedom for every continent. Freedom to Japan. Freedom in every household. Freedom for all religions. Freedom. (Freedom) Freedom. We will continue to fight protest until freedom rings in every house of religion in Japan and every person has a God given right to worship God, and to believe in God, and to celebrate God on his or her own heart. Thank you.

私たちは正義を要求ます。それが私たちの要求するものですか?私たちは正義を、そして、それを今すぐ要求します。私たちは何を要求しますか?(正義)正義はいつ必要ですか? (今すぐ)私たちは何を要求しますか?(正義)正義はいつ必要ですか? (今すぐ)自由とさけべ! 全ての大陸に自由を。日本に自由を。すべての家庭に自由を。全ての宗教に自由を。自由(自由)。私たちは、日本のすべての宗教に自由が鳴り響き、すべての人が、それぞれの心の中で、神を崇拝し、信じ、お祝いする、神の与えた権利が確立されるまで、私たちは戦い続けます。ありがとう。




posted by 管理人:Yoshi at 06:51| Comment(0) | TrackBack(0) | 抗議行動/デモ/会見 USA | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする




本日の記事は、12月2日にホテルオークラで行われた、その記者会見の模様です。韓国の世界日報で報道されたものが、Yahoo韓国 を通じて流れたニュースです。

出典URL: http://kr.news.yahoo.com/service/news/shellview.htm?articleid=2010120219522935447&linkid=4&newssetid=1352

[世界日報] 2010年12月02日(木)午後07:52 / 韓国宗教協議会東京記者会見









posted by 管理人:Yoshi at 08:18| Comment(0) | TrackBack(0) | 宗教/カルトに関する会議等 | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする


信教の自由と人権」シンポジウム 2010-12-01 - 衆議院第一議員会館


(有田芳生の酔醒漫録 2010-12-02の記事より)







韓日指導者ら‘統一教も拉致’糾弾[世界日報] 2010年12月01日(水)午後06:58 / 日本議員会館で国際シンポジウム…政治・宗教界など100人余り参加








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