

現在、関西拉致監禁被害者の会の、11月26日付けの記事で、アップされていますが、島根のAYさん(or YA)の行方不明情報が掲載されています。今朝、アメリカの活動家の方より、ICRF会長ダン・フェファーマン氏が、関係者に送った英文の手紙を、転送して頂きました。その手紙には、より詳しい情報があり、関西拉致監禁被害者の会の記事とも、矛盾するところがないため、信憑性が高く、掲載することにいたしました。関係者の方で、本記事に間違いがあるようでしたら、申し訳ありませんが、ご連絡頂ければ幸いです。


Dear Friends, 友へ、

This is to alert you to another new victim of abduction and attempted forced conversion in Japan.

Name: Ms. A.Y. 女性 AYさん
Age: 30  30歳
Affiliation: Matsue Unification Church, Shimane Prefecture 所属:島根県 松江統一教会 
Date of disappearance: Nov. 21, 2010 行方不明 2010年11月21日

Details are still sketchy but we are informed that Ms. A.Y. feared for her safety to the extent that she had previously filed a letter with her church requesting "rescue in case of disappearance."


However, as your know, Japanese police usually treat such disappearances as mere "family matters" and refuse to intervene. In this case church officials formally requested police assistance on November 24. Even after being shown her letter requesting rescue, the police refused to come to her aid, saying only that "we have confirmed her safety."


Obviously such an attitude completely disregards international human rights standards and Japan's own laws, which guarantee the right of adults to choose their own religion.


Ms. A.Y. and her fiance received the UC's blessing on October 10 of this year, and it is probable that her abduction was in reaction against this. Her fiance is now en route to Matsue City in order to demand that the police search for her. We have contacted various official agencies and NGOs to ask for their urgent help in getting the police to act responsibly this time.


For your part, please keep Ms. A.Y. in your prayers during this holiday season. The first few days of a person's abduction and confinement can be truly terrifying, and then demoralizing. Prayer is a powerful agent for hope and spiritual support.



Very truly yours 敬具

Dan Fefferman
President, International Coalition for Religious Freedom
posted by 管理人:Yoshi at 21:45| Comment(2) | TrackBack(0) | 拉致監禁情報 | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする


2010-11-16 NY抗議行動(前半)日本語訳



Rev. Dr. Luonne Rouse

We shall overcome (We shall overcome.) We shall overcome. (We shall overcome.) We shall overcome (We shall overcome). One month ago, we stood here and promised that if we were not given audience, we would return with more people that we would organize around this nation.


I stand with brothers and sisters of faith today to say that we have returned that we have organized and that still seek to meet with ambassador Nishimiya in hopes that he would work with us and communicate with others to see the gross injustice that is going on in Japan will end.


We desire for them protecting human rights of all citizens. And those who are citizens in Japan deserve nothing less than the citizens anywhere in the world. Ambassador Nishimiya and local authorities in Japan are refusing to recognize the importance of human rights and religious freedom and the fact that we speak for the innocent, the victims who are not able to speak for themselves because they are being held as criminals, prisoners though they are not criminals.


People are joining to stand with us. And we will not stop. Let the message go the office of Ambassador today. We are not going away. We will not be hindered. We will not be set back. The time has come to stand up not shut up and we are going to stand forth and shout loud voices over and over again not only so we are heard but so that justice may roll. We shall overcome.


Why has there been no one prosecuted for such injustices, for such crimes. We want to thank those of the network of Korea SBS for honestly investigating and looking into the issue carefully for making us aware of all that is transpiring. That vision, that sight has inspired us to rally. So I ask you who have joined us to once again say to Japan and say to the world in the words of Martin Luther King Jr.  We shall overcome. we shall overcome. We shall overcome. Let freedom ring. (Let freedom ring. ) We shall overcome. (We shall overcome. ) Let freedom ring. (Let freedom ring.) We shall overcome. (We shall overcome.) Today, tomorrow, in the days to come we shall overcome.

そのような不正義に、そのような犯罪に、なぜこれまで一人も裁かれていないのでしょうか?私たちは、韓国SBSネットワークの人々が、この問題を真実にそして注意深く調査し、今、起きている全てのことを私に知らせてくれた事に対し、感謝申し上げたいと思います。その洞察力、見解は、私たちが抗議行動を起こすきっかけとなりました。私は、この運動に加わった皆様方に、もういちど、日本と、そして世界に向けて、マーティン・ルーサー・キング牧師の言葉を唱えて頂きたいと思います。We shall overcome. Let freedom ring. (私たちは勝利します。自由の鐘を打ち鳴らせ。) きょう、明日、来るべきその日にむけて、私たちは勝利します。

Bishop Jesse Edwards, Pastor of the Gates of Praise in Philadelphia, PA
ジェシー・エドワーズ神父、ペンシルバニア州フィラデルフィアGates of Praise 教会 

Our coalition against this Japanese abduction has given civic and faith leaders in Japan confluence across the nation to ask that the human rights, abuse and imprisonment abuse people’s faith. It must be stopped NOW. It must be stopped now. We are calling upon Japanese leaders and the good people of Japan to stop these violations now.


We have also confirmed that hatred, prejudice, bigotry are driving injustice against members of unification church because of their leader is Rev Sun Myung Moon in Korea and because their spouses that are Koreans. The recent Korean network SBS documentary showed strong anti Korean sediment that is prompted among these criminals that are hired by misguided relatives


Today every consulate in America is given a letter and a chance to show concern for the human rights in Japan. May god be with us.


Rev Joshua Cotter, Executive Vice President, Unification Church USA

We are here this morning to stand up for the rights of our brothers and sisters who are suffering in Japan. Over 4300 unification church members, my church in Japan have been persecuted, have been held against their will. Here in America we stand for freedom of religion, Amen? Here in America, we fought the battle as unification church as one against criminal deprogramming, kidnapping and faith breaking in 70s and 80s. We will fight for the rights of brothers and sisters around the world to worship in freedom, Amen?


Rev. Angelika Selle, President of the Womens Federation for World Peace USA

We are very disturbed and outraged by the violation of religious freedom and human rights in Japan which have been going on last 2 decade. Especially since that at least half of the victims involved are women, mothers, daughters, even older women. These women we are talking about were not only abducted against their will, secretly confined for months sometimes for years, but also suffered horrible physical abuse, beatings, spiritual humiliation. What’s worst for any woman, it is rape. We have to report in one case a woman was raped up to 32 times, 32 times. Imagine that. She will never be able to face the family or faith community.


One more case. A woman who was raped a several times committed suicide. One suicide is a suicide to many. Such abuses must not be tolerated. Therefore the Women of Peace, the Women for Peace call upon Japanese consulate to ensure Japanese government will take action to make sure justice is done TODAY. Thank you.


Mr. Luke Higuch, President of S.A.F.E. – Survivor Against Forced Exit
ルーク・ヒグチ氏、強制改宗に反対する被害者の会 会長

We don't want to say victims. We want to say survivors. We are survived from illegal confinement. We’ve been persecuted. Not only us 4300 Unificationists been kidnapped and confined. I cannot stand that. I stand up here to stop the abduction. So I introduce today 2 sisters here. Please listen to their experiences. Testimonies here


Michiko Presky, Victim and Survivor of Abduction and Confinement

My parents kidnapped me 5 times. For the 3rd time, they brought me to the mental hospital. For the 5th time, my father told me he would kill me with a kitchen knife if I decide to choose the church over my family. I told him kill me right now. I was ready to die. Now over 4300 people they have been kidnapped in Japan, so we can’t stand without doing anything. We can’t keep standing just watching without doing anything. We have to do something to save them.


Mitsuko Antal, Victim and Survivor of Abduction and Confinement

My name is Mitsuko Antal. I was kidnapped 2 times. I didn’t do anything. Just I believed in the Unification Church, teaching that. After that my feeling ended up my body is sore and difficult to get up. Just I want to say I don’t want (anyone treated) like me. Many members to save. Parents never do it again. It is so much painful and destroyed the relationship of parents and a child. Now still some members are kidnapped. I try to ….I want to stop We need your help. Thank you for giving me a chance to talk. Thank you very much.


2010-12-02 追記



2010-11-28 朝:何カ所かの聞き取れない部分を残してアップ
2010-11-28 夕方:アメリカ活動家の助言により、ヒグチ氏、ミツコさんの部分を修正。Many thanks.
2010-12-02 夕方:不明だった箇所を訂正・追加 これで、ほぼ完了。上記追記を追加。

NY抗議行動日本語訳 後半へ

posted by 管理人:Yoshi at 08:51| Comment(6) | TrackBack(0) | 抗議行動/デモ/会見 USA | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする


映像:2010-11-16 ニューヨーク抗議行動


What do we want? (私たちは何を要求してるんだ?) Freedom (自由だ)
When do we want: (いつだ?)           Now  (今だ)



2010-11-25 追加


posted by 管理人:Yoshi at 07:25| Comment(2) | TrackBack(0) | 抗議行動/デモ/会見 USA | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする



記事タイトル(原文):Japan’s Human Rights Failures Draw Attention as Activists Rally in 10 Major U.S. Cities
日本語訳: Yoshi



New York City. An estimated 200 participants rallied. Speakers included: Rev. Luonne Rouse, United Methodist Church of Long Island; Bishop Jesse Edwards, ACLC; Rev. Michael Jenkins, ACLC; Rev. Joshua Cotter, Unification Church; Luke Higuchi, SAFE President; Angelika Selle, WFWP President; Archbishop George A. Stallings, ACLC; victims Mitsuko Antal and Michiko Presky, and others. The rally featured passionate speeches by civil rights leaders, compelling testimonies of victims, and a rousing commitment as the crowd joined in singing "We Shall Overcome."

ニューヨーク市 - 推定200名がデモに参加した。参加者は次の通り:ルオン・ロウズ牧師(ロングアイランドメソジスト教会)、ジェッシー・エドワーズ司祭(ACLC)、アンジェリカ・セレ(世界女性平和連合会長)、ジョージ・ストーリングス大司教(ACLC)、被害者 ミツコ・アントール、ミチコ・プレスキー他.
抗議行動は、市民運動家のリーダー、被害者の感動的な体験談からなり、群衆も加わり、"We shall overcome." を歌った。

スライドショーの中で、3名の日本人の方、登場します。この3名の方は、1ヶ月前の記者会見の時も、スピーチされていました。最初の男性が ルーク・ヒグチ氏、2番目(女性)が、ミチコ・プレスキーさん、最後が、ミツコ・アントールさんです。

posted by 管理人:Yoshi at 20:43| Comment(0) | TrackBack(0) | 抗議行動/デモ/会見 USA | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする



記事タイトル(原文):International Religious Freedom Report 2010
日本語訳: Yoshi

2010年度版、アメリカ国務省の国際宗教自由に関するレポートが発表されました。(前の記事 = 全米10都市抗議行動 の訳をまだ、始めていないのですが、国務省発表のレポートを先にします。)



国務省のレポートの中、途中までは、「統一教会、エホバの証人、または NGO が〜と報告している」という形を取っていますが、関連記事の最後の段落部分の、12年の監禁の場面では、「メンバーが解放された」「検察庁は起訴しなかった」「ケースは再審議中」(この結果は10月6日に出た)という、断定表現を使っています。最近起きた事件でもあり、日本のアメリカ大使館も、独自に調査をしたものと思われます。


原文と、日本語訳開始 (該当箇所の太字と色は訳者による)

Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor
International Religious Freedom Report 2010
November 17, 2010

The constitution provides for freedom of religion, and other laws and policies contributed to the generally free practice of religion.

The government generally respected religious freedom in practice. There was no change in the status of respect for religious freedom by the government during the reporting period.

There were some reports of societal abuse or discrimination based on religious affiliation, belief, or practice.

The U.S. government discusses religious freedom with the government as part of its overall policy to promote human rights.

Section I. Religious Demography

The country has an area of 145,884 square miles and a population of 127.5 million. Since the government does not require religious groups to report their membership, it is difficult to accurately determine the number of adherents of different religious groups. The Agency for Cultural Affairs reported that membership claims by religious groups totaled 206 million as of December 2007. This number, which is nearly twice the country's population, reflects many citizens' affiliation with multiple religions. For example, it is common to practice both Buddhist and Shinto rites.

According to the agency's annual yearbook published in 2009 and carrying statistics of the calendar year of 2007, 105 million identified themselves as Shinto, 89 million as Buddhist, two million as Christian, and nine million follow "other" religions.

There are no governmental statistics on the number of Muslims in the country. The Islamic Center estimates there are approximately 100,000 to 110,000 Muslims of whom 10,000 are citizens.

As of December 2007, under the 1951 Religious Juridical Persons Law, the government recognized 154 schools of Buddhism. The six major schools of Buddhism are Tendai, Shingon, Jodo, Zen (Soto and Rinzai sects), Nichiren, and Narabukkyo. In addition there are a number of Buddhist lay organizations, including Soka Gakkai, which reported a membership of eight million "households." The two main schools of Shintoism are Jinjahoncho and Kyohashinto.

Section II. Status of Government Respect for Religious Freedom

Legal/Policy Framework

The constitution provides for freedom of religion, and other laws and policies contributed to the generally free practice of religion.

As of December 2007, 182,310 out of 223,428 religious groups were certified by the government as religious organizations with corporate status, according to the Agency for Cultural Affairs. The government does not require religious groups to register or apply for certification; however, certified religious organizations received tax benefits. More than 82 percent of religious groups had been certified by 2007.

In the wake of the 1995 sarin gas attack on Tokyo's subway system by Aum Shinrikyo, the Religious Juridical Persons Law was amended to provide the government with the authority to supervise certified religious groups. The amended law requires certified religious organizations to disclose their assets to the government and empowers the government to investigate possible violations of regulations governing for-profit activities. Authorities have the right to suspend a religious organization's for-profit activities if they violate these regulations.

The government does not observe any religious holidays as national holidays.

Restrictions on Religious Freedom

The government generally respected religious freedom in practice. There was no change in the status of respect for religious freedom by the government during the reporting period.

There were no reports of religious prisoners or detainees in the country.

Forced Religious Conversion 強制的宗教改宗

The Unification Church reported some adherents were pressured by family members and professional deprogrammers to leave the church.


Section III. Status of Societal Respect for Religious Freedom
セクション3. 宗教の自由に対する社会的配慮

Although most groups report wide-spread tolerance and respect for religious freedom there were some reports of societal abuse based on religious affiliation, belief, or practice.


For several years deprogrammers working with family members have reportedly abducted Unification Church members, members of Jehovah's Witnesses, and other minority religions. The Unification Church and Jehovah's Witnesses-affiliated organization Watchtower report the number of cases has declined sharply over the last 10 years. However the Unification Church reported five members were abducted during the reporting period. These reports could not be independently confirmed, and some nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) have accused the Unification Church of exaggerating or fabricating these reports.


In 2008 an adult member of the Unification Church was released after reportedly being held against his will by family members and a professional deprogrammer for over 12 years. Prosecutors did not pursue the case citing insufficient evidence. The case was on appeal at the end of the reporting period.


(註1:文中 "reportedly = 報道によれば" は、"解放された" にかかるものではなく、"意志に反して監禁された" にかかるものであり、日本語訳では、文章を二つに分けた。)

In November 2009 a senior diet member reportedly called Christianity an "exclusive and self-righteous religion." The Japan Confederation of Christian Churches, an organization of Catholics and Protestants, demanded a retraction of the remark.

Significant interfaith efforts continued during the reporting period. The Japanese Association of Religious Organizations, an interfaith NGO, worked to promote religious culture and contribute to peace. Members from the Islamic Center Japan spoke at churches and participated in interfaith peace prayers with Christian, Jewish, Muslim, and Buddhist groups. In November 2009 the World Conference on Religions for Peace Japanese Committee, composed of various religious groups, co-hosted a conference to discuss how to foster peace in Afghanistan with diet members and with cooperation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. This conference was attended by diplomats, military officers, researchers, specialists, and religious leaders from 18 countries including Afghanistan, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, and Iran.

Section IV. U.S. Government Policy

The U.S. government discusses religious freedom with the government as part of its overall policy to promote human rights.

2010-11-20 昼 - 拉致監禁関連段落のみ終了




posted by 管理人:Yoshi at 12:29| Comment(1) | TrackBack(0) | アメリカ政府レポート | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする

全米10都市、抗議行動 (2010-11-16)

記事タイトル(原文):Japan’s Human Rights Failures Draw Attention as Activists Rally in 10 Major U.S. Cities




posted by 管理人:Yoshi at 07:01| Comment(0) | TrackBack(0) | 抗議行動/デモ/会見 USA | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする








posted by 管理人:Yoshi at 21:53| Comment(1) | TrackBack(0) | 後藤裁判 | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする



このページ更新日: 2011-01-08


★元統一教会員の牧師 or キリスト教関連職員
- 井上隆晶牧師 日本キリスト教団都島教会(大阪) 被害者: MY(2010) OM(2010) 
- 黛藤夫主事 荻窪栄光教会 被害者:HM(2010)


- 宮村峻 統一教会脱会請負人「宮村峻」研究 被害者:MA(2011)

- はぐれ統一教会員の実体験回顧録
- 菅野江里子 火の粉を払え 婚約者からの訴え 世界日報 消えた婚約者
- 原田和彦 連載「おれが宮村だ」
- いつも私のとなりに神さま(被害者の奥様)

- 後藤徹 火の粉を払え 世界日報
- いつも私のとなりに神さま(被害者本人)
- YAMAさんの体験談


拉致監禁 絶対反対(拉致監禁orその関連専門のウェブサイト)
- 火の粉を払え ルポライター米本和広blog
- ペテン師の屁理屈
- 統一教会(統一協会)信者への脱会説得法について
- 統一教会脱会請負人「宮村峻」研究
- 室生忠の宗教ジャーナル
- 統一教会 拉致監禁 人権侵害 宗教の自由 英語記事の日本語訳

拉致監禁 被害者の会
- 拉致監禁をなくす会
- 関西拉致監禁被害者の会
- 全国 拉致監禁・強制改宗被害者の会

- 世界日報「拉致監禁の連鎖」
- テレビ番組:韓国SBS「きよみ13年ぶりの帰郷」日本語字幕版
- ウィーン発 『コンフィデンシャル』

拉致監禁 推進派(拉致監禁と霊感商法を切り離せないグループ)

- 全国統一協会被害者家族の会
- 有田芳生の『酔醒漫録』
- 全国霊感商法対策弁護士連絡会

- 世界基督教統一神霊協会(統一教会)公式サイト
- 釧路教会
- 仙台教会
- 杉並教会
- 江戸川教会
- 孝成教会(神奈川県川崎市)
- 岐阜教会
- 浜松教会
- 島根教会
- 神戸教会
- 統一教会に入って良かったこと
- いつも私のとなりに神さま
- 【新潟統一教会員ブログ】青年部長の日記 「心願成就」
- 肩肘張らずに気楽にいこう
- 天地の諸事情

- StopJapanAbduction.org
- ICRF(International Coalition for Religious Freedom)
- アメリカ統一教会
- The Anti Cult Movement
- SBS TV Documentary - Kiyomi's homecoming after 13 years

posted by 管理人:Yoshi at 18:53| Comment(0) | TrackBack(0) | 拉致監禁情報 | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする


◆Yahoo News: 共同通信、人権侵害問題の記事を検閲

記事タイトル(原文):Japanese Media Censor Statement about Human Rights Abuses of Religious Minorities
日本語訳: Yoshi

この記事は、ICRFが最近よく使うパターンですが、PRNewswire-USNewswireを通じて配信したニュースです。Yahoo Newsをはじめ、すでにいくつかのサイトで、すでにアップされているようです。記事タイトル(原文)で、Google等で検索すると出てきます。

WASHINGTON, Nov. 15, 2010 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- A press release announcing that human rights advocates are calling on Japan to stop persecution and imprisonment of religious minorities was refused for distribution in Japan by K.K. Kyodo News Agency on November 11, 2010. The press release provides details about coordinated protests taking place in several major cities throughout the United States on November 16th to pressure Japanese officials to stop the abuse and discrimination of minority religious believers in that country.

ワシントン 2010年11月15日 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- 人権活動家が日本の宗教少数者に対する迫害、拉致監禁をやめるようにとのプレスリリースを発表したが、11月11日、共同通信社は、そのプレスリリースの日本での配信を拒否した。そのプレスリリースには、日本での宗教少数者への虐待と差別をやめさせるよう日本政府に圧力をかけるため、11月16日に全米のいくつかの都市で行われる抗議行動の詳細が記されている。

Since 1966, more than 4,000 members of the Unification Church of Japan have been confined by their families and "deprogrammers"Â in an attempt to force them leave the religion which they, as adults, freely chose to join.


Currently, 10 to 20 Unificationists in Japan are abducted each year. Victims who escape their captors report the use of force, prison-like conditions, and intense pressure to change his or her faith. There have been reports of beatings, starvation, and rape.


"By refusing to report human rights abuses in their own country, the Japanese media are complicit in the cover-up being perpetrated by the Japanese government," said Dan Fefferman, President of the International Coalition for Religious Freedom. "This cover-up calls into question Japan's commitment to freedom of the press. It also calls into question other human rights abuses the Japanese media may be covering up in order to protect Japanese officials."


2010-11-16 朝:原文と簡単な要約のみアップ
2010-11-19 夜:完了
posted by 管理人:Yoshi at 07:27| Comment(1) | TrackBack(0) | メディア 米国 | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする







1. Ms YA (30) Shimane, 2010-11-21 行方不明 10月に教会の合同結婚式に参加したばかり。日本基督教団北堀教会の井上理牧師が関与か?
2. Ms TT (36) Tokyo, 2010-12-12行方不明 韓国で結婚する直前にビザの更新で帰省中
3. Ms SS (36) Tokyo, 2011-02-26行方不明 5月の渡韓にむけて埼玉の自宅で準備中

2011年 拉致監禁関連の出来事 & 拉致監禁事件

<2011年 出来事>

<2011年 拉致監禁事件>
2011-01-01 Ms MA (32) 東京、会社員、01-03 2am頃ベランダから電柱をつたい脱出宮村峻関与

2011-02-26 Ms SS(33)東京、渡韓に向け準備中連絡途絶  3月18日に自宅に戻っているのが確認

2010年 拉致監禁関連の出来事 & 拉致監禁事件

<2010年 出来事>
2010-01-20 日本統一教会ホームページをリニューアル、拉致監禁問題を少し積極的に扱うようになる
2010-02-04 世界日報「拉致監禁の連鎖」開始
2010-02-28 埼玉で拉致監禁反対のデモ、これ以降、全国各地でデモが行われる。
2010-03-xx 「財界にっぽん」拉致監禁事件を取り上げ、以後ほぼ毎月掲載。主な執筆者:室生忠氏 他
2010-05-14 参議院決算委員会、拉致監禁問題、(自)秋元司議員質問、中井洽国家公安委員長答弁
2010-06-02 ジュネーブ国連人権理事会で、後藤氏等、サイトイベントで拉致監禁を訴える
2010-07-02 アメリカ ICSA(国際カルト研究教会)会議で、後藤氏、スティーブン・ハッサン氏と対決
2010-08-05 日本外国人記者クラブにて、後藤氏、ムラトビッチ氏、ローズ氏記者会見
2010-08-09 原田和彦氏の宮村峻研究ブログ発足。同日関西拉致監禁被害者の会のブログも発足
2010-09-01 アメリカで、日本の拉致監禁を扱うブログ StopJapanAdduction.org 発足
2010-09-01 大きな事件ではないが、「本ブログ」発足、その2ヶ月後の11月1日、「英語版」発足
2010-09-09 イタリア・トリノCESNUR国際会議、後藤氏参加
2010-10-06 後藤氏の申し立てに対し、東京第4検察審査会が「不起訴相当」の判断
2010-10-06 韓国SBSが、1時間報道番組「きよみ13年ぶりの帰郷」放映、
2010-11-16 アメリカ11都市の日本領事館前で抗議行動
2010-11-17 アメリカ国務省、宗教の自由 年次報告書発表(拉致監禁の記述、数段落に及ぶ)
2010-12-01 衆議院第一議員会館で「信教の自由と人権問題を語る」シンポジウム
2010-12-03 「日本の人権を考える」特別集会東京・日比谷野外音楽堂 予定

<2010年 拉致監禁事件>
2010-01-15 Ms TF カープ・名城大学4年 帰省中に拉致監禁 のち、脱会したもよう
2010-02-07 Ms MY (30) 東京・武蔵野青年支部、甥の誕生日 のち、脱会したもよう
2010-05-05 Mrs.TS (57) 拉致監禁 未遂事件(神戸)
2010-06-14 Mr.NK(25) 菅野江里子さんの婚約者 脱会したもよう
2010-08-13 Ms HM 拉致監禁, 2010-10-06 解放される
2010-08-13 Mr.MK 拉致監禁, 2010-10-29 長野「いのちの家」から自力脱出 孝成教会ウェブ
2010-08-14 Ms OM(27)大阪、四国の祖父を訪ねようと両親の誘い のち、脱会 井上隆晶牧師関与
2010-09-13 Ms MY(33) 両親と食事の約束、2010年6月には21日間軟禁 2010-11-01 帰還 井上隆晶牧師関与
2010-11-21 Ms YA (30) Shimane, 2010-11-21 行方不明 現在監禁中。日本基督教団北堀教会の井上理牧師が関与か? 

2009年 拉致監禁関連の出来事 & 拉致監禁事件

2009-02-01 米本和広氏 ブログ「火の粉を払え」開設
2009-02-15 拉致監禁をなくす会(代表:小出浩久)発足
2009-11-28 関西 拉致監禁・強制改宗 被害者の会発足
2009-12-09 後藤氏の刑事告訴に対し、東京地検担当検事 不起訴処分を下す

2009-07-01 カープ東北大学 奈良の実家で
2009-08-18 29才女性 大阪
2009-08-15 29才女性 東京
2009-08-xx Mr NT (カープ・大阪大学・大学院生、帰省中に拉致) 2010年2月確認で、監禁は解かれたもよう

2008年 拉致監禁関連の出来事 & 拉致監禁事件

2008-02-10 後藤氏、12年5ヶ月の監禁場所から放り出される。渋谷まで歩き救助される。
2008-07-14 我らの不快な隣人(米本和広氏)発刊

2007年 拉致監禁関連の出来事 & 拉致監禁事件

2006年 拉致監禁関連の出来事 & 拉致監禁事件

2005年 拉致監禁関連の出来事 & 拉致監禁事件

2004年 拉致監禁関連の出来事 & 拉致監禁事件

2003年 拉致監禁関連の出来事 & 拉致監禁事件

2002年 拉致監禁関連の出来事 & 拉致監禁事件

2001年 拉致監禁関連の出来事 & 拉致監禁事件

2000年 拉致監禁関連の出来事 & 拉致監禁事件

2000-04-20 (衆)決算行政監視委員会 桧田仁議員 警察庁長官/警察関係者への質問、答弁内容

1999年 拉致監禁関連の出来事 & 拉致監禁事件

1998年 拉致監禁関連の出来事 & 拉致監禁事件

1997年 拉致監禁関連の出来事 & 拉致監禁事件

1997-03-09 Ms Takako FUJITA 拉致監禁, 1997-07-12 監禁中に自殺

1996年 拉致監禁関連の出来事 & 拉致監禁事件

1995年 拉致監禁関連の出来事 & 拉致監禁事件

1994年 拉致監禁関連の出来事 & 拉致監禁事件

1993年 拉致監禁関連の出来事 & 拉致監禁事件

1992年 拉致監禁関連の出来事 & 拉致監禁事件

1991年 拉致監禁関連の出来事 & 拉致監禁事件

1990年 拉致監禁関連の出来事 & 拉致監禁事件

1989年 拉致監禁関連の出来事 & 拉致監禁事件

1988年 拉致監禁関連の出来事 & 拉致監禁事件

1987年 拉致監禁関連の出来事 & 拉致監禁事件

1986年 拉致監禁関連の出来事 & 拉致監禁事件

1985年 拉致監禁関連の出来事 & 拉致監禁事件
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