
●拉致監禁:1975年のアメリカの例-ブライアンの体験 Part 1 of 5

記事タイトル(原文):Deprogramming from the Unification Church - Statement of Brian Sabourin Part 1 of 5
タイトル日本語:統一教会に対するディプログラミング - ブライアン・サボウリン氏の体験 その1(5回連載)
発表機関(英語):Anti Cult Movement
記事の日付:不明 (記事中のディプログラミングは1975年7月4日に始まった)
日本語訳: Yoshi


なお、発表機関であるAnti Cult Movement (訳すと、反カルト運動)であるが、カルトに反対する団体ではなく、反カルト運動を批判する団体(または個人)である。たとえば、その中のページには、マインドコントロールの誤りについても取り扱っている。現在のところ、このウェブサイトの代表が誰かとか、住所とかは、ウェブサイト内には見あたらない。


I had been fund-raising for about one week when my mother called the center in Boston, telling me my father was having heart problems and asked me if I couldn't come home that weekend to care for the farm so that they could get away for a while. I immediately said "Yes," and promised to take a late bus home on Friday. After I had hung up, Antony, my center director came to me and asked me if I thought my parents were being honest with me, and if they could possibly have other plans for me besides those mentioned. I answered him that my parents were not the kind of people to act like that; that they would not lie to me and join the deprogrammers without first having a heart-to-heart talk with me. Furthermore, I told him that I had already warned them about these people, and said not to get involved without talking to me first. I believed my mother was being honest. So, it was considered safe for me to go home.



When Friday, July 4th (1975) came around I was again out fund-raising, feeling and doing better than I ever had. I made $125.00 in about three hours' time. I was feeling great. At 4:30 I came back to the center and packed up my things. Everybody said goodbye to me and I was brought to the bus terminal by Christina, the girl who first introduced me to the church. She told me that she was very worried about me, and that everyone else was also. I reassured her of my parents' "good heart" and left to catch my bus, but I missed it by 30 seconds. I waited around until the 7:00 bus left Boston for Middleburry. That bus I caught, and later arrived at my front door around 1:30 in the morning. I quickly ran up the driveway and entered the front door. I was shocked to see everybody still up, waiting for me. I gave my mother a big hug and kiss and told them that they shouldn't have waited up for me. About then I noticed how worried and uneasy they all were. My father told me to sit down and that he wanted to talk with me. "Couldn't that wait until morning?" I asked. "I'm terribly tired."


"No, as a matter of fact, it can't," he said. So I sat down and started to explain what I had been doing for the last three months. But they could not understand me, or wouldn't understand. They kept interrupting me, saying that I didn't love them anymore, and that I was brainwashed. I couldn't believe what I was seeing and hearing. I kept trying to explain myself to them, that I was not brainwashed and that I truly did love and care for them, indeed more than I ever had. But they would not believe me. This went on for about 75 minutes, until they were so upset and miserable that I felt as if I had to do something drastic in order to prove myself to them. I told them what had happened to Ann Devine and they said they knew about it. Hearing that, I became suspicious of them and began to get worried. I told them about the deprogramming sessions, and I told them I would be glad to talk with one of these people if that was what they wanted, and if they felt it would help answer their questions and make them feel better. They said they would appreciate that, if I didn't mind. I told them that I expected to be treated fairly and that the only purpose of it would be to resolve that questions which they had. I warned them about how deprogrammers had handled Unification Church members before. But, they said they would make sure I was treated fairly.


(訳者註:アン・ディバイン=女性の名前、Google 等で調べてみたが、情報は見つからなかった。前後の関係から、ディプログラマーの改宗によって、何かひどい事が彼女に起こったように推測できる。)

At that moment my mother called to some people to come from a nearby room, who up to this time, I had been unaware of. Suddenly my old wrestling and football coach, two of my uncles, and a close friend from school came in through the door and stood around me. Needless to say, I felt stupid. I had been tricked. They had planned to abduct me all along. I kept asking questions about what their plans were, and they said everything would be fair and that if I wanted to return after it was over, I could. So, odds being what they were, I consented to go along with them, still believing that I would be given a fair chance to explain myself and help my parents out of this confusion.



2010-10-24 夜:第一段落終了
2010-10-25 夜:残りの訳終了
2010-10-26 朝:英文第三段落目"resolve that questions which they had" 「家族の持っている疑念を晴らすこと」に変更、(訂正前は、"家族の持っている質問を解決すること" ← これでは、あまりにも単語だけを訳したって感じ。)

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