
●拉致監禁:1975年のアメリカの例-ブライアンの体験 Part 5 of 5

記事タイトル(原文):Deprogramming from the Unification Church - Statement of Brian Sabourin Part 5of 5
タイトル日本語:統一教会に対するディプログラミング - ブライアン・サボウリン氏の体験 最終回(5回連載)
発表機関(英語):Anti Cult Movement
記事の日付:不明 (記事中のディプログラミングは1975年7月4日に始まった)
日本語訳: Yoshi


One particular event of the fifth day still stays with me. Mr. Swope was reading the Bible and telling me to read various sections, which he picked out. I was really becoming frustrated by his demeaning remarks and suddenly started to sarcastically read the passages in just the way he had been sarcastically reading from my Divine Principle book. I had no more that uttered two words when Rev. Swope catapulted out of his chair, grabbing me by the neck and hair and violently shook me shouting, "I'll teach you to take the Lord's name in vain, you little bastard!" while Carl reiterated and punched me both in the back and in the back of my head. This incident startle me, but I was not hurt. Actually, I welcomed the change from the boredom.


The fifth day ended and the sixth day came. As soon as I got up, I knew I wasn't going to make it through the day without having an emotional breakdown. While eating breakfast I remembered back to my first day, when I had said to my deprogrammers, "you aren't going to be satisfied until you have me grovelling on the floor, are you?" to which Carl said, "Well, that would be a good start."


That day, these insults seemed to strike right at my heart. The tension built up, my confusion and desperation finally climaxed, and I burst out into a fit of tears. I couldn't stand it anymore. Whenever they made an accusation I would shake my head and agree with them, while in my heart I knew they were wrong. They accused me of "faking" my breakdown and pressed me again and again with their accusations. Each time now I would agree with them, I was so confused... I felt as if, well, maybe I had been brainwashed, maybe I was wrong. So I even started to participate in their game. I came to help them, and did whatever they said, and tried my darnedest to see everything the way they did because I really began to believe that I had been brainwashed and these were the only people who could help me.


From that day on, I outwardly began to sing their tune while inwardly feeling myself to be a hypocrite, believing this dichotomy to be due to the Unification church's unscrupulous brainwashing of me.


They kept me in that cabin for 12 days before letting me out. Every day I would break down like I had on the 6th day and they would treat me the same way each time. They treated me better as I proved to sing their tune better. Each night for the next week, I would be brought back to the cabin to sleep, and re-hash all of the material the next day. I remember what it felt like going into the cabin each night. When we drove back to it after the evening dinner, now held at the Swope's house, all of the scenes of my deprogramming would flash back into my head. I would start to feel sick again, and my head would begin to ache. So great was my dread of that place that I would feel stuck rigid in my car seat. When we arrived, it took all I had to force myself out of the car. I would then run to the door, waiting to get in, fighting off my tears, fear, and the miserable, wretched dread which I had for that place.


I was at the Swopes' house for about two weeks and then I was driven all over the Northeast to visit other ex-members. During this time I started to feel better. I felt I was thinking more clearly now since I was "deprogrammed." Yet I still had some imperfections, which they all did their best to correct in me.


After about a month of this I was brought home. It felt good to be back and away from these people, but I in no way felt good. I was constantly depressed and miserable. Yet I tried my best not to let anyone know, partly because I was afraid of a barrage of questions and strong talk, which I had had plenty of, and also because I thought my psychological condition was due to the brainwashing I received from the Unification Church. I continued in this schitzophrenic way from about two months after I was home, until my own depression, desperation, mental confusion, and physical sickness forced me to start all over again. I decided to force myself into researching everything. Once I started this I began a daily recuperation to my previously healthy self. I started to feel much better.


Today I have written two papers as a result of the research, and feel pretty good again. I know clearly who to believe in now, and believe me, it's not the deprogrammers!




2010-10-31 夜:第二段落まで終了
2010-11-03 夜;最後まで訳終了、後書き追加。

posted by 管理人:Yoshi at 20:18| Comment(3) | TrackBack(0) | 拉致監禁例 アメリカ | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする


●拉致監禁:1975年のアメリカの例-ブライアンの体験 Part 4 of 5

記事タイトル(原文):Deprogramming from the Unification Church - Statement of Brian Sabourin Part 4 of 5
タイトル日本語:統一教会に対するディプログラミング - ブライアン・サボウリン氏の体験 その4(5回連載)
発表機関(英語):Anti Cult Movement
記事の日付:不明 (記事中のディプログラミングは1975年7月4日に始まった)
日本語訳: Yoshi

原文と訳 開始
The second day continued much like the first day had, with my parents making infrequent visits at the request of the deprogrammers. Yet it was fortunate for them that they only visited me this much, because whenever they came, it only proved to be miserable for them. For example, on the second day when my mother and father came, my mother started a conversation with me. She said, "Brian, can't you see how wrong you were to join such a movement at this? Can't you see how Moon is just brainwashing you kids?" When I said, "no," she started crying and crying.


I simply didn't know what to do! Comforting them by saying everything was going to be all right was an outright lie. Nothing was going to be all right as long as I was prevented from explaining myself to them, and as long as they believed that I was brainwashed it was hopeless. I thought a lot about trying to escape and explaining everything later when we all could be more calm and reasonable. But I knew the deprogrammers would never leave them alone, and would easily convince them to try more drastic measures for getting me out. Furthermore, I couldn't stand to see them suffering like they were. I knew that I would hurt them very deeply if I escaped. So... I decided to stick it out. I wouldn't try to escape, not even if they gave me an easy opportunity. I planned to outlast them. I would listen to them and listen to them until they ran out of energy and breath, then I would explain myself and show them the ridiculousness of their actions.


Well, it didn't work... They took time out, exchanging themselves with other loudmouths while I was always there, catching it.


As time went on, I became weaker and weaker. My headache was constantly with me, night and day. I would frequently feel so much like vomiting that I would visually measure the distance to the sink and estimate how quickly I could make it there, hoping that the deprogrammers wouldn't misinterpret my intentions and stop me mid-way.


The second day ended like the first, except an hour earlier. I got to bed at 2:00 a.m. and was woken about 7:00 a.m. the next morning. The third day was virtually similar to the second and first days. Yet I was quickly becoming weaker. By this time I started to pretend to agree with them on certain points to defray some of their attacks. Yet this proved to be my undoing later when they discovered this and came down on me even harder.


I hadn't changed my clothes or brushed my teeth or anything since they got me on Friday. I felt and looked wretched by this time. Yet this was all part of their game. By the end of the third day I know that I was hopeless to think of ever reasoning with these people, or with my parents as long as these people were around to influence them. But I still would not try to escape, because of the effects which I believed this would have on my parents, even though I had some good opportunities.


The fourth day was the same as the rest, except for the change in me. I was really sick... I couldn't think straight if I had to by this time. I was totally caught up in a mesh of conflicting loyalties -- between my parents and the church -- and didn't know where to turn. I still believed and wanted to belong to the church at this point, but I no longer could remember or explain my reasons why. As the deprogramming continued, my mind discontinued. I started to become really scared of what was happening to me. I even started to feel brainwashed, if you can imagine what that feels like. So when the fifth day rolled around, I knew my time was limited. They were allowing me to get more sleep by now, around five to six hours, but it was nowhere near enough. I had started to fall asleep during the sessions by the third day, and by the fifth day, it was more than a struggle to stay awake. Whenever I would start to drop off they would kick me to wake me up. Once, I pretended to be asleep to see how far they would go in order to try and revive me. When the kicking didn't bring a response, the slaps did -- I opened my eyes and everything returned to "normal."

4日目は、私の中に起きた変化以外は同じだった。私は、ひどく具合が悪く、まともに考えることができなかった。私は、両親と教会の間で、どちらにつくかの罠にはまったしまった。どちらに振り向いていいのか、わからなくなった。私はまだ、この時点では教会に属していたかったが、もう、その理由を覚えていないし、説明もできなかった。ディップログラミングは進んでいくにつれ、私の頭は止まってしまった。これから私に何が起きるのだろうかと、正直、恐ろしく思うようになった。私は、洗脳されたような気分にさえなった。5日目が終わった時は、私の時間は限られているとわかった。この頃には、5時間から6時間の睡眠が許されるようになったが、十分ではなかった。3日目のあたりには、セッション中に眠ってしまうことがあったが、5日目になると、起きているのが苦痛だった。私が、うとうとし始めるや否や、彼らは、私を起こすため、蹴り上げた。ある時、寝たふりをして、どこまで彼らがやるのか試してみた。蹴っても反応がなければ、平手打ちだ。私は目を開け、全ては ”通常”に戻った。

2010-10-29 夜:4段落目まで終了
2010-10-30 夜:最後まで終了
posted by 管理人:Yoshi at 21:11| Comment(0) | TrackBack(0) | 拉致監禁例 アメリカ | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする


●拉致監禁:1975年のアメリカの例-ブライアンの体験 Part 3 of 5

記事タイトル(原文):Deprogramming from the Unification Church - Statement of Brian Sabourin Part 3 of 5
タイトル日本語:統一教会に対するディプログラミング - ブライアン・サボウリン氏の体験 その3(5回連載)
発表機関(英語):Anti Cult Movement
記事の日付:不明 (記事中のディプログラミングは1975年7月4日に始まった)
日本語訳: Yoshi



It wasn't long before I realized that this wasn't going to be anything like the "open-minded" and "fair" meeting which I had been told it would be. But, I didn't want to give up. I sincerely believed that I could eventually break through to these people and show them the ridiculousness of their accusations. So, I decided to be patient and understanding and talk only when spoken to, and explain myself when I thought they would be genuinely interested in listening.
Needless to say, they never changed. I started to get intense headache, but there was nothing to take for it. I felt sick to my stomach, exhausted, and scared. I hadn't eaten since 3:00 p.m. on Friday. After about 4 hours of this stuff, I got up out of my chair to sit in a more comfortable chair behind me. As soon as I moved, they all jumped up out of their chairs and started towards me. When they saw that I was only changing chairs, they sat back down again, and resumed their "therapy".


This continued until around noon when lunch was brought in for us. They said they were going to feed me "just like the 'cult" fed me," and gave me a single hot dog and a tables spoonful of baked beans. I sad down to eat, my hands were shaking, and I still felt sick and my headache was getting increasingly worse. I closed my eyes to pray a prayer of blessing for the meal, when suddenly Carl pushed me backwards in my chair, saying, "You ain't going to pray to Moon anymore!" I said, "What? I was only going to say grace before I eat!" But he continued to rave on about it, calling me a zombie-liar and a brainwashed pimp. I felt really sick by this time but I forced myself to eat what food they gave me.

これがお昼まで続き、ランチが出された。「カルトがおまえを食わしてやったのと同じように、俺たちも食わしてやるからな。」と彼らは言って、たった1本のホットドッグと、一さじのベイクトビーンズを差し出した。私は、食べるために座った。私の手は震えていて、気分は悪く、頭痛はますますひどくなっていった。食事の前のお祈りをしようと目を閉じた。突然、カールを私を、後ろへ押し倒し、「ムーンに祈るのはやめろ」と言った。「え?私は、食事の前のお祈りをしているだけだ。」と言った。彼は、怒鳴り散らして、私を、「zombie liar, 洗脳されたpimp」と呼んだ。私は、本当にこの時までに具合が本当に悪くなったが、出されたものを、とにかく食べた。

訳者註:zombi-liar, brainwashed pimp - 適当な日本語がみつかりません。

My parents came back and gave me those sort of "pseudo-comforting" statements and detached embraces. They were crying and looked miserable. At that point I vowed to God that I would make it through this mess and help them to understand where they were wrong and regain their trust. I told them I was all right and not to worry because everything was going to be all right.


They left shortly after they came and the deprogrammers continued their barrage with renewed vigor. But I wasn't going to sit back and take it anymore. I sat up straight by the table and threw it right back at them. It wasn't long before I realized that this was useless, and decided to continue in the way I had before.


Many things happened that day. I didn't think I would make it through it without vomiting or passing out. They continued this until 3:00 a.m. the next morning when, seeing that I wasn't going to break down right off, they said I could go to bed. I undressed and got in my bed, when I bent down to pray. Carl quickly pushed me over, shouting, "I told you before! You ain't going to pray to Moon no more!"


They woke me the next morning at about 6:30. I got up and ate some cereal for breakfast while they began my "deprogramming" again. Even though the sleep was short, I felt a little better. But my head still ached, I felt weak, and had an empty feeling in my stomach.


After breakfast, Mr. Swope and Carl started in again. Their pattern and presentation were the same as the previous day. I knew I could explain and clarify all of the accusations which they were making if they would only give me the chance. But they never intended to. By this time I realized that the entire purpose of these sessions was to break the victim down, and in my opinion, forcibly "brainwash" him into believing that the Unification Church and Rev. Moon are evil and corrupt, and everything which he had believed in was wrong, contrived for the purpose of trapping people like myself. They preached their version of the Bible at me constantly, inserting Rev. Moon's name into all of the most despicable passages. I simply couldn't believe that a Christian minister and professional psychologist like Mr. Swope could use his knowledge in such a fashion on people like myself.


2010-10-27 夜:第一段落終了
2010-10-28 夜:残りの段落終了

posted by 管理人:Yoshi at 20:45| Comment(0) | TrackBack(0) | 拉致監禁例 アメリカ | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする


●拉致監禁:1975年のアメリカの例-ブライアンの体験 Part 2 of 5

記事タイトル(原文):Deprogramming from the Unification Church - Statement of Brian Sabourin Part 2 of 5
タイトル日本語:統一教会に対するディプログラミング - ブライアン・サボウリン氏の体験 その2(5回連載)
発表機関(英語):Anti Cult Movement
記事の日付:不明 (記事中のディプログラミングは1975年7月4日に始まった)
日本語訳: Yoshi




It was about 3:00 in the morning. I got in my uncle's car, with my father and uncles sitting on either side of me, and was driven to an old hunting cabin in New Hampshire. I couldn't sleep during the car ride; I was too nervous and scared. Many times during the trip I felt sick to my stomach and nauseous, nearly passing out.


We got to the house at about 6:00 in the morning. I immediately recognized my future deprogrammers, Mr. George Swope and Carl Waranowski. I had seen them during a meeting at Durham, New Hampshire where CARP's membership as a qualified student organization was being re-considered.



They told me to get out of the car, and then escorted me into the little cabin. I walked around inside the cabin while the deprogrammers talked with my parents and relatives on the outside. After a while everybody came inside. Mrs. Swope and few other people had just arrived. My mother, father and uncles came over to me, saying that, "We're all behind you, Brian," and "We know you can do it..."

彼らは、私に車を降りるように言った。そして、私を小さな山小屋に連れて行った。ディプログラマーが、外で両親や親戚と話している間、私は、山小屋の中を歩き回った。しばらくして、全員、中に入ってきた。スウォープ氏の奥さんと、他の何人かも、到着した。私の、母と、父と、おじさんが、私のところにやってきて、「私たちはあなたを応援してるからね。あなたならできるよ。」 と、言った。

My mother then hugged me, and patted me on the head saying, "All these people have taken their holiday off just to help you, Brian. Now just listen to what they have to say..." She was treating me like a child. She treated me as a mother would treat her mentally sick son! I asked her if she was o.k. and told her that I already knew what these people were going to say, and if they would only let me, I could explain everything. She started crying then. I embraced her and tried to console her, saying that I had never thought out any decision as much as I had my decision to join the Unification Church. I told her that I loved being a member and that I had full use of my mind and free will. "Isn't that evident?" I asked. But she only cried more. Then I told her that I would be alright and that if everything went like they said it would, we would all learn something. My mother then turned and walked out the door to talk with the people outside.


My father then came up to me, shaking my hand and patting me on the back, saying, "You can see how worried and upset your mother and I are over you Brian, so just listen to these people, they're here to help you." I again said that I was fine and didn't need help from anyone. I told him that I had never been happier doing what I was doing, and that I could clear the whole problem up if they would only listen to me and give me the time to explain myself. My father shook his head and said, "Brian, I know you can pull yourself out of the problem you've gotten yourself into, and that is what these people are here for, to help you."


I got the distinct feeling that he and everybody else there regarded me as one would a person with a drug addition. Shortly after this, he left too and my brother and friend Ray came into the room with me. I talked with them until the deprogrammers came into the room.


Then, at 6:30, they started in on me. Immediately they started yelling at me. Calling me a liar, telling me that I hated my parents and would even kill them if Moon told me to. They said that I should be ashamed of myself for causing them this worry!! I started to say that it was they who had caused my parents' confusion and not myself, but they broke into my remark before I could even explain myself, calling me a "bastard" and a "pimp for Moon."



The situation was so unusual that I started to laugh. I simply couldn't believe what was happening to me. But that only made them yell more, calling me an "arrogant S.O.B." and so on. At every chance I had I would start to explain why I had joined and why I believed them to be wrong, but I would no sooner start to talk when they would break in and interrupt me, causing me to become confused and flustered until I forgot completely about what I was saying.

状況があまりにも異常だっったので、私は笑い始めた。何が起こっているのか、信じることができなかった。しかし、彼らはもっとひどく、"傲慢野郎" とか叫んだ。チャンスがあるたびに、私がなぜ統一教会にはいったかを、そして、彼ら(ディプログラマー)の間違いを説明し始めると、邪魔が入り、私が何を言おうとしていたか、完全に忘れるまで、私を混乱させ続けた。

訳者註:arrogant S.O.B. - arrogantは"傲慢な"ですが、S.O.B.って、私には何か分りませんが、人をののしる悪い言葉であるということは推測できます。その後の、調査でS.O.B.はs#& of b&#@& の頭文字を取ったものだと分かりました。ここでは、傲慢野郎としました。あまり、こういう言葉には慣れてなてく、昨夜は何か分かりませんでした。


2010-10-26 夜:アップ、訳すべて終了
2010-10-27 朝:最後の部分のS.O.Bについての訳者註追加

posted by 管理人:Yoshi at 18:53| Comment(0) | TrackBack(0) | 拉致監禁例 アメリカ | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする


●拉致監禁:1975年のアメリカの例-ブライアンの体験 Part 1 of 5

記事タイトル(原文):Deprogramming from the Unification Church - Statement of Brian Sabourin Part 1 of 5
タイトル日本語:統一教会に対するディプログラミング - ブライアン・サボウリン氏の体験 その1(5回連載)
発表機関(英語):Anti Cult Movement
記事の日付:不明 (記事中のディプログラミングは1975年7月4日に始まった)
日本語訳: Yoshi


なお、発表機関であるAnti Cult Movement (訳すと、反カルト運動)であるが、カルトに反対する団体ではなく、反カルト運動を批判する団体(または個人)である。たとえば、その中のページには、マインドコントロールの誤りについても取り扱っている。現在のところ、このウェブサイトの代表が誰かとか、住所とかは、ウェブサイト内には見あたらない。


I had been fund-raising for about one week when my mother called the center in Boston, telling me my father was having heart problems and asked me if I couldn't come home that weekend to care for the farm so that they could get away for a while. I immediately said "Yes," and promised to take a late bus home on Friday. After I had hung up, Antony, my center director came to me and asked me if I thought my parents were being honest with me, and if they could possibly have other plans for me besides those mentioned. I answered him that my parents were not the kind of people to act like that; that they would not lie to me and join the deprogrammers without first having a heart-to-heart talk with me. Furthermore, I told him that I had already warned them about these people, and said not to get involved without talking to me first. I believed my mother was being honest. So, it was considered safe for me to go home.



When Friday, July 4th (1975) came around I was again out fund-raising, feeling and doing better than I ever had. I made $125.00 in about three hours' time. I was feeling great. At 4:30 I came back to the center and packed up my things. Everybody said goodbye to me and I was brought to the bus terminal by Christina, the girl who first introduced me to the church. She told me that she was very worried about me, and that everyone else was also. I reassured her of my parents' "good heart" and left to catch my bus, but I missed it by 30 seconds. I waited around until the 7:00 bus left Boston for Middleburry. That bus I caught, and later arrived at my front door around 1:30 in the morning. I quickly ran up the driveway and entered the front door. I was shocked to see everybody still up, waiting for me. I gave my mother a big hug and kiss and told them that they shouldn't have waited up for me. About then I noticed how worried and uneasy they all were. My father told me to sit down and that he wanted to talk with me. "Couldn't that wait until morning?" I asked. "I'm terribly tired."


"No, as a matter of fact, it can't," he said. So I sat down and started to explain what I had been doing for the last three months. But they could not understand me, or wouldn't understand. They kept interrupting me, saying that I didn't love them anymore, and that I was brainwashed. I couldn't believe what I was seeing and hearing. I kept trying to explain myself to them, that I was not brainwashed and that I truly did love and care for them, indeed more than I ever had. But they would not believe me. This went on for about 75 minutes, until they were so upset and miserable that I felt as if I had to do something drastic in order to prove myself to them. I told them what had happened to Ann Devine and they said they knew about it. Hearing that, I became suspicious of them and began to get worried. I told them about the deprogramming sessions, and I told them I would be glad to talk with one of these people if that was what they wanted, and if they felt it would help answer their questions and make them feel better. They said they would appreciate that, if I didn't mind. I told them that I expected to be treated fairly and that the only purpose of it would be to resolve that questions which they had. I warned them about how deprogrammers had handled Unification Church members before. But, they said they would make sure I was treated fairly.


(訳者註:アン・ディバイン=女性の名前、Google 等で調べてみたが、情報は見つからなかった。前後の関係から、ディプログラマーの改宗によって、何かひどい事が彼女に起こったように推測できる。)

At that moment my mother called to some people to come from a nearby room, who up to this time, I had been unaware of. Suddenly my old wrestling and football coach, two of my uncles, and a close friend from school came in through the door and stood around me. Needless to say, I felt stupid. I had been tricked. They had planned to abduct me all along. I kept asking questions about what their plans were, and they said everything would be fair and that if I wanted to return after it was over, I could. So, odds being what they were, I consented to go along with them, still believing that I would be given a fair chance to explain myself and help my parents out of this confusion.



2010-10-24 夜:第一段落終了
2010-10-25 夜:残りの訳終了
2010-10-26 朝:英文第三段落目"resolve that questions which they had" 「家族の持っている疑念を晴らすこと」に変更、(訂正前は、"家族の持っている質問を解決すること" ← これでは、あまりにも単語だけを訳したって感じ。)

posted by 管理人:Yoshi at 20:29| Comment(0) | TrackBack(0) | 拉致監禁例 アメリカ | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする


◆ACLC:ニューヨーク日本総領事へ手紙 (2010-10-12)

記事タイトル(原文):Letter to the The Honorable Shinichi Nishmiya
発表機関(英語):Stop Japan Abduction
日本語訳: Yoshi

3回続いて、同じトピックが続きますが、12日に行われたニューヨーク総領事館前での記者会見・抗議行動の後、総領事・大使宛の手紙が、総領事館に届けられました。しかし、総領事直接には、渡せなかったようです。(SBSの番組内で、韓国の婦人達が、何回も韓国総領事(or 大使)に面会に行っても、『いない』と言われる・・・とぼやいてましたが・・・)


American Clergy Leadership Conference
3224 16th Street, NW 􀂙
Washington, DC 20010 􀂙
Tel: (202) 319-3200 􀂙
Fax: (202) 483-4700

“Rebuild the Family, Restore the Community and Renew the Nation and the World”

October 12, 2010
The Honorable Shinichi Nishmiya
Ambassador and Consul General
Japanese Consulate in New York
299 Park Ave # 19
New York, NY 10171-0025

Dear Mr. Ambassador

The American Clergy Leadership Council represents 22,000 clergy men and women of various faiths in the US. We are deeply committed to interfaith mutual respect and tolerance. For example, on September 10 of this year we held a press conference in Washington DC denouncing the plan of a misguided Christian pastor to burn the Qur’an. We are glad to say that this public protest helped to put a stop to such an act of intolerance.


Mr. Ambassador, regrettably, today we need to draw your attention to another act of intolerance going on in your own country. Although Japan has a commendable record on human rights and religious freedom generally, a recent documentary aired by the Korean SBS broadcasting network has made it clear that Japanese police and prosecutors are failing to enforce your country’s constitutional guarantee (Article 20) of religious freedom, as well as its
criminal laws against false imprisonment and coercion. The documentary reported that a number of Japanese women who had married Korean husbands in the Unification Church were abducted by family members in Japan and confined for prolong periods in order to break their faith and end their marriages.


Moreover, there are reliable reports that large numbers of Unificationists have been kidnapped in Japan (4,300 by UC estimates) with a similar intent. We have met and interviewed several of the victims who now live in the US and are convinced that there is indeed cause for concern. We are informed that the director of Japan’s National Public Safety Commission stated in the
Diet this year that when police learn of a missing person who is suspected of being abducted to de-convert him from a religious group, the police are supposed to discover his or her whereabouts and learn from the person directly if he/she is being confined. A similar statement was made in 2002 by his predecessor. However, there is documented evidence that when police are actually contacted and informed of a missing person in such cases, they either
decline to investigate or take the word of the family that person is free, without hearing directly from the reported victim.


We have been meeting with the State Department’s International Office on Religious Freedom and members of congress to brief them on the issue. Many are deeply concerned that such an important friend and ally of America is allowing on ongoing injustice to continue. We are discussing with our Congressmen how we might address this issue.


A particularly egregious case is that of Mr. Toru Goto, who was held against his will for 12.5 years, starting at age 31. Subjected to an intensive attempt to break his faith, he was not even allowed to go outside to exercise and had lost half his body weight when he was finally released. However, criminal charges against the perpetrators of this crime where dropped for“lack of evidence” in December of last year.


Mr. Ambassador, these cases remind those of us who were involved in the Civil Rights Movement in the US of the situation in which the US Attorney General had a good policy, but local and state authorities turned a blind eye to the persecution of African-Americans in the South. However, in Japan, your justice system is more unified, and there is no excuse for not enforcing the law. All that is lacking is the will of national authorities to make it clear to local
police and prosecutors that the laws must be enforced.


Efforts have been underway for several years to bring this matter to the authorities’attention, but to no avail. Now, the international human rights community is beginning to speak out. Mr. Ambassador, we have no desire to bring shame to you great nation, which in most ways is a shining example of democracy and commitment to human rights. However, we need to be assured that steps are being taken to remedy the situation.


Toward that end, we propose a meeting as the earliest possible convenience between yourselves and us, together with several of the Japanese victims currently living in the US. We are certain that once your hear their stories as we have, you will agree that something must be done. We will hand deliver this letter today to underscore the seriousness of our request.


Very sincerely yours.  

Rev. Michael Jenkins マイケル・ジェンキンス牧師
Chairman 議長

Dr. Luonne Rouse ルオン・ロウズ博士
United Methodist メソジスト教会

Bishop Jesse Edwards ジェシー・エドワーズ司祭
Co – President    共同会長

今回のニューヨークでの抗議行動、記者会見を中心的に主催したのは、ACLC (American Clergy Leadership Conference アメリカ聖職者指導者会議)です。ACLCは、2000年5月に、統一教会の関連団体として、宗派を超え人種を越え、アメリカのキリスト教をまとめる目的で設立されました。本部は、ワシントンDCです。今回の抗議行動で語った二人の牧師は、統一教会ではない一般の教会牧師です。ACLCのウェブサイトによれば、最近の大きなイベントは、コーランを燃やそうとしたキリスト教会牧師を非難するワシントンDCでの抗議行動でした。
ACLC ウェブサイト http://www.aclc.info/

2010-10-20 夜:最後の3段落のみ終了
2010-10-21 夜:残りの訳 完了。それに伴い前文修正
2010-10-22 夜:追記の追加

posted by 管理人:Yoshi at 20:57| Comment(4) | TrackBack(0) | 抗議行動/デモ/会見 USA | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする


◆メソジスト教会ロウズ牧師 - 日本領事館前記者会見 (2010-10-12)

記事タイトル(原文):Clergy and Rights Activists Hold Press Briefing at Japanese Consulate
発表機関(英語):FFWPU HQ - New York, NY
発表機関(日本語):アメリカ統一教会本部 ニューヨーク州 ニューヨーク市 
日本語訳: Yoshi




Original Text and Translation start:
"The Japanese government is turning a blind eye to this persecution," said Dr. Luonne Rouse, a United Methodist Church Pastor. "It's time to stop the abductions and free the victims. We must protest religious freedom and human rights."


Dr. Rouse said at the briefing: “We as clergy have been working on the continued human rights and religious freedom abuses that are going on in Japan. We are shocked that a good friend and ally of America, that is a modern democratic society, would continue to allow the abduction and forced confinement of adult men and women against the fundamental principles of freedom of religion that Japan is supposed to uphold.”


“I’m reminded of the acts that were done in America when the higher law on the books forbade kidnapping, abduction and the destruction of life. And yet local authorities, who were driven by bigotry and hatred, allowed the lynching of black brothers and sisters to occur. Even though it was clearly against the law, local police, prosecutors and judges took no action,” Dr. Rouse continued.


“We are encouraged, however, that God is real and that when people of faith and conscience come together from all faiths, we will overcome. We shall overcome. We saw this with Dr. Martin Luther King. We saw this with the great reformers in history. We once again will see this in Japan. We’re calling upon the righteous people of Japan in government and in civil society to come forward and stop the forced and violent abduction of adults in Japan, and the release of the captives immediately. God is saying, once again,: ‘Let my people go!’ ” Dr. Rouse told the gathering.



Also speaking at the event was Bishop Jesse Edwards, a Pentecostal minister, who said: “As a Pentecostal pastor and the president of the American Clergy Leadership Conference, we come to send a message to the Japanese ambassador and consul general, and to the ambassador in Washington, as well as to the authorities in Japan. We are working closely with our Congressmen and Senators because we believe that a violation of religious freedom, whether it be in Japan or in any nation of the world, must be addressed. If it is not, it will spread.”


Bishop Edwards continued: “We as Christian clergy are very, very concerned about the persecution of people of faith. My fellow Pentecostals in America have been persecuted and even beaten and killed over their beliefs. And in relationship to this faith-breaking operation that’s continuing in Japan, we see that one of our own Pentecostal believers in the United States was abducted, taken through the faith-breaking process simply because some of his family didn’t believe in the Christian denomination that he chose with his own faith. Only through convictions of the criminals involved did the kidnapping and human rights violations stop and religious freedom secured. ”


Transation ends. 翻訳終了


- ロウズ牧師の最後の言葉、「神はもう一度言う、『我が民を解き放て』。」私の記憶が正しければ、神様が、その事を最初に言われたのは、旧約聖書の中、モーセ(出エジプト)の時代のはず。人種差別を乗り越えて来た黒人牧師は、不法な拉致監禁に対して、黙っていられないのでしょう。訳しながら鳥肌がたちました。牧師さんといえば、思い出しましたが、いろんな牧師さんがいらっしゃいますね。

- その記者会見後に、日本領事館に提出にした手紙があります。その内容は、後日、紹介します。その手紙(英語は)こちらです。

posted by 管理人:Yoshi at 20:26| Comment(1) | TrackBack(0) | 抗議行動/デモ/会見 USA | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする


◆Youtube:NY総領事館前 抗議デモ (2010-10-12)

発表機関(英語):Media Korea TV
日本語訳: Yoshi (英語での発言部分のみ)




3名の方の英語のスピーチがあります。そこだけ、英語と、そして、日本語訳、そして私の註(or コメント)を付けながら、進めたいと思います。よく、聞き取れない英語の箇所もあります。間違っていたら、ごめんなさい。文書を訳すのは、目で見れるからいいのですが、聞くのは、本当に難しいですね。


34秒目のあたりで、黒人の牧師さんが出てきます。メソジスト教会のLuonne Abram Rouse牧師です。

0:34 - 0:49
This is a religious freedom issue. And we stand strong. We have organized across this nation. We'll call on other nations, clergy everywhere...



1:17 - 1:42
(A lady with red jacket)
At that time, I tried to forget my painful memory. Now I have to stand up for religious freedom for my brothers and sisters in Japan. ......so much ..religous freedom... So I really want to ............. rightousness to let my people go. So I come to join this movement.

そのころは、痛々しい記憶を忘れようとしました。しかし、今、私は、日本の兄弟姉妹の宗教の自由のため、立ち上がりました。.....私の友を解放してあげたい.... そんな思いで、この運動に参加いたしました。


1:42 - 2:01
(A lady with white collar)
I remember fear, come up with the feeling with scare and still I'm OK. I'm worried. I have a family, but still I don't know ...exactly what my parents thinking about it....


posted by 管理人:Yoshi at 22:08| Comment(0) | 抗議行動/デモ/会見 USA | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする


ニューヨーク総領事館前で記者会見 (2012-10-12)

日本語訳: 韓国語→日本語は機械翻訳+アメリカの友人の手直し+Yoshi編集


Dr. Luonne Abram Rouse メソジスト教会牧師
Rev. Jesse Edwards フィラデルフィア ペンテスタル教会創始者兼牧師


KTB (K MEDIA) CH17.( Local Radio and TV Station)
KOREAN TIMES (韓国日報)( Daily News Paper)
KOREAN WORLD TIMES ( Weekly News Paper)
NEWSROH (Internet Wire Service)
KOREAN News Network (Local TV Broadcasting)

以下、http://www.krbusa.com/ 韓国語からの機械訳+手直しでの日本語訳
信仰と宗教の自由が保障された日本で、強制改宗のための人権抑圧と拉致監禁が行われています。一貫して沈黙する日本政府に抗議するデモがありました。 ファンギル記者が伝えます。
12日午前マンハッタン パークアベニューの日本総領事館の前で人権蹂躙行為に沈黙する日本政府に抗議する人権運動家らのデモが開かれました。

この席には被害当事者で米国在住のミチコ・プレスキーさんとミツコ・アントールさん、ルーク・ヒグチさんをはじめとして、アブラハム ロウズ牧師、エドワーズ牧師、マイケル・ジェンキンス牧師など多数の現職牧師と人権運動家らが参加しました。



被害者らも衝撃的な証言が続きました。 二回も拉致、監禁にあったミツコ・アントールさんは当時の状況を回想して(感情に)込み上げて涙声で話しました。 ルーク・ヒグチさんは「家族によって精神病院に入院させられた。」と語りました。被害者らは、記憶したくない過去の痛みもあり、そして、統一教徒と知られてしまう心配を犯して、「(日本)政府が積極的にこの問題を解決することを願う思いでこの場に立った。」と話しました。


KRBニュース ファンギル記者


posted by 管理人:Yoshi at 21:05| Comment(4) | 抗議行動/デモ/会見 USA | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする



記事タイトル(原文):THE INSTITUTE Condemns Kidnapping and Forced Religious Conversion in Japan
発表機関(英語):THE INSTITUTE on Religion and Public Policy
日本語訳: Yoshi


Oringinal texts and translation start here. 日本語訳はじまり。
Alexandria, VA, January 12, 2010 ― THE INSTITUTE on Religion and Public Policy calls upon the government of Japan to bring to a halt the long-term and persistent use of kidnapping and forced confinement of its citizens to deny and change their religious beliefs.

アレクサンドリア、バージニア州、2010年1月12日 – 宗教および公共政策研究所は、宗教信念を否定し改宗のため、長期にわたり継続されている拉致監禁、強制改宗をやめさせるよう、日本政府に要請した。

It has been reported that just in the Unification Church alone, more than 4,000 members have been victimized to date. Those who have managed to escape often did so at great personal risk.


The approximate 1,300 who returned to their religious communities reported horrific accounts of long-term incarceration, mental and physical abuse and psychological manipulation designed to force them to recant their faith. Currently at least four Unification Church members remain missing and are suspected to be held against their will.


One example of Japan’s religious persecution is the case of Mr. Toru Goto, who was confined for over 12 years against his will in Tokyo and finally gained his freedom in 2008. Mr. Goto was not allowed to leave the illegal private prison, even to exercise, and was deprived of food by his captors, necessitating a prolonged hospital stay when he was finally released.

日本の宗教迫害の一つの例として、Toru Goto氏の例があげられる。彼は、東京において、彼の意志に反し、12年間にわたり監禁され、2008年にようやく自由を得た。Goto氏は、監禁場所から一歩も出ることができず、運動することも許されず、監禁者たちにより食事制裁を受けた。解放されたが、長期の入院が必要だった。

The perpetrators of this crime are known to the police, and yet on December 9 prosecutors refused to hear the case against them. Their claim of “insufficient evidence” is a travesty of justice and allows those responsible to continue their activities with impunity. Such inaction by the government will almost certainly result in more such kidnappings.


These practices are clearly in violation of international human rights instruments guaranteeing the right to freedom of religion and belief and freedom of movement. Japan is bound to uphold these standards as a member of the international community. Moreover, false imprisonment is a crime in Japan under Article 220 of the Japanese Penal Code. These gross human rights violations threaten to stain Japan’s otherwise exemplary role in promoting and defending fundamental rights around the world.


THE INSTITUTE strongly urges the immediate and forceful intervention of Japan’s Government, Diet, prosecutors, police, human rights organizations, and religious leaders to put an end to kidnapping and forced religious conversion in Japan. A conscious lack of action on the part of the Government of Japan to end these kindnappings and forced conversions makes the government complicit in such acts.

Translation ends. 訳終了
posted by 管理人:Yoshi at 19:02| Comment(0) | 宗教/カルトに関する会議等 | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする