
◆イタリアでの宗教者会議 - 日本の人権侵害を調査するよう要請

記事タイトル:Scholars of Religion Urged to investigate Human-Rights Violations in Japan
タイトル日本語:宗教学者 - 日本の人権侵害を調査するよう要請される
日本語訳: by Yoshi

Speaking at the annual conference of the Center for Studies on New Religions (CESNUR) in Turin, Italy on September 10, Dan Fefferman, President of the International Coalition for Religious Freedom, urged religious scholars from Europe and North America to conduct independent investigations into the abductions and forced de-conversions of Unification Church members in Japan. Also speaking at the event was Mr. Toru Goto, the Unification Church member who escaped in 2008 from more than 12 years captivity in an attempt to break his Unificationist faith.

のToru Goto氏が、会議でスピーチを行った。


CESNUR is the world’s premier gathering of scholars dedicated to the study of new religions and religious minorities. Approximately 150 scholars attended the conference, held at Italy’s prestigious University of Turin.


Goto detailed his terrifying experience of kidnap and torture at the hands of religious deprogrammers in Japan. “It was almost exactly 15 years ago,” he explained, “when I was back at my parents' home in Tokyo. I was suddenly surrounded by a number of people and pushed into a van, which drove me to an apartment arranged for the confinement. At that time I was 31 years old.”


“I was forced to receive daily doses of abusive language against the church and its founder,” Mr. Goto related. Anytime I refuted them, they called me ‘Idiot! Stupid! Evil,’ and so on. My emotional pain was beyond description, and I felt like dying. I frequently attempted escape, even attempting to force my way out, but each time I was overpowered by physical violence.”


Fefferman reported to conference participants that 10 to 20 Unification Church members are currently victims of forced de-conversions each year in Japan. Two new victims were abducted against their will during the month of August, and another victim was reported missing on September 13. Several more church members remain missing from earlier this year.


In a question-and-answer period following the panel, Fefferman’s assertions were challenged by Mr. Takeshi Yamaguchi of a Japanese anti-UC group calling itself the “National Network of Lawyer’s Against Spirit Sales.” He denounced the UC’s attempt to draw attention to human- rights violations such as Mr. Goto’s 12-year ordeal, calling it “merely a campaign to thwart police investigations against the Unification Church.” Fefferman responded that he hopes Western scholars will conduct independent investigations to determine the truth or falsity of the claims. He added that Western attention is needed because Japanese scholars are “taking a professional risk if they defend the Unification Church.”

パネルディスカッションに続く質疑応答で、フェファーマン会長の主張に対し、「霊感商法に反対する全国弁護士ネットワーク」と呼ばれる日本の統一教会に反対するグループの Takeshi Yamaguchi氏が反論を行った。弁護士は、統一教会は、Goto氏の12年間に及ぶ苦難を利用し、人権侵害問題に注意をそらしていると非難した。「単なる警察の調査を統一教会からそらす」ためのものであると述べた。フェファーマン会長は、西洋の学者達が、自主的で独立した調査を行って、その主張の真偽を確かめて欲しいと応答した。さらに、日本の学者たちは、「統一教会を擁護することにより、学者としてのリスク」があるので、西洋の関心が必要であると加えた。

Peter Zoehrer of the European-based Forum for Religious Freedom (FOREF) told the session that a fact-finding group of European human-rights activists recently visited Japan and was shocked to discover that no Japanese human-rights organization were willing to take up this issue and that “none of the media have tracked this issue that has been going on for so many years.”


Toru Goto’s case is pivotal, Fefferman explained, because prosecutors have refused to indict the perpetrators, even though they are clearly known. “The police and the prosecution office did not arrest a single person,” Goto said, “nor did they even obtain warrants to search for evidence. And on December 9, last year, the Tokyo Public Prosecutor's Office decided, quite incredibly, not to indict the accused. I cannot accept such a conclusion!”

フェファーマン会長は、犯人が誰であるかわかっているのに、検察庁が彼らを起訴していない点で、Toru Goto氏のケースはきわめて重要であると説明した。 Goto氏は、「警察と検察庁は誰ひとりとして、逮捕していません。証拠捜索のための逮捕状も取得しなかったばかりか、昨年の12月9日には、まったく驚くことに、東京検察庁は、犯人を起訴しない決定を下しました。私は、この結論は、とうてい受け入れられるものではありません。」と語った。

While so-called “deprogramming” has been eliminated in the United States for nearly 20 years, there exists a well organized movement in Japan to kidnap Unification Church members and hold them against their will for months or even years at a time, Fefferman said. Japanese government officials turn a blind eye to these abuses and police refuse to investigate, viewing them as mere “family discussions.”


During the last 40 years, an estimated 4,300 members of the Unification Church have been subjected to similar criminal practices in Japan.


“Deprogramming is a kind of spiritual rape involving kidnapping, false imprisonment, and a fundamental abuse of the human right to religious freedom,” said Goto.


He appealed to the scholars at CESNUR to conduct objective research on the issue of religious kidnappings and to appeal to the Japanese government to crack down on the crimes.


Contributed by Dan Fefferman 寄稿 by Dan Fefferman 

posted by 管理人:Yoshi at 18:40| Comment(5) | 宗教/カルトに関する会議等 | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする


◇ウルグアイの日刊紙 - 日本の宗教の自由スキャンダル報じる

記事タイトル:Good Will Tour Nets News Coverage for Japan’s Religious Freedom Scandal
タイトル日本語:ウルグアイの日刊紙 - 日本の宗教の自由スキャンダル報じる
日本語訳: by Yoshi

The second-largest daily newspaper in Montevideo, Ultimas Noticias, has brought that nation’s attention to the scandal of kidnapping and forced-conversion taking place in Japan. The article appeared following the visit to Uruguay of Rev. In Jin Moon, president and CEO of the Unification Church USA during the last week of August at which time she briefed a top editor of Ultimas Noticias on the issue. A news feature appearing Sept. 2, 2010 was carried under the headline: “Complaint issued before UN about forced-faith conversions” The English translation of the article follows below:

ウルグアイのモンテビデオ市の2番目に大きい日刊紙Utlimas Noticias新聞は、日本で起きている誘拐と強制改宗のスキャンダルを報道し、(ウルグアイ)国民の関心を引いた。この記事は、アメリカ統一教会の会長兼CEOであるインジン・ムーン師が8月末にウルグアイを訪問した際、Ultimas Noticia新聞の編集長に状況説明をしたものだ。そのニュースは9月2日付けで掲載され、「強制改宗について国連に申し立て」というヘッドラインが付けられた。以下は、その記事の英語訳である。

Montevideo, September 2--The Universal Peace Federation (UPF) has filed a complaint before the United Nations Human Rights Council asking that the government of Japan take measures against the abduction, confinement and even torture of its citizens who are being forced to undergo religious conversion.

モンテビデオ発 9月2日 -- UPF(天宙平和連合)は、国連人権委員会に対し、日本政府はその国民への改宗を目的とした誘拐、監禁、拷問に対して、方策をとるよう申し立てを行った。

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights of 1948 states clearly in Article 18 that:“Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, alone or in community with others, and, in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance.


Thus, forced conversion is the act or attempt to change one’s faith, belief or religious affiliation coercively by subjecting someone to involuntary isolation and physical and psychological and social threats, social, financial deprivation or harm. Forced conversion is the antithesis of religious freedom.”


“Shockingly, this criminal and immoral act is happening today not only where one might expect it in Darfur (against Christians and African religionists), Communist China (against Falun Gong practitioners), or Egypt (against Coptic Christians), but also in the advanced democratic nation of Japan,” according to the ICRF.


Another aspect revealed is that: “Over the past 43 years, an estimated 4,300 followers of the Unification Church (UC) have been subjected to this or similar criminal practices. Scores of Jehovah’s Witnesses have also been victimized.”


Likewise, the situation that moves ICRF leaders worldwide to act urgently is that “more than 1,300 members of the UC have returned to their religious communities recounting tales of kidnapping, forced confinement, beatings, food deprivation, harassment, rape and other heinous and humiliating acts in an attempt to convince or force them to renounce their faith.”


Most serious is that, the “Japanese police have refused to investigate cases in which adult UC members have been kidnapped, on the grounds that it is a ‘family matter.’ Japanese prosecutors have declined to press charges for similar reasons. Japanese courts and authorities have failed to provide redress in numerous cases.”


Toru Goto is director of an association of Japanese victims working against abduction and forced conversion. His case is one of the most striking. He was arrested by his own family and detained in a room as a prison and subjected to daily pressure to renounce their faith with insults and aggressions, as he stated after his release.

Toru Goto氏は、拉致・監禁被害者の会の会長である。彼のケースはもっとも特筆すべきものである。彼は、家族によって拉致され、刑務所のような部屋に監禁され、棄教するよう、侮辱、攻撃を受け、毎日が苦痛だった・・と、釈放後述べている。

He was detained in a prison-like room and subjected to daily pressure to renounce his faith. At the end of his confinement, he was severely malnourished and had to be hospitalized for 50 days. Yet, even in this case, the Tokyo prosecutors declined to bring charges.


According to the ICRF there are many reported cases, and that besides the little legal support there is for victims, “it is shameful that members of the clergy from various churches in Japan have tolerated, with complicity in the kidnappings, and have often participated in attempts at forced conversion.”


Dan Fefferman is the president of International Coalition for Freedom Religion, which is “a non-profit, non-sectarian, educational organization dedicated to defending the religious freedom of all, regardless of creed, gender or ethnic origin.” ICRF “intends to be a leader promoting religious freedom for all people.”

だん・ダファーソン氏は、国際宗教の自由連合 (非営利団体、どのセクトにも属さず、信条、性別、民族に関わらず、すべての人のための宗教の自由を守ることに専念する教育団体) の会長である。ICRFは、全ての人々の宗教の自由を推進するリーダーを目指している。

It emphasizes: “We believe that every individual and religious entity, of whatever nation or belief, possesses the right to freedom of religious belief and expression as his or her conscience leads. This right, of course, must be balanced against the requirements of generally applicable criminal law.”


Currently at least five members of the Unification Church in Japan have disappeared. It is believed that they have been confined and detained against their will because of their faith.


Translation provided by Ray Mas, a staffer at the International Coalition for Religious Freedom.  翻訳はRay Mas、ICRFのスタッフによる。
posted by 管理人:Yoshi at 19:46| Comment(0) | メディア 世界 | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする


◆西欧同盟元事務局長 - 日本は宗教的配慮を示せ

タイトル日本語:西欧同盟元事務局長 - 日本は宗教的配慮を示せ
日本語訳: by Yoshi

At the recent European Leadership Conference and Fact Finding Tour to Japan, former Secretary General of the Western European Union Willem Frederik van Eekelen delivered a message encouraging the Japanese government to show respect for religious freedoms.


In his address to the Conference, Secretary van Eekelen complimented Japan’s human rights record but emphasized that the country fails to protect an individual’s right to freedom of religion. The Secretary was referencing the inhumane treatment of members of the Unification Church, who are subjected to forced conversions and domestic violence.


According to Secretary van Eekelen, the European and Japanese media do not report the human rights abuses in Japan of forced conversions because they do not oppose the practice.


According to the International Coalition for Religious Freedom, since 1966, more than 4,000 members of the Unification Church of Japan have been illegally confined in an attempt to make them leave the religion which they, as adults, freely chose to join. Victims who escaped captivity report the use of force, prison-like conditions, beatings, starvation and even rape by their captors.


To maintain their respectable record on human rights, Secretary van Eekeln says Japan “must show respect for tradition on the one hand but also the limits put on it by individual freedom, by the freedom of religion and the possibility to profess those religions freely in each country by each citizen.”


About ICRF

The International Coalition for Religious Freedom is a non-profit, non-sectarian, educational organization dedicated to defending the religious freedom of all, regardless of creed, gender or ethnic origin.

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記事タイトル:2009 Annual Report on International Religious Freedom
出典URL:http://www.state.gov/documents/organization/140693.pdf の764-766ページ
日本語訳: Yoshi



Original report, Translation start.

The Constitution provides for freedom of religion, and other laws and policies
contributed to the generally free practice of religion.


The Government generally respected religious freedom in practice. There was no
change in the status of respect for religious freedom by the Government during the reporting period.


There were some reports of societal abuse or discrimination based on religious
affiliation, belief, or practice.


The U.S. Government discusses religious freedom with the Government as part of
its overall policy to promote human rights.


Section I. Religious Demography 
セクション1 宗教人口

The country has an area of 145,884 square miles and a population of 127.6 million. Since the Government does not require religious groups to report their
membership, it is difficult to accurately determine the number of adherents of
different religious groups. The Agency for Cultural Affairs reported in 2006 that membership claims by religious groups totaled 209 million persons. This number,which is nearly twice the country's population, reflects many citizens' affiliation with multiple religions. For example, it is very common for Japanese to practice both Buddhist and Shinto rites.


According to the Agency's annual yearbook, 107 million persons identify
themselves as Shinto, 89 million as Buddhist, 3 million as Christian, and 10
million follow "other" religions, including Tenrikyo, Seichounoie, Sekai Kyusei
Kyo, and Perfect Liberty. There are an estimated 100,000 Muslims in Japan, of
whom an estimated 10 percent are Japanese citizens. The Israeli Embassy
estimates that there are approximately 2,000 Jews, most of them foreign-born.
Although anti-Semitic remarks and/or conspiracy theories sometime appear in the
media, there are no reports of harassment or violence against either individuals or the Jewish community.


As of December 2006, under the 1951 Religious Juridical Persons Law, the
Government recognized 154 schools of Buddhism. The six major schools of
Buddhism are Tendai, Shingon, Jodo, Zen (Soto and Rinzai sects), Nichiren, and
Narabukkyo. In addition, there are a number of Buddhist lay organizations,
including Soka Gakkai, which reported a membership of 8 million "households."
The two main schools of Shintoism are Jinjahoncho and Kyohashinto. Roman
Catholicism and Protestantism have modest followings.


Section II. Status of Government Respect for Religious Freedom
セクション2. 政府の宗教の自由への配慮

Legal/Policy Framework  法律・政策の枠組み

As noted, the Constitution provides for freedom of religion, and other laws and
policies contributed to the generally free practice of religion. The law at all levels protects this right in full against abuse, either by governmental or private actors.


As of December 2006, 182,468 out of 223,970 religious groups were certified by
the Government as religious organizations with corporate status, according to the Agency for Cultural Affairs. The Government does not require religious groups to register or apply for certification; however, certified religious organizations receive tax benefits. More than 81 percent of religious groups had been certified by 2006.


In the wake of the 1995 sarin gas attack on Tokyo's subway system by Aum
Shinrikyo, the Religious Juridical Persons Law was amended to provide the
Government with the authority to supervise certified religious groups. The
amended law requires certified religious organizations to disclose their assets to the Government and empowers the Government to investigate possible violations of regulations governing for-profit activities. Authorities have the right to suspend a religious organization's for-profit activities if they violate these regulations.


Restrictions on Religious Freedom 宗教の自由の制約

The Government generally respected religious freedom in practice.


There were no reports of religious prisoners or detainees in the country. A Jewish American who was detained in a Chiba Prefecture prison at the end of the
reporting period had trouble obtaining kosher meals. A local Jewish organization
offered to provide the meals to the prison, but prison officials claimed they could not accept food prepared by outside groups.


Forced Religious Conversion 強制改宗

There were no reports of forced religious conversion, including of minor U.S.
citizens who had been abducted or illegally removed from the United States, or
who had not been allowed to be returned to the United States.


Section III. Status of Societal Respect for Religious Freedom
セクション3. 宗教の自由に対する社会的配慮

There were some reports of societal abuse or discrimination based on religious
affiliation, belief, or practice.


The Unification Church reports that on February 10, 2008 an adult member of the Church who had been held against his will by his family members for over 12 years was released and went to Unification Church headquarters. The Unification Church alleges no one has yet been charged and an investigation has not been conducted as of the end of the reporting period.



In November 2008, a Roman Catholic service in Nagasaki beatifying 188
seventeenth-century Japanese martyrs was well attended by leaders of several
religious groups and received positive coverage in the mainstream press.


Section IV. U.S. Government Policy
セクション4. アメリカ政府の方針

The U.S. government discusses religious freedom with the Government as part of
its overall policy to promote human rights.

Original Report and translation end.
posted by 管理人:Yoshi at 14:36| Comment(0) | アメリカ政府レポート | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする


◆日本は犯罪人の共謀者 Japan in collusion with criminals

タイトル日本語:著名な人権活動家 - 日本政府は犯罪人の共謀者
日本語訳: by Yoshi
At the recent European Leadership Conference and Fact Finding Tour to Japan, international human rights expert Aaron Rhodes discussed human rights abuses taking place in Japan.


Mr. Rhodes, the former Executive Director for the International Helsinki Federation of Human Rights, said the forced conversions and abductions of members of the Unification Church in Japan are in direct violation of United Nations human rights agreements.


(訳者註:*the former Executive Directorは元事務局長と訳されているものもあります。*UN human rights agreements当初は国際連合人権宣言と訳しましたが、人権合意に変更しました。もちろん、この場合、1948年に採択された世界人権宣言も含めての、国連での人権に対する合意事項を指すものと思われます。世界人権宣言は、正確にはUniversal declaration of human rights)

“This is a nightmare,” Mr. Rhodes said of the Japanese government, “because public authorities are in collusion with criminals.”


Mr. Rhodes described the forced deprogramming of Unification Church members in Japan a violation of the most basic human rights, saying victims are coerced by physical force to change and present a confession.


Members of the audience were encouraged to contact the Asian Pacific Forum of National Human Rights Institutions (APF) to pressure the Japanese government and embarrass them for their inactivity on abductions and forced conversions.

日本政府が拉致・監禁、強制改宗に対し何も対応していない事に対し、日本政府に圧力をかけ、困惑させるために、Asian Pacific Forum of National Human Rights Institutions (APF) に連絡をとるよう、参加者を激励した。

In 2009, the University of Chicago awarded Mr. Rhodes the prestigious Public Service Award. He is regarded as one of the world’s leading human rights activists and is respected for his work on challenges in the Balkans, in Chechnya, and in Central Asia.


Mr. Rhodes rebuked Japan’s judicial system for not acting independently but with prejudice against religious minorities – a grave indictment against a liberal democracy with an otherwise good record on human rights.

ローズ氏は、日本の司法制度が独立的に機能してなく、宗教的マイノリティに対する偏見により動いていることを激しく非難した - a grave indictment against a liberal democracy with an otherwise good record on human rights.

(訳者註:最後の部分 – a grave indictment against a liberal democracy with an otherwise good record on human rights. とあるが、私の力不足で、意味がよく分かりません。もしかして、正確でない訳を載せては申し訳ないので、あきらめました。)




この記事の出典であるウェブサイト http://stopjapanabductions.org/ は、International Coalition for Religious Freedom によって運営されています。
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